[化学原料和化学制品制造业,汽车制造业,科学研究和技术服务业,水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2022-03-04]
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2015-09-01]
Water quality monitoring is critically important in efforts to both limit human exposure to toxic chemicals and to protect ecosystems. This study integrates artificial neural network (ANN) processing with MFC-based biosensing in the detection of three organic pollutants that have relevance to DoD operations: aldicarb, dimethyl-methylphosphonate (DMMP), and bisphenol-A (BPA). Overall, the use of the ANN proved to be more reliable than direct correlations with raw data in the prediction of both chemical concentration and type. The ANN made no errors in the identification and quantification of all chemicals in three concentration ranges. Additionally, chemical mixtures and chemicals dissolved in the standard feed medium were accurately identified by the ANN. Finally, the newly-tested metrics of 10-hour Subsidence Rate (10SR) and First Moment (FrM) proved to be useful in ANN development. This study is the first to incorporate ANN modeling with MFC-based biosensing for the detection and quantification of organic pollutants that are not readily biodegradable. It is also the first to evaluate the utility of 10-hr SR and FM as metrics. Furthermore, this work provides insight into MFC-based biosensing as it pertains to limits of detection and its applicability to scenarios where mixtures of pollutants and unique solvents are involved.
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2015-08-29]
We estimate regionally resolved methane (CH4) emissions for California by comparing CH4 mixing ratios measured at a network of measurement sites in the Central Valley with transport model predictions based on two independent emission maps: a 0.1 degree seasonally varying 'California-specific' emission map, calibrated to state-wide by CH4 emission totals, and the 0.1 degree global EDGAR42 CH4 emission map. Atmospheric particle trajectories and surface footprints (sensitivity of CH4 signals to surface emissions) are computed using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) and Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport (STILT) models. Uncertainties due to wind velocity and boundary layer mixing depth are evaluated using measurements from radar wind profilers. Bayesian region analyses of data from the tower network constrains annual average CH4 emissions from Californias Central Valley to between 31.43 + or = 2.07 and 28.27 + or = 2.00 Tg CO2eq (assuming a global warming potential of 21 Tg CO2eq/ Tg CH4) for the California-specific and EDGAR42 emission models respectively, showing consistency between the two independent models. Extrapolating results to annually averaged CH4 emissions across all of California totals 1.44 + or = 0.15 and 1.94 + or = 0.28 times larger than the current inventory estimate for State annual total CH4 emissions (32 Tg CO2eq) for the California-specific CH4 and EDGAR42 CH4 emission maps, respectively. When emissions from large urban areas are estimated based on a recent study in the larger Los Angeles metropolitan region to better constrain urban emissions, State total CH4 emissions are estimated to be 1.30 - 1.74 times larger than the current State total CH4 emissions. These results based on the multiple emission models suggest that the California total of CH4 emissions would account for approximately 8% - 13% of the States total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which is significantly higher than the CARB inventory (approximately 6% of total GHG emissions). Spatial resolution of emissions within the influence region reveal seasonality expected from several biogenic sources, including rice agriculture. We expect that additional tower measurements in urban regions (e.g., South Coast Air Basin) will provide the data necessary for a complete analysis of California's CH4 budget.
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2015-08-29]
The main thrust of this project was to devise a method by which the majority of North Slope of Alaska (NSA) meteorological and radiometric data, collected on a daily basis, could be used to evaluate and improve global climate model (GCM) simulations and their parameterizations, particularly for cloud microphysics. Although the standard ARM Program sensors for a less complete suite of instruments for cloud and aerosol studies than the instruments on an intensive field program such as the 2008 Indirect and Semi-Direct Aerosol Campaign (ISDAC), the advantage they offer lies in the long time base and large volume of data that covers a wide range of meteorological and climatological conditions. The challenge has been devising a method to interpret the NSA data in a practical way, so that a wide variety of meteorological conditions in all seasons can be examined with climate models. If successful, climate modelers would have a robust alternative to the usual case study approach (i.e., from intensive field programs only) for testing and evaluating their parameterizations performance.
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2015-08-29]
Results from 548,507 indoor radon tests from a database compiled by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Radiation Protection, Radon Division, are evaluated in this report in an effort to determine areas where concentrations of radon are highest. Indoor radon concentrations were aggregated according to geologic unit and hydrogeologic setting for spatial analysis. Indoor radon concentrations greater than or equal to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) action level of 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) were observed for 39 percent of the test results; the highest concentration was 1,866.4 pCi/L.
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2015-08-29]
Barriers to industrial energy-efficient technologies hinder their use. A number of EPA analyses and industrial experts have found that the utilization of input-based emissions standards (measured in parts-per-million or pounds/MMBtu) in the Clean Air Act creates a regulatory barrier to the installation and deployment of technologies that emit fewer criteria pollutants and use energy more efficiently. Changing emission management strategies to an output-based emissions standard (measured in tons of pollutant emitted) is a way to ameliorate some of these barriers. Combined heat and power (CHP) is one of the key technologies that would see increased industrial application if the emissions standards were modified. Many states have made this change since the EPA first approved it in 2000, although direction from the Federal government could speed implementation modifications.
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2015-08-29]
Measuring PM Emissions from Aircraft Auxiliary Power Units, Tires, and Brakes presents the results of a comprehensive test program designed to measure particulate matter (PM) emissions from auxiliary power units and from tires and brakes during the landing phase of operations of in-service commercial aircraft. The research results are designed to provide a significant contribution to the characterization of emissions from these sources with the goal of helping airports improve the accuracy of their PM emissions inventories.
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2015-08-29]
The HHE Program evaluated concerns about employees' exposures to pharmaceutical dust at an outpatient pharmacy. Investigators sampled the air for dust and measured particle levels. Samples were analyzed for lactose (a common inactive filler) and active pharmaceutical ingredients; both were found. The use of compressed air to clean automatic dispensing machine canisters released dust into the air. Investigators found that after this activity more than an hour passed before the small particles were no longer in the air. Most of these canisters contained uncoated pharmaceutical tables. On two days, one employee was exposed to lisinopril at levels near or above the manufacturer's exposure limit. HHE Program investigators recommended that the employer develop a list of dusty pharmaceuticals and gather exposure guidelines and toxicity data to determine how to handle these substances. A partially-enclosed local exhaust hood should be installed for cleaning and filling canisters with tablets, as well as other tasks that could release pharmaceutical dust into the air. Investigators recommended that the use of compressed air to clean canisters be discontinued and replaced with the use of a vacuum with a long narrow nozzle. Lactose was found on surfaces throughout the pharmacy. The highest contamination level was on a surface used in refilling canisters before it was cleaned. Higher amounts of lactose were found on work surfaces than on undisturbed areas such as elevated shelving. Investigators recommended that all work surfaces be cleaned with alcohol wipes before breaks and at the end of each workday. Investigators noted that employees did not wear protective clothing or safety glasses in the pharmacy, but some employees did wear nitrile gloves when handling pharmaceuticals. HHE Program investigators encouraged employees to (1) wear nitrile gloves when handling pharmaceuticals, (2) wash their hands before eating, drinking, or using tobacco products, and (3) follow procedures for using and maintaining the local exhaust hood.
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2015-08-29]
High-performance homes require that ventilation energy demands and indoor air quality (IAQ) be simultaneously optimized. Researchers have primarily addressed these two areas independently because of the assumption that their goals have to be mutually exclusive. This assumption is based on the fact that the typical mechanism to reduce the concentration of indoor air pollutants has been dilution through increased ventilation, which causes heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) units to consume more energy. High-performance homes aim to provide the essential energy end-uses (for example, water heating, refrigeration, space heating, and air conditioning) in an energy efficient manner. Given that IAQ is among these essential energy end-uses, we investigated means to optimize the concentration of indoor air pollutants and ventilation energy demands. To this end, we conducted tests in four houses located in Oak Ridge, TN, that were 11 to 20 months old, energy efficient (i.e., expected to consume 50% less energy than a house built per the 2006 International Residential Code), airtight (i.e., natural ventilation rate approximately 0.02 to 0.2 h -1 ), unoccupied, and unfurnished. Our evaluation consisted of identifying air pollutants of concern in these homes that could generally serve as indicators of IAQ, and conducting field experiments and computer simulations to determine the effectiveness and energy required by various techniques that lessened the concentration of these contaminants.
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2015-08-29]
Creating transportation infrastructure, which can clean up itself and contaminated air surrounding it, can be a groundbreaking approach in addressing environmental challenges of our time. This project has explored a possibility of depositing coatings on the existing materials to address a feasibility of this approach. More specifically, we have quantified the rates of removal of pollutants from the air by a new generation of coatings, which can be applied on any architectural elements and transportation infrastructure. We have also used indicators synthesized in our lab to demonstrate the self-cleaning properties of these now commercially available coatings. In addition, we have worked with the company pioneering this technology in the US and Europe to scope the new application of this technology. The survey of the existing and future commercial projects has indicated that this technology is already leading to very exciting applications in transportation sector, where concrete, asphalt, steel, glass and masonry surfaces will become green and sustainable interfaces mitigating the environmental and health impacts of transportation. The results obtained in this project have a significant relevance to the USDOT goals, such as development of livable communities by providing an access to environmentally sustainable travel options. Moreover, it has also relevance to another DOT goal focused on environmental sustainability, where self-cleaning properties of the coatings have a potential to improve both energy and water conservation.