[家具制造业] [2019-03-27]
The global furniture market witnessing a significant growth owing to stabilizing global economy and growing consumer confidence in developed as well as developing economies. The world GDP growth increased from 3.5% to 3.6% in 2018, while developed nations witnessed flat growth of 2% in 2017 and 2018. On the other hand, the emerging economies reported an uptick in GDP growth from 4.5% to 4.8% in 2018. People are now spending more on home furnishing products. The major factor for the increasing consumer confidence is the growing disposable income, higher standards of living, rapid urbanization, rise in dual-income households, and growing need for comfort and convenience.
[家具制造业] [2019-03-24]
受地产销量增速放缓以及行业竞争格局恶化,家居上市公司 2017-2018 年股价陆续回调。龙头公司欧派家居、索菲亚、尚品宅配、顾家家居均已陆续触及上市以来的历史估值低点。透过行业的变化看公司,我们依然认为其相对于中小公司具有一定核心竞争力,并看好中长期发展。
[家具制造业] [2019-03-24]
马来西亚、泰国对美出口增速提升;越南部分产品(如木材及木制品、纺织品等)2018年累计出口增速也同比提升 3.2pct 和 6.1pct。部分出口型企业为了保持成本优势和规避潜在贸易冲突,向东南亚等国家提前进行产能布局,目前家居企业有敏华控股、梦百合、顾家家居、喜临门等已开始进行全球化产能布局。
[电气机械和器材制造业,家具制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2019-03-23]
[家具制造业] [2019-03-23]
Furniture are objects used to support various human activities such as seating, eating, sleeping, and others. They are made from various material such as wood, plastic, and metals, and are also used to hold and position an object at certain required height either to store things or for aesthetic appeal. In addition, the recent trend of modular furniture in urban cities has provided the consumer with various options to decorate the residential apartment. The scope of the study is intended to discuss the upcoming and present market trends of furniture. In addition, this report details current market trends, drivers, restraints, and opportunities and determines the future growth potential of the global furniture market.
[家具制造业] [2019-03-22]
我国的木门行业源起于手工打制木门, 板材作为木门生产过程中的最主要原材料,我国的品牌木门企业持续改进自身的生产硬的消费者口碑,依靠自身在木门板材、软皮、油漆、五金等方面的供应链和生产优势提升产品质量。
[家具制造业] [2019-03-22]
[家具制造业,造纸和纸制品业] [2019-03-16]
今年政府工作报告中明确提出,深化增值税改革,将制造业等行业现行16%的税率降至13%,该政策将提振轻工龙头净利润。从我们测算结果来看(以2017 年财务数据为例),家居行业受益较为明显,议价能力强(毛利率高)&净利率低的龙头受益程度最大。
[造纸和纸制品业,家具制造业] [2019-03-16]
工业大麻不同于毒品大麻,其THC(四氢大麻酚)含量低于0.3%,毒性较低,并且在外形特征、种植条件、CBD(大麻二酚)含量等方面与毒品大麻有所区别。工业大麻全身是宝,下游用途广泛,CBD 是其主要价值所在,工业大麻籽、花叶、皮、杆、根等部位的提取物可用于药品、食品、化妆品、纺织等多个行业
[家具制造业,造纸和纸制品业] [2019-03-11]
2018 年11 月以来,地产龙头企业融资成本下降融资规模扩大,竣工增速修复有望持续,交付时点有望提前。此外,全装政策有望加码,《住宅项目规范(征求意见稿)》规定城镇新建住宅应全装修交付,相比过去2020年30%的目标有较大提升,全装修中的主要家具部品:卫浴、木门、橱柜、地板的工程单企业有望受益。全装修公司(惠达卫浴、大亚圣象、皮阿诺)前期涨幅落后大盘,绝对估值较低,受益于全装修推进加速。