[食品制造业,农副食品加工业] [2024-06-04]
[农副食品加工业,批发和零售业,食品制造业] [2024-06-04]
[农副食品加工业,食品制造业] [2024-06-04]
[农副食品加工业,食品制造业] [2024-06-04]
Frozen French fries are manufactured from potatoes and served hot in different shapes, including crinkle-cut, thin strips, curly, and waffles. Frozen French fries can be deep-fried or baked and are a convenient snack worldwide. The growth of the global frozen French fries market is attributed to the expanding count of critical players offering their products with the incorporation of different cuisine flavors and seasonings. These key players extensively offer their products through online food delivery services and retail outlets. Retail services and foodservice chains have made ordering food items easy and convenient. Hence, all these factors collectively drive the frozen French fries market during the forecast period.
[食品制造业,农副食品加工业,农、林、牧、渔业] [2024-06-04]
[农副食品加工业,食品制造业] [2024-06-03]
Frozen French fries are manufactured from potatoes and served hot in different shapes, including crinkle-cut, thin strips, curly, and waffles. Frozen French fries can be deep-fried or baked and are a convenient snack worldwide. The growth of the global frozen French fries market is attributed to the expanding count of critical players offering their products with the incorporation of different cuisine flavors and seasonings. These key players extensively offer their products through online food delivery services and retail outlets. Retail services and foodservice chains have made ordering food items easy and convenient. Hence, all these factors collectively drive the frozen French fries market during the forecast period.
[食品制造业,农副食品加工业] [2024-05-31]
Frozen French fries are manufactured from potatoes and served hot in different shapes, including crinkle-cut, thin strips, curly, and waffles. Frozen French fries can be deep-fried or baked and are a convenient snack worldwide. The growth of the global frozen French fries market is attributed to the expanding count of critical players offering their products with the incorporation of different cuisine flavors and seasonings. These key players extensively offer their products through online food delivery services and retail outlets. Retail services and foodservice chains have made ordering food items easy and convenient. Hence, all these factors collectively drive the frozen French fries market during the forecast period.
[食品制造业,农副食品加工业] [2024-05-30]
Frozen French fries are manufactured from potatoes and served hot in different shapes, including crinkle-cut, thin strips, curly, and waffles. Frozen French fries can be deep-fried or baked and are a convenient snack worldwide. The growth of the global frozen French fries market is attributed to the expanding count of critical players offering their products with the incorporation of different cuisine flavors and seasonings. These key players extensively offer their products through online food delivery services and retail outlets. Retail services and foodservice chains have made ordering food items easy and convenient. Hence, all these factors collectively drive the frozen French fries market during the forecast period.
[食品制造业] [2024-05-30]
2024年 1-3月,全国食品加工业营业收入达到 11958.8亿元,累计同比下降 3.7%;行业实现利润总额达到 211.4 亿元,累计同比增长2.0%。据国家统计局网站消息,2024年 3月份,全国居民消费价格同比上涨 0.1%。其中,城市持平,农村上涨 0.1%;食品价格下降2.7%,非食品价格上涨 0.7%;消费品价格下降 0.4%,服务价格上涨0.8%。
[食品制造业,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2024-05-30]
我国植物蛋白饮料行业增速放缓,头部企业在各自赛道市占率高,销售区域上形成割据。2018-2023 年我国植物蛋白饮料市场规模的 CAGR 为 -2.5%,植物蛋白饮料消费占蛋白饮品的 13%,已达欧美、东亚各国的平均水平,预计行业增速难以加快。头部企业在各自赛道市占率高,养元饮品和承德露露分别在核桃乳、杏仁露赛道占有率接近 90%,品牌、产品形成强绑定,消费者认知固化,造成产品结构升级与品类延伸相对困难;各公司在销售区域上形成割据局面,全国化扩张难度较大;但植物蛋白饮料的市场需求稳定,营销策略的转变和银发经济的推动有利于行业和公司实现稳步增长。