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  • 5121.土地信息系统模拟比较美国大陆的四个降水压力数据集

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-10]

    This paper and poster presented a description of the current real-time SPoRT-LIS run over the southeastern CONUS to provide high-resolution, land surface initialization grids for local numerical model forecasts at NWS forecast offices. The LIS hourly output also offers a supplemental dataset to aid in situational awareness for convective initiation forecasts, assessing flood potential, and monitoring drought at fine scales. It is a goal of SPoRT and several NWS forecast offices to expand the LIS to an entire CONUS domain, so that LIS output can be utilized by NWS Western Region offices, among others. To make this expansion cleanly so as to provide high-quality land surface output, SPoRT tested new precipitation datasets in LIS as an alternative forcing dataset to the current radar+gauge Stage IV product. Similar to the Stage IV product, the NMQ product showed comparable patterns of precipitation and soil moisture distribution, but suffered from radar gaps in the intermountain West, and incorrectly set values to zero instead of missing in the data-void regions of Mexico and Canada. The other dataset tested was the next-generation GOES-R QPE algorithm, which experienced a high bias in both coverage and intensity of accumulated precipitation relative to the control (NLDAS2), Stage IV, and NMQ simulations. The resulting root zone soil moisture was substantially higher in most areas.
  • 5122.IBM公司形象建设和合成工具:创建Windows映像在IBM纯应用系统的使用

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-10]

    This article describes how to use the IBM?Image Construction and Composition Tool tocapture an image of a Windows?virtual machine running on a VMware ESX hypervisorexternal to IBM PureApplication?System. Then, after capturing the base image, you will seehow you can use the tool to configure your Windows image for use in virtual system and virtualapplication patterns within PureApplication System.
  • 5123.磁逻辑

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-12-10]

    The exponential improvements in speed, energy efficiency, and cost that the computerindustry has relied on for growth during the last 50 years are in danger of ending within thedecade. These improvements all have relied on scaling the size of the silicon-based transistor that is at the heart of every modern CPU down to smaller and smaller length scales. However, as the size of the transistor reaches scales that are measured in the number of atoms that make it up, it is clear that this scaling cannot continue forever.
  • 5124.在IBM的纯应用系统虚拟应用程序模式可扩展性和弹性

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-10]

    IBM PureApplication System is an integrated system that combines hardware resources(compute nodes, storage, and networking) with software resources, using virtualization tomaximize the utilization of the system. Workloads (for example, transactional applications, webapplications, or data-centric applications) are supported via the use of patterns, which offerabstract views of the software components of a solution; for example, web applications, ordatabases. This article describes the various options that exist in IBM PureApplication Systemand IBM Workload Deployer for the creation of scalable middleware deployments using virtualapplication patterns.
  • 5125.在IBM的纯应用系统备份和恢复——备份什么以及如何备份

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-10]

    IBM PureApplication System does not currently allow a full backup of all the storage on thesystem. Instead, what it does is permit a back up of the system configuration of PureApplicationSystem that would enable a system to be reconstructed in the case of a total PSM failure.In addition, the system can optionally also back up the virtual system images. We currentlyrecommend that you allocate about 160 GB of storage to cover the system db files and userimages, although this figure could change over time as you create new custom images and obtainnew patterns. This system and image backup is currently implemented through SSH copies, and isdone incrementally, where only deltas are recorded after the first full system backup.Since PureApplication System does not allow a full backup of all storage, users of PureApplicationSystem have to be more selective about what other parts of the user storage (besides the systemconfiguration above) is backed up. Remember that PureApplication System essentially runssystem workloads that consist of instances of patterns that are composed of virtual images, plusthe deployable artifacts (application code, such as JARs, WARs, and EARs) that are deployedinto those pattern instances. Given the automation that is either built into the system or that werecommend be added onto the system, what we contend is that the pattern instances can beentirely recreated from the patterns and the deployment automation at any time. Thus, the onlyinformation that can't be easily reconstructed would be user-specific data, such as databasecontents or the contents of specific files that hold user data. Thus, those are the only parts of theremaining data that need to be backed up. So, what we recommend is that any database that is stored on PureApplication System havean IBM Tivoli?Storage Manager agent configured on it so that it can be backed up onto a TivoliStorage Manager infrastructure. This is something that is already preconfigured in the Databaseas a Service (DBAAS) images. For other IBM DB2?images (for example, the built-in DB2HADRimages) you have to write a simple script package to install and configure the Tivoli StorageManager agent to point to the location of your existing Tivoli Storage Manager servers.
  • 5126.安全信息自动取款机(SIATM)的正式完整框架与应用

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-10]

    Information Security is traditionally treated in three main categories: Con dentiality, Integrity, and Availability. While much work has been done on modelling Con dentiality and Availability, aspects involving comprehensive modelling and quality of data integrity in complex systems appear to be, on a relative scale, much less well understood and implemented. Further, most work on Integrity and resultant implementations seems to have focussed more on a matters related to source authentication and transmission assurance. However, the quality of data aspect is becoming more critical for attention, given the increasing levels of automation of information fusion and data transformation in a globalised Cyberspace. In this paper, we survey the existing integrity models and identify shortcomings of these with regard to a general integrity framework encompassing the quality of data aspect. We then propose and formally model a new framework, illustrating the approach with reference to use cases built around the Secure Information ATM (SIATM) - a highly accreditable security system currently under development.
  • 5127.多孔硅毛细凝聚为MEMS热管环

    [电气机械和器材制造业] [2013-12-10]

    The electronics industry desires compact high-heat-flux thermal management solu- tions for keeping device junction temperatures within the safe operating limit. Loop heat pipes (LHPs) are passive phase change-based thermal transport systems that can satisfy these demands, provided they can be miniaturized to fit inside compact devices and components. This can be achieved by fabricating LHPs on silicon and Pyrex wafers using MEMS microfabrication techniques. Although most of the LHP components can be easily implemented on planar substrates, the wicking structure is a major stumbling block in the successful implementation of these MEMS loop heat pipes.
  • 5128.分层增加的SPMD编程模型

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-10]

    Large-scale parallel machines are programmed mainly with the single program, multiple data (SPMD) model of parallelism. This model has advantages of scalability and simplicity, combining independent threads of execution with global collective communication and synchronization operations. However, the model does not fit well with divide-and-conquer parallelism or hierarchical machines that mix shared and distributed memory. In this paper, we define a hierarchical team mechanism that retains the performance and analysis advantages of SPMD parallelism while supporting hierarchical algorithms and machines.We demonstrate how to ensure alignment of collective operations on teams, eliminating a class of deadlocks. We present application case studies showing that the team mechanism is both elegant and powerful, enabling users to exploit the hardware features at different levels of a hierarchical machine and resulting in significant performance gains.
  • 5129.设计国有企业的生态系统,以支持丰富的用户体验——参与系统:云计算的新时代

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-10]

    Systems of engagement are taking on an increasingly important role in everyday life in bothconsumer and business contexts. Users seek a rich experience that gathers and analyzesinformation from multiple, disparate structured and unstructured sources to help them quicklymake and act upon informed decisions. A cloud operating environment is the platform thatsupports systems of engagement. This article presents an approach to designing a system ofengagements ecosystem.
  • 5130.准备IBM的纯应用系统,第4部分:使用高级中间件配置工具V1.1入职培训应用到云计算

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-10]

    Using IBM PureApplication System, you can create and deploy virtual servers in the cloud thatrepresent middleware topologies and application configurations. However, you still face thechallenge of moving existing applications onto the cloud and automating them.This article describes how to capture and automate the deployment of a middleware topologyand application by using Advanced Middleware Configuration. This process is known as"onboarding." Before you begin, read through the instructions and make sure you have thenecessary permissions for all the steps you need to complete.
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