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  • 1.全球巴西坚果市场报告(2025-2029年)

    [农副食品加工业,食品制造业] [2025-03-20]

    Brazil nuts are a type of nuts native to the Amazon rainforest that spans across Brazil, Bolivia, and Peru. Being energy-dense and highly nutritious, these nuts are one of the most concentrated dietary sources of selenium, an essential trace mineral.

  • 2.全球乳制品市场报告(2025-2029年)

    [农副食品加工业,农、林、牧、渔业] [2025-03-14]

    Dairy foods, also known as milk products or lacticinia, are food products made or derived from the milk of mammals such as cows, goats, ewes, or water buffalo. Common dairy products include milk, cheese, butter, and yogurt.

  • 3.宠物消费市场趋势报告

    [农副食品加工业,农、林、牧、渔业] [2025-03-07]

    近几年,我国宠物经济连年保持正增长趋势,2023年市 场规模接近6000亿元。从主粮、零食、保健品这些核心品类来看,线上平台仍是消费者购买的核心渠道。从当下我国养宠结构来看,犬、猫是大众最青睐,也是体量规模最大的宠物类型。其中,猫宠物的数量连年增长,20年猫宠物占比已超过犬,成为需求及数量规模最大的宠物。从犬猫消费市场来看,市场规模稳步增长,猫消费市场也将逐步超越犬消费市场规模。当下猫宠物集中于青少年、成年阶段,而犬宠物趋向于成年、 中年及老年阶段,也预示着产品需求的差异化。


  • 4.蛋制品肉制品赛道趋势洞察

    [农副食品加工业] [2025-03-07]


  • 5.全球烹饪烤架市场报告(2025-2029年)

    [仪器仪表制造业,食品制造业,农副食品加工业] [2025-03-03]

    A cooking grill is a piece of equipment designed for cooking food using direct heat. The cooking surface typically consists of an open rack or grate with a heat source located underneath. The high heat from the cooking grill sears the food, creating a distinctive flavor and grill marks.

  • 6.宠物食品行业:宠物食品,萌宠激增,国产崛起-2025年春季策略报告-国泰君安

    [农副食品加工业] [2025-03-01]


  • 7.全球湿宠物食品市场报告(2024-2028年)

    [农副食品加工业,食品制造业] [2025-02-27]

    Wet pet food refers to a type of pet food that has a high moisture content and is typically sold in cans or pouches. It is formulated to provide a complete and balanced diet for dogs and cats and may come in various flavors and formulations to meet different dietary needs and preferences. The global wet pet food market includes both commercial products sold by pet food manufacturers as well as homemade or artisanal options prepared by pet owners. It is an important segment within the overall pet food industry, which also includes dry pet food, treats, and other pet food products.

  • 8.全球超加工食品市场报告(2024-2028年)

    [食品制造业,农副食品加工业] [2025-02-27]

    Ultra processed food refers to a category of food products that undergo extensive processing and contain a high proportion of industrialized ingredients. Ultra processed food often contains additives, preservatives, sweeteners, colorings, flavorings, emulsifiers, and other substances that are not commonly used in traditional home cooking.

  • 9.全球 Twinkies 市场报告(2024-2028年)

    [农副食品加工业,食品制造业] [2025-02-27]

    Twinkies are a popular snack cake known for its soft sponge cake filled with a sweet cream filling. It is a type of confectionery and has been an iconic American treat since its creation.

  • 10.全球健康零食市场报告(2025-2029年)

    [食品制造业,农副食品加工业] [2025-02-25]

    Healthy snacks offer nutritional benefits and are considered beneficial for general health. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins are frequently found in healthy snacks. The global healthy snack market includes energy bars, fruit and vegetable snacks, trail mixes, and nut butter. These snacks have calories, fiber, and protein and do not contain chemical preservatives and additives.

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