[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2017-08-26]
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2017-08-26]
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2017-08-22]
Thermal treatment air filtration is a method wherein heat is used to filter industrial air streams to prevent hazardous pollutants from being emitted into the atmosphere. In this technique, exhaust air is thermally heated to very high temperatures in an oxidizer chamber, which breaks down the chemical bonds of the pollutant compounds. The compounds then combine with the oxygen in the chamber to form carbon dioxide (CO₂) and water (H₂O). This method is suitable for removing hazardous air pollutants, VOCs, and other toxic chemicals from industrial air streams. With thermal treatment air filtration, end-users can achieve a purity level of up to 99.5%.
[医药制造业,水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2017-08-19]
国务院发布《关于印发水污染防治行动计划的通知》,要求 2017 年底前,制药(抗生素、维生素)行业实施绿色酶法生产技术改造,目前已经进入最后阶段。除此之外,2017 年4 月开始,环保部对京津冀及周边地区 28 个城市开展的大气污染防治强化督查,号称是“史上最大规模环保督查”。
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2017-08-19]
第四批环保督察将二近日全面启劢,已组建 8 个中央环保督察组,分别负责对吉林、浙江、山东、海南、四川、西藏、青海、新疆(含兵团)开展督察进驻巟作,将实现对全国各省(区、市)督察全面覆盖。环保督察加严态势明显,短期内通过关停等手段治污,长期监管趋严态势有望催生监测领域增量空间。
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2017-08-19]
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业,电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2017-08-19]
在 4.28-5.28 对天津东丽区及津南区的第三批中央环保督查之后,后续巡查发现当地“散乱污”企业整治取缔工作推进缓慢,环保部于 8 月 7 日约谈地方政府主要负责人,东丽区及津南区主管环保的两位副区长于近日被免职,并分别给予党内严重警告处分。环保督查处罚力度空前,预计将维持高压态势,关厂+达标的逻辑将持续得到验证。
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2017-08-19]
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业,文化、体育和娱乐业] [2017-08-18]
The global swimming pool market is likely to experience growth during the forecast period. This growth is attributed to the increasing construction of a large number of residential structures and hotels globally. The growth of the market will be primarily driven by urbanization. In 2016, more than half of the global population resided in urban areas, and this is likely to increase by 2021. The growing urbanization will result in the need for a better lifestyle and increase in infrastructure construction. The hectic lifestyles of people will result in a high preference for all amenities within the same infrastructure. This will likely drive the growth of the swimming pool market as swimming pools are becoming one of the most important lifestyle amenities.However, the high installation and maintenance costs of swimming pools remain a challenge in the market. Moreover, the cost of water is increasing because of the growing scarcity of water. This adds to the overall cost of swimming pools, which is a barrier to the revenue growth of the market.
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2017-08-13]
环保部 10 日通报,当日召开的部务会议确定了有力、有序、有效推进水污染防治工作的思想。环保部提出,要通过开展评估考核和专项督查确保各项工作任务落到实处。在抓重点方面,环保部将着力推进“条”、“块”和流域水生态保护和水污染防治。位于雄安新区的白洋淀与洱海、丹江口一起被环保部定义为“新三湖”。环保部在 10 日召开的常务会议上明确提出,要着力推进包括“新三湖”在内流域、湖泊的生态保护以及污染防治。同时,将针对黑臭水体治理等重点工作,谋划开展专项中央环境保护督察。