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  • 381.全球室外地板市场报告(2017-2021年)

    [家具制造业,其他制造业] [2018-01-03]

    Outdoor flooring is an element that provides outdoor areas with attractive and durable floor covering. There are a number of flooring options that can provide an elegant design to the outdoor area. The different types of outdoor flooring are as follows: Outdoor floor tiles: A wide range of tile types are available that are formulated specifically for outdoor application. Many tiles feature grit pattern and texture to make the surface anti-slippery. The frost resistant and unglazed tiles are highly popular in this segment.

  • 382.汽车与零部件行业:后补贴时代,新能源客车加速向龙头集中-龙头系列报告之六

    [其他制造业,汽车制造业] [2017-12-30]

    17 年是新能源客车调整年,预计 18 年新能源客车在公交客车电动化进一步深化及新能源座位客车渗透率提升下,新能源客车销量有望同比增长 15%左右,在补贴持续退坡下,新能源客车市场份额将加速向龙头集中,弱势客车企业将逐步退出市场。看好新能源客车产业链,相关公司有望受益。建议关注新能源客车产业链标的:整车:金龙汽车、中通客车;电池:宁德时代、国轩高科、亿纬锂能等。

  • 383.汽车及汽车零部件行业:电驱动桥,电机电控集成化趋势下升起的新星

    [其他制造业,汽车制造业] [2017-12-30]


  • 384.全球RFID市场报告(2017-2021年)

    [仪器仪表制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,其他制造业] [2017-12-30]

    RFID technology uses the electromagnetic signature that accompanies the radio frequency in a specific spectrum to communicate information, which is mostly one way. This process is carried out by RFID microchip (RFID tag), RFID reader, and RFID middleware components.

  • 385.全球安全线束市场报告(2017-2021年)

    [仪器仪表制造业,其他制造业,专用设备制造业] [2017-12-30]

    The global safety harness market is witnessing growth across all geographical regions. The reason for the growth of the market is due to the increasing demand from endusers such as the wind energy industry. Safety harness is an important equipment that is deployed in various industries where workers and end-users are exposed to heights and prone to falls. Safety harnesses find applications across various end-user industries such as construction, oil and gas, manufacturing, and others. The global safety harness market is expected to be driven by the increasing vendor focus on the introduction of comfortable and user-friendly products.

    关键词:全球安全市场;呈现增长态势;最终用户需求;增加 ;风能行业;安全带;重要的设备
  • 386.全球智能镜市场报告(2017-2021年)

    [仪器仪表制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,其他制造业] [2017-12-30]

    The first mirrors used by humans was water, collected in primitive vessels or simply dark pools of still water. Until the manufacture of the modern mirror, humans used mirrors made from polished obsidian and stones and polished metals. Despite the changes in the manufacturing of mirrors, their functionality has not changed much. They are simple reflective surfaces that are used for grooming, decoration, and in interrogation rooms.

  • 387.全球玩具和游戏市场报告(2017-2021年)

    [其他制造业] [2017-12-29]

    The increasing consumer demand for branded toys and games, the growing willingness of parents to spend more on such products, and the rising per capita disposable income are some of the factors leading to an increase in the demand for toys and games globally.

  • 388.Vedanta的下属公司收购安瀚视特的债务和控股股权

    [其他制造业] [2017-12-28]

  • 389.光伏设备行业:【联讯电新行业深度】分布式光伏, 平价时代主推手

    [其他制造业] [2017-12-26]

    2017 上半年,我国光伏发电弃光率约为 7.14%,同比下降 4.5 个百分点,总 体好转。但是弃光重灾区的新疆(含兵团)、甘肃地区,但仍有高达 25%的 弃光率,西北五省的弃光限电现象依然严峻,并未有实质性好转。分布式光 伏电源处于用户侧,发电供给当地负荷,可以有效减少对电网供电的依赖, 实现就近消纳,同时还可以减少线路损耗,因此发展分布式有助于解决弃光 限电问题。从收益上看,分布式光伏发电收益模型有三种,其中“自发自用” 和“自发自用,余电上网”,收益要明显高于集中式光伏电站。较高的投资 回报率,是分布式发电成为下一个风口的重要依据

  • 390.全球固定工具插入市场报告(2017-2021年)

    [其他制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2017-12-21]

    The manufacturing industry has witnessed radical changes in processes that are used to manufacture products. Earlier, goods were produced with bare hands. Subsequently, with advances in technology, machines were used to produce goods. This shift in production techniques is termed as the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution has its roots in England, where it began in the 18th century and spread beyond national boundaries to neighboring countries such as Germany and France. By the second half of the 18th century, the revolution spread to the US.

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