[农副食品加工业,食品制造业] [2024-08-31]
Citric acid is a naturally occurring organic acid produced through fermentation. The scope of the report includes market segmentation by form, which is further segmented into liquid and anhydrous. The report covers the application segment by food and beverages, pharmaceutical, personal care and other applications.
[农、林、牧、渔业,食品制造业,农副食品加工业] [2024-08-31]
Carbon fibers are fibers composed mostly of carbon atoms and have a diameter of about 3-15 micrometers. The carbon atoms are bonded together in crystals, which are aligned parallel to the long axis of the fiber. This alignment gives the fiber a high strength-to-volume ratio.
[农、林、牧、渔业,农副食品加工业,食品制造业] [2024-08-31]
Makreo Research has released a detailed analysis titled “Global Banana Powder Market Size and Forecast (2019-2028) - By Type (Organic and Inorganic), Application, Distribution, Process,andGeography”, providing a comprehensive overview of the global market. The report delves into how trade impacts the market, examining import and export dynamics, and assesses the various demand and supply factors shaping the market. It analyzes the market's historical and current performance, including pricing trends and regional analysis. The report also highlights key players in the banana powder market, offering an in-depth examination of major companies, recent developments and detailed profiles. This comprehensive analysis empowers stakeholders and industry experts with a deep understanding of the evolving dynamics within this rapidly growing sector.
[食品制造业,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2024-08-20]
2024 年 7 月,食品饮料板块下跌 2%,子板块有涨有跌。其中,预加工食品、保健品、啤酒、其它酒、软饮料等子板块表现优异,当月分别上涨 3.17%、2.70%、2.70%、4.13%和 4.88%。当月,对食品饮料整体拖累较大的是零食板块,后者下跌 6.82%。同期,沪深 300 下跌 0.47%,食品饮料板块跑输大盘。
[食品制造业,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2024-08-20]
[食品制造业] [2024-08-20]
[食品制造业] [2024-08-20]
复盘日本乳业发展史,政策为先。日本乳制品发展历史较久,二战后的“学生奶”计划明显提振乳制品消费,为日本乳制品总量发展打下坚实基础。另一方面,政府主导调控生乳供给,起到均衡供需、平抑奶价的作用。当前,日本乳制品行业已进入成熟期,消费者心智成熟,产业链基础扎实,乳制品内部结构从液乳向干乳等品类转移。从原奶周期看,尽管在日本政府 的强管控下原奶周期仍然存在,因此我们认为原奶周期不可避免,强计划主要帮助上游生产拉平周期、降低振幅。产业链来看,上游日本“小奶农”体系下诞生出“一元收集,多元销售”的供应链体系,重塑产业链地位,弱势奶农群体在供应链上 获得较高话语权,而下游乳企基本都有百年历史,但是议价能力弱,是成本的接受者。
[食品制造业] [2024-08-16]
[批发和零售业,食品制造业,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2024-08-14]
本周 HTI 跟踪的六类消费品,成本指数多数下跌。啤酒跌幅居前,现货/期货分别下跌 1.51%/1.81%。调味品其次,现货/期货分别下跌 1.00%/0.96%。具体来看,本周包材现期价格全面下跌。玻璃跌幅居前,现货/期货分别下跌 3.63%/3.67%。铝材价格小幅回落,现货较上周下降 1.73%,较年初上升 10.39%。直接原材料价格涨跌互现,蔬菜/鸡肉/棕榈油现货上涨 1.65%/1.36%/1.05%。大豆/白糖/小 麦现货下跌 1.17%/0.37%/0.19%。期货方面,本周小麦期货价格跌幅达 4.04%,白糖/大豆/棕榈油期货分别上涨 0.85%/0.69%/0.38%。本周柴油现货较上周下跌 0.42%,月度环比下跌 0.17%,布油期货较上周下跌 1.82%,月度环比下跌 4.56%。
[农副食品加工业,食品制造业] [2024-08-02]
Pretzels are crisp, brittle, and salted baked snack foods made of flour dough. These are available in various shapes and have shiny outer surfaces. Raw materials that are used to produce pretzels are flour, yeast, leavening agents, and shortenings. Different varieties of pretzels are available in the market in terms of shape and flavor. Companies sell pretzels as on-the-go snacks in packages, and some sell freshly made pretzels at foodservice outlets. The modern production process of pretzels is completely automated. It involves multiple steps, such as mixing the dough, forming pretzels, dipping, and salting, cooking, and packaging. These steps vary depending on the type of pretzel.