[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-05]
Checkpoint replication is a prevalent way of maintaining virtual machine availability in the presence of host failures. Since checkpoint replication can impose heavy load on network resources, checkpoint compression has been suggested to reduce network usage. This paper presents the first detailed evaluation and characterization of the effectiveness and overheads of checkpoint compression methods for various workloads frequently seen in high-availability systems. We propose a lightweight compression method that exploits similarities in checkpoints to eliminate redundant network traffic, and compare it with two well-known methods, gzip and delta compression. Our results show that gzip and delta compression reduce network traffic significantly for various workloads, but incur high CPU and memory overheads, respectively. The proposed similarity compression is most effective for VM clusters running homogeneous workloads, while using both CPU and memory efficiently. Based on our extensive evaluation, we suggest guidelines for selecting and using these compression methods.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-05]
We describe a novel approach to helping patients learn about their condition using social health forums. We infer a patient's condition based on her clinical data, and assign her to a clinical state pertaining to that condition. Our system presents the patient with forum posts that are most relevant to her current state. By adjusting a LikeMe dial, the patient can modify the results from those that are most popular with patients in the same condition to the most general that apply to patients that map to other states for the condition. The posts are ranked in order of importance to the patient condition and the dial settings and the Top-N results are shown to the patient. The initial rankings of posts for different states are obtained by weights assigned by a medical expert. The patients can also give feedback with a LIKE or a DISLIKE button on whether the post is useful to them. This is incorporated into our method to dynamically change the initial weights. As the system is used in practice the initial rankings are subsumed by the feedback provided by users of the system. Our approach is general but we give results in the context of a diabetes social health forum. The algorithms are given along with preliminary results and an illustration of the user interface. We view this effort as a component of a larger patient navigation and engagement system that can help patients gain a better understanding of their condition.
[计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-12-05]
We present our latest update on key components in the integrated Si photonic interconnect system,including hybrid Si microring lasers, Si microring modulators, hybrid Si photodetector and passive waveguide devices.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-05]
The logical layers of a big data solution help define and categorize the various componentsrequired for a big data solution that must address the functional and non-functionalrequirements for a given business case. This set of logical layers outlines the criticalcomponents of a big data solution from the point where data is acquired from various datasources to the analysis required to derive business insight to the processes, devices, andhumans who need the insight.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-05]
Starting with version 16, IBMSPSS provides a free plug-in that enables you to run R syntaxfrom within SPSS. The plug-in connects R to the active database. You can write results that areobtained from R into a new SPSS database for further manipulation in SPSS. This article is forthe reader who is familiar with R and SPSS but who has not yet tried to use them in tandem.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-04]
Cloud abuse is among the top threats experts expect to see in 2013; one avenue that abusecan take is when cybercriminals use social media vehicles to abuse cloud environments —such as SaaS-oriented user access through accepted BYOD channels or PaaS-orientedaccess via Twitter interchanges used by a development team to communicate cloudadministration updates. As this author has discussed before, many organizations employ areactive response when the breach occurs instead of taking more prudent proactive steps.Join the author as she provides a roadmap for abuse mitigation and illustrates what proactiveactions can be taken when abuse occurs.
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2013-12-04]
It is therefore extremely important to use biomarkers towards the prevention of events that are harmful both to man and ecosystems. Biomarkers and bioindica-tors could be used also as potential tools for environmental quality assessement during judicial proceedings. One biomarker alone might not be sufficient to monitor the environmental quality. In general, it is necessary to have a battery of biomarkers allowing the evaluation of the physiological integrity of all species present in a given ecosystem. Batteries of biomarkers should be capable to assess the toxic effects of the highest possible number of environmental contaminants [73]. Generally, biomarkers do not show one single dose-response relationship but a number of dose-response relationships that are the result of all possible interactions of all contaminants present in the ecosystem under study. So, battery of biomarkers allows to determine at what level of structural complexity a given response to a toxic compound in a given ecosystem occurs. In brief, the multiple response concept shows that through biomarkers it is possible to determine the "health level" of the population studied. The change in the homoeostasis present in an ecosystem trigger off a series of compensatory mechanism both at the biochemical and the physiological level. These mechanisms tend to restore the initial homoeostatic situation. The more toxic concentrations or time of exposure increase the more the responses turn out to be insufficient with subsequent occurrence of other responses at higher levels all the way up to significant phenomena, such as bacterial infections, parasitism, car-cinogenesis and finally the death of the organisms
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2013-12-04]
In this dissertation, the principle and value of data fusion are studied, and the existent typical touting protocol for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). A kind of wireless sensor network data fusion algorithm based on the routing protocol LEACH is proposed, which is combines LEACH agreement with the hierarchical structure of the adaptive weighting combination. The hierarchy structure of each cluster design for an adaptive weighted model, through the adaptive weighted method from the sensor node of raw data acquisition to extract characteristic data, then will feature the data sent to converge node. We show by simulation that the algorithm has good data fusion efficiency, especially suitable for periodic report types of wireless sensor network.
[计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2013-12-04]
A novel sensor buoy platform was developed for detailed environmental monitoring of coastal areas. Using many buoys in a mesh network on low power ZigBee basis allows dramatic reduction of the overall power consumption, enabling an autonomous operation on a single battery set over 3y. Each buoy acts as sensor node but also as router forwarding messages from neighbor buoys to a centralized server. Thus special attention had to be directed to network synchronization and the handling of processor sleep states. One -wire temperature sensors were used for temperate profiling. Moreover the platform is equipped with several analog and digital inputs allowing the connection of additional sensor and sensor systems. The fist buoy network was designed based on 2.5 GHz RF modules (Atmels ATmegal281 together with the AVR Z-Link AT86RF230). According the specifications of the manufacturer under perfect conditions the maximum transmission range is about 4km. A maximum buoy to buoy distance of approximately 400m could be achieved. Instead of 2.5 GHz technology the final version of the buoys was then equipped with 868 MHz transceivers. A buoy to buoy distance of 3km was possible.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-04]
Many enterprises are unprepared for cloud outages as a result of complete resourceexhaustion. In this article, the author starts with a cloud outage scenario, provides examples offailures resulting from resource exhaustion, discusses user expectations about risk mitigationefforts, and looks at the role of service level agreements (SLA) in mitigating risks.