[酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2022-03-07]
[食品制造业,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2022-03-01]
投资策略:白酒业绩驱动确定,食品战略性布局底部。估值回落后又到配置时 点,白酒Q4 蓄力开门红,业绩驱动仍确定,而食品板块四季度夯实底部,短 期虽难言改善,22 年前低后高逐步恢复。
[住宿和餐饮业,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业,批发和零售业] [2022-03-01]
[酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2022-02-27]
1 月阿里线上电商数据披露,我们重点对白酒、乳制品、调味品、保健食品、休闲食品及奶粉等子板块线上销售情况进行分析。从1 月线上销售情况来看,受春节错位影响,具有强送礼属性的白酒、乳制品子版块销售增长亮眼;奶粉、保健食品、休闲食品同比降幅有所收窄,调味品仍在调整中,龙头集度提升持续演绎。但需要指出,阿里数据仅代表部分品类线上销售情况,对于白酒等线下销售为主的板块代表性较差,且其它线上平台分流亦会对准确度产生影响,故阿里系线上数据仅供参考。
[酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2022-02-24]
我们看好苏皖区域白酒升级速度超预期的机会:1)需求:苏皖区域经济繁荣支撑消费能力,消费场景端大众与商务消费迎复苏与升级,浓厚的消费氛围和向上的消费观念奠定升级基础;2)供给:酒企的单品培育与渠道模式契合升级需求;3)研判:区域次高端周期已至,以苏酒徽酒为先,中性预测25 年江苏/安徽白酒市场525/395 亿,21-25 年CAGR7%/8%。
[酒、饮料和精制茶制造业,食品制造业] [2022-02-24]
21 年12 月社会商品零售总额同比小幅增长,社会餐饮零售总额同比小幅下降,可见21 年底终端需求仍较为疲软。但是随着疫情常态化,22 年返乡政策更为灵活,春运客流规模显著增长,1 月17 日至2 月7 日,共计发送旅客5.39 亿人次,较2021 年同期增长约42.8%,或支撑春节消费。
[食品制造业,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2022-02-24]
江苏白酒消费能力强劲,价格带持续升级。江苏经济发达,居民消费能力位居全国前列。经济发达且富有活力也使江苏吸引了大量外来务工人员,2020 年外来人口占据常住人口的7.08%。受益于经济快速发展,居民消费能力持续提升,江苏白酒市场规模从2017 年的405 亿元升至2019 年的432 亿元,高居全国第二,仅次于河南。另外,从价格带分布来看,高端和次高端价格带持续扩容,对应中低端酒份额被持续蚕食。
[农副食品加工业,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2022-02-24]
[酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2022-02-24]
[农副食品加工业,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2022-02-22]
Gin is a distilled alcoholic drink generally available with the range of 20–55% of alcohol-by-volume (ABV), based on the market preferences. For the purpose of analysis, the report segments the global gin market based on type, price point, distribution channel, and region. The report covers information about the various types of gin available in the market, which include London dry gin, old tom gin, plymouth gin, and others (navy strength gin & bols genever). Furthermore, it outlines the particulars about standard, premium, and luxury gins and along with detailed analysis of the consumer spending pattern. Furthermore, it provides details about the revenue generated from the sale of gin through diversified distribution channels such as on-trade (pubs, restaurants, bar, and others) and off-trade (online retailers, specialty stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, and others). Moreover, it analyzes the current market trends of gin across different regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA and suggests the future growth opportunities by analyzing the government regulations & policies, thereby increasing the consumer acceptance of gin.