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  • 371.汽车及汽车零部件行业:板块盈利持续分化-17年业绩前瞻

    [汽车制造业,其他制造业] [2018-02-09]

    2017 年已经过去,上市公司年度业绩预告陆续发布完毕。根据 wind数据统计,截至 2018 年 2 月 6 日,沪深两市汽车板块已有 100 家上市公司发布业绩预告及修正公告,11 家上市公司发布业绩快报。100 家发布业绩预告的上市公司包括 43 家在主板上市的公司,39 家中小板上市的公司和 18 家创业板上市的公司,其中,33 家公司略增,11 家公司略减,9 家公司预减,27 家公司预增,4 家公司扭亏,9 家公司续盈,7 家公司首亏。

  • 372.全球游泳设备市场报告(2017-2021年)

    [其他制造业,文化、体育和娱乐业] [2018-02-08]

    The global swimming gear market is growing rapidly across the globe, driven by strong growth in the Americas. Swimming is becoming popular as a healthy exercise choice. Swimming gear materials are going through various product innovations. Yet, the production of swimming gear materials has been restricted by various regulating bodies, which affects the market negatively. Apart from the inclusion of the new fabrics and materials in the swimming gear market, a number of styles and prints are also being introduced. Fine detailing, bold prints, pastels, and metallic colors are making an impression in the global swimming gear market. There are also a number of factors hindering the growth of the market such as unfavorable weather conditions and restrictions in many countries in the Middle East and APAC. There have been some positive trends emerging in the market, like multi-functional swimwear and eco-friendly swimwear, which will drive the global swimwear market positively.

  • 373.汽车与汽车零部件行业:下游放量+价值提升,市场加速爆发-新能源汽车热管理深度报告

    [其他制造业,汽车制造业] [2018-01-27]


  • 374.全球巴士座椅系统市场报告(2017-2021年)

    [其他制造业,专用设备制造业] [2018-01-27]

    Public transportation is important for travel, easing congestion, and reducing emissions in urban regions. Hence, the authorities across regions are encouraging use of public transportation. The buses are the common mode of transit in urban public transportation owing to their operation on streets and extensive network of lines.

  • 375.全球蹦极跳跃设备市场报告(2017-2021年)

    [其他制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2018-01-27]

    Bungee jumping is an extreme adventure sport. In this, a jumper does a free fall from a fixed tall structure like a cliff, bridge, or crane, as well as from a stationary hot-air balloon or helicopter, with the help of a harness and a rubber cord (commonly known as a bungee cord) attached to the body. The jumper bounces back to some extent when the bungee cord rebounds its maximum stretch, and continues to fly up and down until all the kinetic energy is dissipated.

  • 376.全球婴儿卫生用品市场报告(2017-2021年)

    [其他制造业] [2018-01-26]

    The rise in awareness of infant care in developing countries like India and China is increasing the demand for baby care products. Urbanization in these regions is another factor. Developed countries like the US continue to dominate the market in terms of revenue. The increase in the number of working women has led to mothers being ready to pay for premium products. They purchase these products in bulk to reduce the price.

  • 377.全球行李市场报告(2017-2021年)

    [其他制造业] [2018-01-16]

    Luggage and related luggage products are increasingly moving away from having only utilitarian value to functioning as fashion accessories. Luggage products have been gaining consumer interest with the growing popularity of outdoor sports and adventure travel, apart from a rise in the global travel industry. The market is expected to witness growing demand for durable luggage products that are also compact and lightweight. To cater to this demand, manufacturers are using materials like nylon, polyester, polycarbonates, faux leather, and microfibers.

  • 378.泛半导体行业:“泛半导体星汉灿烂,“核心资产若出其里-专题报告

    [其他制造业] [2018-01-12]


  • 379.汽车及汽车零部件行业:轮毂电机或推动新能源汽车进入分布式驱动时代

    [其他制造业,汽车制造业] [2018-01-05]


  • 380.汽车及汽车零部件行业:乘高端装备制造业升级东风,重卡排量升级明显提速

    [其他制造业,汽车制造业] [2018-01-05]

    重卡属于生产资料,随着公路运输高速化、下游物流客户从个人向组织化、集约化物流公司集中及环保趋严,高性能环保重卡对客户的吸引力大增。对标国外,美国 8 级卡车平均排量早已接近 13 升,500 马力以上卡车已成为主流,而我国国内重卡目前发动机平均排量仍不到 10L,平均功率大约 350 马力,售价仅越相当于国外高端重卡的 22%-33%。

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