[医药制造业] [2025-03-22]
Bispecific antibodies for cancer are artificial proteins that simultaneously target two or more tumor antigens on the same or separate cells to interrupt cancer progression. They can simultaneously block two different pathways that employ unique pathogenesis.
[医药制造业] [2025-03-22]
Biosimilars are highly similar versions of biological drugs derived from living microorganisms found in plant or animal cells. They are nearly identical in structure and function to an original biological drug.
[医药制造业] [2025-03-22]
Biopharmaceutical analytical testing services include analytical laboratory testing that is focused on the selection of package and delivery systems to advance early-stage drug products through the development process.
[医药制造业] [2025-03-22]
Various CNS stimulants, such as lisdexamfetamine, methamphetamine, amphetamine, and armodafinil, are used to treat CNS disorders and their symptoms. These stimulants act by increasing the dopamine level in the brain, which increases blood pressure and heart rate.
[医药制造业] [2025-03-22]
Chronic disease management refers to the use of tools and software to manage the symptoms of long-term illnesses and improve monitoring chronic conditions, ensuring the well-being and safety of individuals.
[医药制造业] [2025-03-20]
[医药制造业] [2025-03-20]
[医药制造业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2025-03-20]
脑机接口在医疗领域具有发展潜力:脑机接口(Brain-Computer Interface, BCI)技术是一种通过解读大脑信号来控制外部设备的技术,可以直接从大脑获取信息并将其转换为可操作的指令。在医疗保健领域,BCI 可以显著改善患有严重运动障碍或其他神经系统疾病患者的生活质量,具有极大的发展潜力。
[医药制造业] [2025-03-20]
[医药制造业] [2025-03-20]
1、核心观点—中药板块行情将启 p 我们预计中药板块将于2025Q2迎来业绩拐点,板块行情或提前于业绩拐点显现而启动。2、核心指标跟踪 p 流感数据趋于平稳,收入增速环比改善 p 中药材价格指数回落,毛利率压力有望缓解 p 基金持仓偏轻,已回落至防疫政策优化前水平 p 板块估值低于2021年以来平均值和中位数 3、投资逻辑—看好品种品牌力强的院外央国企 p 股权激励为业绩稳增长保驾护航 p 高分红提供持续稳定的股东回报