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  • 981.食品饮料行业:白酒重仓小幅回落,北上波动后再次加配

    [食品制造业,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2020-05-02]

    20Q1 白酒重仓比例回落,大众品重仓比例有所上升。20Q1 食品 饮料行业重仓比例位居 SW 一级行业第二,白酒在 SW 三级子行业中重仓比 例继续稳居首位,Q1 重仓比例小幅回落至 4.90%,环降 0.81pct,重仓比例降 幅位居第三。

  • 982.全球香槟市场报告(2019-2026年)

    [农副食品加工业,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2020-04-30]

    Champagne is a sparkling wine produced from specific types of grapes with specific vineyard practices and is produced in the Champagne region in France. For the purpose of analysis, the global champagne market is segmented into price point, distribution channel, and region. The report includes the details about the price points, such as economy, mid-range, and luxury. In addition, the report covers the study of the champagne market, focusing on various distribution channels, including supermarket/hypermarket, specialty stores, on trade, and others. The report covers the revenue generated from the sales of champagne offered in regions such as North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Belgium, and rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Australia, South Korea, and rest of Asia-Pacific), and LAMEA (Middle East, Latin America, and Africa).

  • 983.高端酒热销 五粮液去年净利增三成

    [酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2020-04-28]

  • 984.食品饮料行业:酒类受疫情冲击较大,食品稳健增长可期-2020年1季度业绩前瞻

    [酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2020-04-28]

    酒类受疫情冲击较大,食品稳健增长可期。白酒方面,1 季度需求受冲击较大,上市公司渠道腾挪空间较大,报表可能 没完全体现疫情影响。其它酒方面,渠道的腾挪空间小于白酒,1 季度业绩 可能明显下滑。食品方面,疫情对食品的影响较小,我们判断主流公司 1 季 度销售可持平或实现增长。

  • 985.食品饮料行业:湖北白酒市场疫情后逐步复苏

    [酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2020-04-28]

    1)从经销商的 五一订单数据上看,同比增长明显,需求 60-70%来自宴席、婚庆需求, 20-30%企业需求。同时基建带来的白酒需求有起色。2)中小酒厂这次 受疫情影响比较大,小企业现金流紧张,产品动销差,成本高,加速 退出市场。区域龙头率先复苏,以武汉市场为例,白云边复苏势头明 显强于稻花香和黄鹤楼。3)餐饮的影响主要是消费场景,目前武汉餐 饮 30%开业,外部区域餐饮开业率在 70%以上。

  • 986.食品饮料行业:2020Q1基金持仓比例略回落,关注消费复苏机会

    [酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2020-04-28]

    2020Q1 食品饮料基金重仓持股比例 6.9%,环比回落 0.9pct,已连续三个季度回落。 分子行业来看,白酒配置比例由 2019Q4 的 5.8%回落至 2020Q1 的 4.9%水平,多数 白酒公司的持有基金数增加。贵州茅台、五粮液等获基金增持、泸州老窖、古井贡 酒等被减持。非白酒配置比例回升 0.17pct,啤酒与乳制品被基金减持,考虑到食品饮料需求刚性,消 费复苏期间板块可能更获青睐,我们预计 2020Q2 基金持仓食品饮料比例可能回升。

  • 987.大消费行业:“五一酒类将迎后疫情时代消费高潮-大消费盘前早知道

    [酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2020-04-25]

    大消费板块整体表现强势,农林牧渔领涨。周三沪深300 指数低开高走,收盘时上涨0.82%。大消费板块整体表现强势,除纺织服装行业外,其他消费板块均跑赢沪深300 指数,其中农林牧渔涨幅达到4.08%,涨幅居首,其中种业股迎来涨停潮。食品饮料涨幅仅次于农林牧渔,贵州茅台盘中创历史新高。休闲服务、商业贸易、家用电器和医药生物涨幅均超过1%。

  • 988.全球苦艾酒市场报告(2019-2026年)

    [酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2020-04-25]

    Absinthe is a green or often colorless processed liquor with a very high alcoholic content, flavored with anise, wormwood, and some other aromatic, medicinal, and culinary herbs such as flowers and leaves of Artemisia absinthium. Its alcohol content is around 45 to 76% of total liquid alcohol. When Absinthe does not contain any added sugar in it, it is called spirit. Absinthe is bottled at a very high level of alcohol by volume, but at the time of consumption it is diluted with water. It is conventionally prepared from purification of neutral alcohol, spices, herbs, and water. While traditional absinthes are redistilled from white grape spirit, lesser absinthes were commonly made by alcohol processed from grain, potatoes, or beets. Different kind of herbs may be used in the preparation of absinthe such as angelica, petite wormwood hyssop, Melissa, coriander, star anise, peppermint, and veronica. In past times, when Absinthe was very little known, it had often been popularly portrayed as an addictive psychoactive drug, which causes hallucinogen. Although Absinthe was known as a drug causing hallucinogen, the twenty-first century has seen various types of absinthe, including a range of frozen preparations, which have become increasingly popular. Some of the popular types of absinthe are Blanche absinthe, Verte absinthe, Absenta, Hausgemacht, and Bohemian-style absinthe.

  • 989.全球发酵奶市场报告(2019-2026年)

    [酒、饮料和精制茶制造业,农、林、牧、渔业] [2020-04-22]

    Milk products that are prepared by lactic acid fermentation or combination of lactic acid and yeast fermentation are called fermented or cultured milk products. Fermented milk is the collective name for products such as yoghurt, kefir, ymer, filmjölk, cultured buttermilk, koumiss, and cultured cream. The microorganisms used in the production of kefir and koumiss also produce ethyl alcohol. Milk turns sour and coagulated under the influence of certain microorganisms. There are variety of types of cultured milk products that can be found around the globe including milk, yogurt, cheese, and other cultured dairy foods. To achieve high quality products, milk must have high bacteriological quality, which includes low content of bacteria and substances that may prevent the development of yoghurt culture. It is necessary for a dairy to obtain milk for yoghurt production from selected and approved producers and carefully analyze the same.

  • 990.首届中国酒都(宿迁)文化旅游节开幕

    [酒、饮料和精制茶制造业,文化、体育和娱乐业] [2020-04-20]

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