[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2017-09-02]
综合来看,政策催化以及 PPP 模式的推广,环卫市场化迚入加速阶段。我们看好在环卫整个产业链上有丰富积累的公司,建议兲注龙马环卫、启迪桑德。龙马环卫依靠环卫设备销售积累了大量政府客户资源,向环卫服务领域延伸优势明显。启迪桑德在垃圾焚烧领域其有领先地位,向上游延伸协同敁应更强。
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2017-09-02]
为力保今年“大气十条”考核目标的完成,环保部日前联合十部委与六省市印发《京津冀及周边地区 2017-2018 年秋冬季大气污染综合治理攻坚行动方案》,明确提出严控煤炭、停产限产等措施,可谓史上最严,加之第四批环保督察已进入地市级下沉督察阶段,环保手段对上游产业影响还将持续。
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2017-09-01]
上周轻工走势强于大市,整体反弹明显,国企改革相关标的走势较好。包装纸价格创新高,环保政策频出,14 日,环保部发布《火电、造纸排污许可证执法检查工作方案》,下半年将对造纸行业排污许可进行执法检查,另外8 月10 日,环保部公布了《进口可用作原料的固体废物环境保护控制标准》征求意见,要求进口废纸的固废含量要低于0.3%,将对废纸进口产生巨大影响,对供给形成持续压缩,后续走势继续看好,龙头盈利改善持续时间有超预期可能,继续看好造纸龙头。家具业看好占领品牌和品类高地、渠道下沉较早、管理团队更优的企业。本周重点推荐关注:太阳纸业、晨鸣纸业、顾家家居、索菲亚、欧派家居。
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2017-09-01]
近5 个交易日内,沪深300 指数微涨0.36%;水务指数下跌1.58%,环保工程及服务指数、环保设备指数分别上涨1.97%和4.91%,环保板块整体表现强于大盘。细分子行业方面,渤海节能环保行业子行业全部收涨,其中环境监测上涨4.32%,涨幅居首。个股方面,博世科、菲达环保、中再资环等个股涨幅居前,其中博世科以19.08%的涨幅位居首位;怡球资源、三维丝等则跌幅居前。估值方面,渤海节能环保板块市盈率(TTM,剔除负值)为37.91倍,与上周基本持平,相对沪深300 的估值溢价率则下降至174.91%。
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2017-08-29]
EIA 数据显示,本周美国原油库存大幅减少894.5万桶,为连续第七周下降;同时,美国原油产量大幅增长7.9万桶/天至950.2 万桶/天,国际油价继续震荡。截至8 月18 日,Brent 和WTI 期货分别收于52.86 和48.73 美元/桶,周环比1.56%和-0.12%。
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业,化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2017-08-28]
In this report, Technavio covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the municipal water and wastewater treatment chemicals market in Europe for 2017-2021.To calculate the market size, we considered the revenue generated through the sales of water and wastewater treatment chemicals for the applications such as municipal water treatment and municipal wastewater treatment by considering 2016 as the base year. The report also presents the vendor landscape and corresponding detailed profiles of the five prominent vendors operating in the market. Vendors are selected based on their product offerings and geographic presence.In addition, the report discusses the major drivers that are influencing the market growth and the challenges faced by the vendors and the market. It also examines the
emerging trends and their influence on the current and future market scenarios. The report also discusses the regional segmentation for each geography.The parent market for municipal water and wastewater treatment chemicals market in Europe is global municipal water and wastewater treatment chemicals market, which was valued at $20.89 billion in 2016. Numbers in the report have been rounded off in a
few instances for readability. Therefore, they may not add up precisely to the totals provided, and percentages may not precisely reflect the absolute figures.
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2017-08-28]
Water quality monitoring refers to long-term measurement and observation of the aquatic environment. It involves taking multiple samples and measurements for assessing the characteristics of water. The physical, chemical, and biological components of water determine if it is safe for consumption or use in a particular application.In this report, Technavio covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global water quality monitoring equipment market for 2017-2021.
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2017-08-28]
Water is a key element in the processing of ore that is extracted from the mines.Most mining facilities in the world are located in regions with low natural water body sources. These facilities face water-related issues at almost every stage of the mining process. Therefore, the emphasis is on refining and reusing available water,which results in greater opportunities for the global water and wastewater market in the mining industry.
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2017-08-27]
国家能源局公布全社会用电量数据,1-7 月全社会用电增速6.9%、增速较去年同期提高 3.3 个百分点,用电量 3.5 万亿千瓦时。7 月单月用电同比增 9.9%,发电量 6072 亿千瓦时创历史新高。主要原因是同期历史高温和宏观经济运行良好、第二产业中有色金属、黑色金属采矿业及其冶炼业、化工、建材等高耗能行业企业盈利好转,用电增速同比回升明显。
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2017-08-26]
本期,环保板块(中信)环保指数上涨 3.50%,同期沪深 300 上涨 2.12%,中信环保指数跑赢沪深 300 指数 1.38 个百分点。分板块来看,环保工程及服务(申万)上涨 3.96%,环保设备(申万)上涨 3.62%,水务(申万)上涨 4.97%。