摘 要:IBM PureApplication System does not currently allow a full backup of all the storage on thesystem. Instead, what it does is permit a back up of the system configuration of PureApplicationSystem that would enable a system to be reconstructed in the case of a total PSM failure.In addition, the system can optionally also back up the virtual system images. We currentlyrecommend that you allocate about 160 GB of storage to cover the system db files and userimages, although this figure could change over time as you create new custom images and obtainnew patterns. This system and image backup is currently implemented through SSH copies, and isdone incrementally, where only deltas are recorded after the first full system backup.Since PureApplication System does not allow a full backup of all storage, users of PureApplicationSystem have to be more selective about what other parts of the user storage (besides the systemconfiguration above) is backed up. Remember that PureApplication System essentially runssystem workloads that consist of instances of patterns that are composed of virtual images, plusthe deployable artifacts (application code, such as JARs, WARs, and EARs) that are deployedinto those pattern instances. Given the automation that is either built into the system or that werecommend be added onto the system, what we contend is that the pattern instances can beentirely recreated from the patterns and the deployment automation at any time. Thus, the onlyinformation that can't be easily reconstructed would be user-specific data, such as databasecontents or the contents of specific files that hold user data. Thus, those are the only parts of theremaining data that need to be backed up. So, what we recommend is that any database that is stored on PureApplication System havean IBM Tivoli?Storage Manager agent configured on it so that it can be backed up onto a TivoliStorage Manager infrastructure. This is something that is already preconfigured in the Databaseas a Service (DBAAS) images. For other IBM DB2?images (for example, the built-in DB2HADRimages) you have to write a simple script package to install and configure the Tivoli StorageManager agent to point to the location of your existing Tivoli Storage Manager servers.