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[批发和零售业] [2024-09-03]
行业景气度跟踪:7 月行业产批零表现符合预期。乘联会口径:7 月狭义乘用车产量实现 198.2 万辆(同比-5.7%,环比-7.1%),批发销量实现 196.5 万辆(同比-4.8%,环比-9.4%)。交强险口径:7 月行业交强险口径销量为 176.3 万辆,同环比分别+2.3%/+2.6%。中汽协口径:7 月乘用车总产销分别实现 228.6/226.2 万辆,同比分别-4.8%/-5.2%,环比分别8.8%/-11.4%。出口方面:7 月中汽协口径乘用车出口 39.9 万辆,同环比分别为+22.4%/-1.0%。展望 2024 年 8 月:我们预计 8 月行业产量为 220 万辆,同环比分别-1.7%/+11.0%;批发为 225 万辆,同环比分别 +0.6%/+14.5%。交强险零售预计 185 万辆,同环比分别-0.6%/+5.0%。新能源批发预计 110 万辆,同环比分别+37.8%/+17.9%,新能源零售预计为 95 万辆,同环比分别+39.6%/+7.6%。
[汽车制造业] [2024-09-03]
[汽车制造业] [2024-09-02]
算法端,小鹏已量产国内首个端到端大模型,其模型采用分段式结构,分为神经 网络 XNet、规控大模型 XPlanner 以及大语言模型 XBrain 三部分。数据闭环方面,小鹏的全栈数据闭环能够实现对数据的清晰处理以及高效的挖掘和解读,测 试阶段实车测试与仿真测试并重,加快迭代节奏。云端算力方面,小鹏云端算力 储备已达到 2.51EFlops。投入端,小鹏每年将投入 35 亿元用于智驾,其中 7 亿 元用于算力训练。端到端架构下,小鹏 2024 年 7 月实现无限 XNGP 的全量推送,同时实现第一阶段的“全国都好用”,在 2024Q4 计划实现能够“门到门”的第 二阶段“全国都好用”,最终在 2025 年实现用户“爱用”的升级。小鹏较早实现 由提升覆盖度到优化体验的转变,XNGP 功能赢得用户的认可,面向用户体验的 XNGP 有望渗透率进一步提高,或将加速销量拐点到来。
[汽车制造业] [2024-09-02]
五大解决方案三种业务模式赋能车企。华为智能汽车解决方案 BU(简称“车 BU”) 以智能驾驶为核心,包括乾崑智驾、鸿蒙座舱、乾崑车控、乾崑车载光及乾崑车云五大解决方案。据合作深度的不同,华为车 BU 业务分 HI 模式、智选模式以及零部件模式。HI 模式为基础,车企根据需要灵活搭载解决方案,在此基础上不断拓 展业务边界,逐步形成智选模式和零部件模式。其中,智选模式下华为深度参与,根据车型定位搭载更多车 BU 解决方案;零部件模式下提供标准化零部件。
[建筑业,房地产业] [2024-09-02]
日本房地产下行周期,存量房再装修需求带动社会总装修量上行,但消费降级背景下,家居各品类价格承压。从日本房屋特点看:日本装修市场存量房再装修比例持 续提升,从 1993 年 56%升至 2018 年 75%;平均装修房龄为 20-25 年,房地产市场下行周期中(1993-2008 年)存量房/新房装修需求 CAGR 为+2.2%/-2%,装修总需求增长;消费降级+价格战,家居产品价格下行。下行周期中居民消费力降低,且部分行业中企业发起价格战,1993-2003 年间泛家居品类价格下行约 15%。
[电气机械和器材制造业] [2024-09-02]
空调出货端:7 月空调行业产销量总量同比下降。根据产业在线披露,2024 年 7 月空调行业实现产量 1611.60 万台,同比下降 2.05%;销量 1618.10 万台,同比下降 2.58%,其中内销 925.60 万台,同比下降 21.26%,出口 692.50 万台,同比上升 42.65%。7 月内销销量同比下降。产量方面,2024 年 7 月空调产量同比下降;内销方面,空调单月内销量同比延续下滑趋势;外销方面,空调单月外销量同比双位数上升。
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2024-08-31]
The growth of the studied market is being significantly fueled by the ongoing and upcoming smart city projects in several nations, the increased focus of governments worldwide on energy consumption, the rising demand for LED lights and luminaires for outdoor applications, and the expanding acceptance of standard protocols for lighting control systems. Commercial lights can be customized to fit any facility and its operations based on use.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2024-08-31]
Drones are pilotless aircraft or flying robots, which are also referred to as UAVs. Drones fly autonomously or are controlled by an onboard computer. They can also be operated using a remote control from the ground. Commercial drones are those that are used in commercial sectors such as infrastructure, agriculture, energy, and public safety. The report does not include drones or related services that serve the military/defense segment.
[仪器仪表制造业,电气机械和器材制造业] [2024-08-31]
The global commercial dishwasher market is influenced by various demand-driving factors from diverse sectors such as hospitality, food service, education, and institutional facilities. Bars, cafes, hotels, restaurants, educational institutions, wedding halls, prison facilities, and pilgrimage spots contribute significantly to the demand for commercial dishwashers, each with unique requirements and preferences.
[铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2024-08-31]
The arrangement of seats and related furnishings used to accommodate passengers on commercial flights is referred to as commercial aircraft seating. These seats are typically made to make the best use of the available space while ensuring the comfort and safety of the passengers. They might have amenities like seat belts, reclining backs, and adjustable headrests.