[家具制造业] [2020-06-27]
[家具制造业] [2020-06-21]
软体家具产业化始于欧美,中国成软体家具主要生产国和消费国。全球软体 家具行业的工业化生产始于二十世纪初的欧洲。进入二十世纪 90 年代,软体 家具行业的制造能力随着全球加工制造技术的进步而大幅提升,市场需求亦不 断扩大。根据意大利米兰轻工业信息中心(CSIL)统计,2017 年全球软体家 具总产值约 737 亿美元。软体家具制造业属于劳动密集型产业,受发达国家劳 动力成本较高等因素的影响,全球软体家具产业正持续向拥有劳动力价格优势 和充足原材料资源的发展中国家转移。目前主要软体家具制造国为中国、美国、 波兰、印度、意大利、德国。2017 年中国软体家具产值约占全球的 46%,软 体家具消费量约占全球的 31%,已成为全球最大的软体家具生产国和消费国。
[家具制造业] [2020-06-19]
沙发行业概况:①增速渐稳,结构性机会为主。沙发行业由地产红利下的成长期过渡到消费驱动下的平稳期,20 年规模近700 亿元,短期受益于竣工回暖(20/21 增长10%),长期受益于消费升级的价升、存量置换的量增(更新最频的品类之一),以及品类的结构化升级,增速将高于地产。②格局较好,双龙头正在形成。沙发行业形成明确梯度,主体为区域小企,但顾家/敏华脱颖而出,各以8%+市占率稳居龙头(特别是中高端市场),未来提升集中度空间大(当前CR2 美国32%)。
[造纸和纸制品业,印刷和记录媒介复制业,家具制造业] [2020-06-19]
本周轻工板块上涨,家具板块回调。本周,上证综指上涨2.75%,轻工制造指数上涨2.15%,跑输上证综指0.6%,在申万28 个版块中排名第18。轻工制造板块细分行业涨跌幅由高到低分别为:包装印刷Ⅱ(+4.69%)、造纸Ⅱ(+4.22%)、家用轻工Ⅱ(-0.04%)。上周板块成交量上升1685.43 万手,周环比41.12%。个股方面,浙江永强(+24.74%)、吉宏股份(+24.43%)、*ST 赫美(+23.89%)涨幅靠前;志邦家居(-16.09%)、金牌厨柜(-13.6%)、皮阿诺(-9.65%)跌幅靠前。
[造纸和纸制品业,印刷和记录媒介复制业,家具制造业] [2020-06-19]
[木材加工和木、竹、藤、棕、草制品业,家具制造业,建筑业] [2020-06-18]
The demand for the raised access flooring stems from both new construction and from building undergoing renovation. To decide on the suitable raised access floor system, the specific application of the same is of utmost importance. The commercial buildings, workspaces, data centers, and others will have different requirements with respect to flooring height, load-bearing capacity, and traffic density. The highly industrialized countries of Europe and North Americas such as Germany, France, the UK, the US, and Canada will drive the need for raised access flooring as these industrialized nations seek to increase the productivity and efficiency of their work environment, and reduce costs
[家具制造业,建筑业] [2020-06-17]
The arrangement of definite and planned openings in a building such as windows, doors, louvers, vents, wall panels, skylights, storefronts, curtain walls, or slope- glazed systems, as per the building functionality, is known as fenestration. The fenestration arrangement in any building helps to develop a visual connection between the indoor and outdoor environment, improves the visual appeal of the building, and influences the image and purpose of the built environment or the constructed space. Fenestration is an integral part of building design and considers various aspects such as energy efficiency, aesthetics, and eco-friendly nature of development.
[建筑业,家具制造业,化学原料和化学制品制造业,造纸和纸制品业] [2020-06-17]
Wall coverings protect the wall surface from accidental marks or scratches, besides imparting an air of quality and grandeur to uncovered walls. They further help in interior décor while customizing it with the help of various colors and patterns. Also, these coverings are cost effective. The two common areas of applications of wall coverings include residential and commercial. Residential wall coverings are mainly used in homes and small businesses to add attractiveness to rooms and to express individual style. Many qualities of wallpaper, including color, texture, and design can drastically change the appearance of any room. Commercial wall coverings are used by interior designers, architects, and to enhance the interiors of offices, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, schools, stores, and many other public spaces. Several types of commercial wall-covering products implement high design, while protecting the walls from scuffs, etc.
[化学纤维制造业,家具制造业] [2020-06-17]
The existing stock for commercial buildings is responsible for over 24% of greenhouse gas emissions and account for over 41% of the total primary electricity use, with a share of around 57% getting dedicated to maintaining heat or cooling in the buildings. These numbers are increasing YoY, due to the rising aboriginal and migrated population and improving living standards. The region is likely to be confronted with an energy shortage in the future, and unfavorable climate changes are quite evident.
[家具制造业] [2020-06-06]
我国家具行业经历了手作、规模化成品生产、柔性化定制生产三大阶段。消费升级与城镇化驱动行业成长,2017 年家具制造业实现营收8787.88 亿元,产量8.07 亿件。家具行业处地产行业下游,景气度与地产销售波动存在6-30个月时滞。2016 年地产调控政策收紧,家具行业发展即进入低迷期;2019Q4起,竣工回暖有望带动2020 年内形成交房高峰,提振家具消费需求。