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  • 1201.全球阿联酋自动体外除颤器市场

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业,医药制造业] [2024-07-26]

    The automated external defibrillators market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 4.5% from 2020 to 2030. Key factors driving the market growth are increasing prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and rising training and awareness programs on automated external defibrillators. Whereas performance issues related to automated external defibrillators is hindering the market growth.

  • 1202.全球阿联酋粘合剂和密封剂市场2030年

    [化学纤维制造业] [2024-07-26]

    Adhesive is a substance particularly used to bond two surfaces together. Adhesives have strong shear and tensile strength, making them viable bonding materials for high-pressure situations. There are two general types of adhesives i.e. structural and non-structural. Sealants are paste-like substances that block the flow of fluids through a surface, gap or joint by filling all the spaces between two separate substrates. Sealants usually consists of elastomer, which gives them a paste-like consistency. Examples of sealants can be acrylic systems, silicones, and urethane. Adhesives and sealants are applicable for bonding a wide range of materials, including plastics, metals, ceramics, and composites. Adhesives and sealants are highly preferred in packaging, construction, and automotive industry.

  • 1203.全球阿联酋飞机MRO市场报告2030年

    [铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2024-07-26]

    The maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) services are an essential and unavoidable aspect of every business. A proper MRO of an aircraft or its component can help businesses avoid significant risks to their survival. Thus, aviation industry players majorly focus on creating appropriate business processes and infrastructure to support industry growth. The rising demand for air travel worldwide is encouraging aircraft manufacturers such as Airbus and Boeing to increase their production volumes and offer maintenance services for these aircraft as well. With the constant growth in air traffic, carriers are more liable to maintain the optimum condition of the aircraft so as to extend their life span; otherwise, they would have to procure new aircraft. The cost of procurement of a new aircraft is much higher than the cost of the maintenance of the existing aircraft.

    关键词:维护;修理和大修 (MRO) 服务是;航空业;业务流程;基础设施;航空旅行;需求不断增长
  • 1204.全球阿联酋机载吊舱市场报告2030年

    [铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2024-07-26]

    The airborne pods are an external pod structure primarily fabricated to offer enhanced aerial recognition, identification, communication, targeting, data linking, and self-defensive potentials to an aircraft. High-end airborne pods with a wide range of advanced sensors and laser technologies can operate in extreme weather conditions, which is also one of the prime factors boosting the application of airborne pods in advanced fighter jets, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, and helicopters. The changing modern warfare scenario has forced governments of various countries across the globe to allocate substantial funds and financial aid toward respective defense and military forces. The growing defense expenditure budget indicates the government's emphasis and importance on modernizing the defense sector to meet the mounting need for security, which is one of the major market drivers.

  • 1205.全球阿联酋美容激光市场报告到2030年

    [医药制造业] [2024-07-26]

    The global aesthetic lasers market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 12.3% from 2022 to 2030. Key factors driving the market growth are growing adoption of non-invasive aesthetic procedures and increasing prevalence of skin disorders along with growing awareness about beauty devices. However, risks and complications associated with procedures and stringent safety regulations hinders the market growth.

  • 1206.叉车出海专题 国产叉车锂电化、短交期优势可持续, 看好出海份额提升与结构优化

    [专用设备制造业] [2024-07-25]

    锂电叉车相对铅酸叉车、内燃叉车具备明显的经济性与环保性:(1)相对铅酸叉车,锂电叉车具备快充、无记忆、放电温度区间宽、 维护维保成本低等优点,根据我们测算,铅酸叉车全生命周期设备+维保成本为锂电叉车的1.5倍。(2)相对内燃叉车,锂电叉车具 备低排放、低维保、低使用成本(电费<油费)等优点,根据我们测算,保证日工作小时≥8,锂电叉车的购买+使用成本不到两年 即可与内燃叉车打平。
  • 1207.人形机器人深度:产业化渐行渐近,未来前景广阔

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2024-07-25]


  • 1208.化工专题:出口欧美比例及影响几何?

    [化学原料和化学制品制造业,化学纤维制造业,橡胶和塑料制品业] [2024-07-25]

    近期逆全球化趋势强化,欧美或对中国再加关税。这可能导致企业间分化,化工龙头各显其能 成功出海,逆势崛起;尾部竞争力较弱的企业竞争加剧,产能出清。终局可能是龙头的份额扩 大,强者愈强,马太效应。我们看好各产业链龙头企业,如万华化学、龙佰集团、梅花生物、 阜丰集团、赛轮轮胎、森麒麟、玲珑轮胎、贵州轮胎、通用股份、金禾实业等。
  • 1209.互联网传媒行业:本地生活竞争复盘-互联网格局演变系列报告(一)-东吴证券

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2024-07-25]

    后疫情时代,当“格局”代替“成长”成为互联网平台的主要叙事,判断好长期逻辑和短期趋势对于相关互联网平台投资至关重要,为此, 我们推出《互联网格局演变系列报告》,本文作为首篇报告主要聚焦于本地生活竞争。本地生活的竞争,涉及到的细分行业、群体之广,巨头间的 博弈之深,使得对其竞争演绎的判断难度较大,本报告聚焦于美团与抖音竞争的“长期逻辑”与“短期趋势”,希望能就市场在竞争初期演绎的逻 辑与实际发展中的差异进行复盘,同时对美团反击策略的有效性和财务影响进行分析,从而为互联网平台在本地生活领域竞争提供更多启发。
  • 1210.探讨中概的高分红、高回购投资机会 民生海外易永坚团队 ——海外行业专题研究

    [金融业] [2024-07-25]

    根据我们的统计,2023年300余家美国中概上市公司中,共73家进行了现金分红或股票回 购,是2020年的2倍多;股东回报总额达236亿美元,约为2020年的4倍。2024年初至7月9日,中概股东回报总额已达168亿美元,达到去年全 年的72%,其中现金分红84亿美元,超过去年全年,股票回购85亿美元,达到去年全年的51%。自2021年以来,阿里巴巴的股东回报占据中概 分红和回购的半壁江山,且不断增加。剔除阿里巴巴,2024年初至7月9日,中概的股东回报总额已经达到97亿美元,接近去年全年的84%。
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