[农副食品加工业,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业,食品制造业] [2024-11-17]
创新驱动走出经济困境,推动日本文旅发展。上世纪 90 年代日本地产 泡沫破裂导致了投资和消费双重下降,对日本经济带来了深远的负面影响, 使得日本经济陷入长达十年的停滞期,中产阶级经济状况的急剧恶化导致 日本社会消费水平大幅下降。面对经济困境,日本积极推动技术创新和产 业升级来重振经济,并大力发展文化产业刺激旅游经济发展。得益于日元 贬值和旅游推广,吸引了大量国际游客,同时本土文娱 IP 的兴起吸引大量 国内消费者,有效缓解了经济危机对日本旅游业带来的冲击。 酒店业多样化发展度过危机,旅游市场回暖引领酒店业发展。消费水 平降低使消费者更注重性价比,酒店业采取市场细分和多样化策略,高性 价比的有限服务型酒店的兴起给行业带来新增长。全球旅游市场的发展和 日元贬值使得国际入境日本旅游需求激增,结合政府振兴政策,推动了酒 店业蓬勃发展。随着通货膨胀带来的房价上涨,强劲游客需求下日本酒店 业投资环境理想,2023 年海外投资者在日本酒店领域的交易费总额约达 20 亿美元,海外投资者对日本酒店的支出创下近十年来最快增速。 市场精细划分,注重用户体验是日本酒店业成功秘诀
[酒、饮料和精制茶制造业,食品制造业] [2024-11-16]
白酒板块报表压力加速释放,行业营收放缓,利润增速略慢于收入。从报表质量来看, 多数酒企回款慢于收入,同时产品结构升级放缓,白酒板块盈利基本持平。啤酒来看,需求偏 弱下龙头量价均略承压,产品结构表现偏弱,但青啤中高端产品销量韧性较强。成本红利延 续,酒企积极提质增效,整体费用率稳健,盈利能力提升略有放缓。
[食品制造业] [2024-11-08]
经济下行期的口红效应一直有催生全球品牌的潜质,中式零食大有可为。零食行业变化来源于渠道,但竞争优势最终积累于品类。我们结合对消费环境变化、产业技术突破、产业链利润结构以及公司品类发展的定性与定量分析,深度研究魔芋和鹌鹑蛋 2 大零食新品类的历史背景与发展空间。从产业视角切入,回顾历史展望未来,看好品类快速发展的中式辣卤零食龙头投资价值。
[农副食品加工业,食品制造业] [2024-10-29]
Pectin is a polysaccharide starch and an amorphous, white, colloidal carbohydrate of high molecular weight found in the cell walls of vegetables and fruits. It is widely used for its thickening, gelling, and emulsifying properties for pharmaceutical, food & beverage, cosmetic, and other applications.
[食品制造业,医药制造业] [2024-10-28]
Nutraceuticals are food products designed to prevent the occurrence of diseases, alleviate illnesses, promote weight loss, and aid in weight and health management of individuals to achieve a state of wellness. It helps destabilize proper digestion and absorb minerals and vitamins to prevent their deficiency, detoxifies cells, inhibits harmful biochemical reactions, facilitates the growth of beneficial microbiota, and excretes waste.
[食品制造业,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2024-10-28]
Nitro-infused beverages are drinks that have been infused with nitrogen gas. The infusion of nitrogen gas into beverages gives them (beverages) a creamy, smooth texture and a rich, velvety mouthfeel. Nitrogen is less soluble in liquid than carbon dioxide, so the bubbles created are smaller and more stable, contributing to the unique texture. Nitro infusion is a commonly used technique in coffee, beer, and tea. They are often served on tap, similar to draft beer, to maintain the effect of nitrogen infusion and are known for their distinctive, frothy consistency.
[食品制造业,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业,农副食品加工业] [2024-09-30]
Filtration systems are used in the food and beverage industry for clarifying products, removing spoilage microorganisms, and stabilizing products and other applications, which in turn, ensure the quality of edible products.
[食品制造业,农副食品加工业] [2024-09-29]
Food prep tables, also known as prep stations or worktables, are indispensable fixtures in commercial kitchens across sectors, including restaurants, hotels, and other industries. These tables provide dedicated workspaces for chefs and kitchen staff to prepare, assemble, and store ingredients efficiently, contributing to the smooth operation of food service establishments. Available in various types and configurations, food prep tables are designed to meet different specific culinary needs and kitchen setup establishments.
[酒、饮料和精制茶制造业,食品制造业] [2024-09-03]
啤酒属于大众品,天然具备规模天花板,多元化发展能够为企业打破 天花板实现企业规模的持续增长。由于啤酒属于大众品,受制于人口总量、结构以及经济发展等要素,经过一段时间的发展,销量通常会面临“增量 转存量”的局面,此时厂商通常会推动高端化战略寻求产品结构升级下的二次增长机会,但由于规模不断加大,增速不可避免将放缓。部分企业为了实现总体业绩的持续增长,通常会推动多元化发展战略寻求第二曲线,本次我们主要对日本两大啤酒企业的创新和多元化发展战略进行了研究,我们发现两大日本啤酒企业的多元化业务都始于原有啤酒业务的遇到天花板前做的布局准备和铺垫。
[酒、饮料和精制茶制造业,食品制造业] [2024-08-31]
Coffee creamer is a cream substitute for milk or milk powder, which is used in coffee or tea extracts, chocolate beverages, and other food preparations. Coffee creamers are vastly available, as per consumers' tastes and lactose tolerance abilities, in dairy and non-dairy versions. Dairy coffee creamers contain lactose, and non-dairy coffee creamers are lactose-free. In addition, they are low in calories, come in a variety of tastes, are plant-based, nutritious, and contain natural ingredients like almond and soy.