[租赁和商务服务业,住宿和餐饮业] [2017-07-11]
旅游行业回顾:整体稳定增长,消费升级+国企改革下子行业分化2017 年,我国旅游行业总体预计稳定发展。三大游中,国内游预计维持良好景气:中国旅游研究院预计,2017 年国内旅游人数达到 48.80亿人次,同比增长 10.0%;入境游持续弱复苏:预计人数和收入分别同比增长 3.50%、 5.00%;出境游市场继续分化:出境游人预计数增长 4.00%,而出国游预计增长在 10%+。
[租赁和商务服务业] [2017-07-11]
近年来,OTA(在线旅游商)服务无疑对大众的生活产生着越来越重要的影响,这就开启了 OTA 全面引领全行业的时代。2015 年,携程网一举并购艺龙网和去哪儿,一统战乱多年的在线旅游表品市场。眼下,在消费结构升级下,OTA(在线旅游商)之间的频繁较量,已然从线上到线下,从“标品”领域到“非标品”领域,这也就意味着,更多的旅游产品和资源将掌握在 OTA 手上,行业引领地位日显。
[租赁和商务服务业] [2017-07-10]
A customs audit, also called post-clearance audit, is the retrospective examination of goods, which is released after import and export under the policy of trade facilitation and customs control. Tools such as risk management and standard customs procedures are used to carry out customs audits. Company records, accounting systems, business systems, and commercial data are examined to complete the audit.
Customs audit brokers or facilitators are professionals that assure customs enforcement agencies that companies are adhering to all customs rules and regulations. While discussing the global customs audit market, the focus is on these organizations that help importers and exporters with resources to clear customs compliance entries. They are indispensable for international commerce.Throughout this report, 2016 is considered the base year. All calculations involving quantitative data are based on 2016. The values represented in the report are the actual values for 2016, whereas, the values for 2017-2021 are estimated.
[租赁和商务服务业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业,住宿和餐饮业] [2017-07-08]
今年以来,休闲服务行业走势相对较弱,整体下跌 6.68%(截止至 6 月 29 日,下同),沪深 300 指数上涨 10.84%,休闲服务行业相对沪深 300 指数跑输 17.52pct,在申万 28 个行业中排名第 18 位。主要原因:1)监管趋严,资金趋紧,市场风格偏爱大盘蓝筹股; 2)板块内资金抱团流向行业白马;3)资金去杠杆影响导致部分个股超跌。
[租赁和商务服务业] [2017-07-07]
The global contract cleaning services market is expected to be driven by an increasing demand from key end-users such as commercial office buildings, transportation,healthcare institutions, and educational institutions. Growing dual-income families due to increasing women education and employment contribute to the growth of the market in terms of residential end-users. Increasing use of automated cleaning techniques have driven the market growth since these devices reduce cleaning time as well as improve the efficiency at work.
However, the use of potentially harmful chemicals such as phosphoric acid and hydrochloric acid poses a risk to laborers. Another challenge faced by the market is the change in minimum labor wages, which is being improved by government policies,thereby altering the contract pricing of vendors.The increasing use of green products for cleaning is expected to significantly aid the market growth. Natural products do not cause harmful reactions, and are cost-efficient and eco-friendly. Increasing awareness among population regarding the use of green products also contributes to the market growth.
[租赁和商务服务业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,金融业] [2017-06-28]
Governance, risk, and compliance constitute three essential dimensions for an organization as they assist in addressing the business objectives. The management of a company implements structural policies and reforms to ensure corporate governance in an organization. The risk management policies identify and manage different risks, including operational risks, financial risks, and fraud. Compliance encompasses policies, procedures, and adherence to rules and regulations framed by regulatory bodies in a given region.
[批发和零售业,租赁和商务服务业] [2017-06-24]
近日,由交通运输部会同住房和城乡建设部制定的《关于促进汽车租赁业健康发展的指导意见(征求意见稿)》向社会公开征求意见。自从 2007 年《汽车租赁业管理暂行规定》被废除后,汽车租赁行业在国家层面就缺乏专门的法律法规给予约束,仅有北京、上海、重庆、山西等部分省市制定了汽车租赁地方性规章。行业法律法规和顶层设计的缺失,长久以来一直没有给国内汽车租赁业提供必要的指导方向。此次《征求意见稿》明确鼓励大力发展汽车分时租赁(共享汽车)模式。这对于汽车分时租赁业来说,是重大利好消息,特别是目前国内分时租赁企业良莠不齐,尚处起步阶段,更何况分时租赁从长远发展上与电动化、智能化联系紧密。因此,新政的出台无疑将引导汽车分时租赁规范有序发展。随着指导意见态度明朗,后续出台的管理细则也能够着力解决行业痛点问题。
[租赁和商务服务业] [2017-06-24]
近两年,游学越来越热,各游学机构如雨后春笋般开始角逐市场。目前国内规模较大的游学机构,如新东方、世纪明德等抢占先发优势,已逐渐形成规模;中凯国际、乐旅股份等大型旅游公司跨界游学市场也是崭露头角;各大 OTA 依靠平台优势也在近期纷纷涉足,以上三类机构共同组成当前的游学生态圈。而游学相关的利好政策不断出台,让国内游学市场的发展前景进一步明朗,也成为各类游学市场主体加码投资的定心丸。在国家旅游局日前发布《 2016 中国旅游投资报告》中提到,随着旅游投资空间与领域不断扩张,供给侧结构性改革的加快推进,以及产业融合带来的新机遇,从当前和今后一个时期我国旅游业发展趋势看:研学旅游产品,包括研学基地、主题博物馆、休闲书屋等在内的,10 个方面将成为未来旅游投资的重点领域之一。有业内人士预测,行业每年增长 30%-50%的是没问题的,未来 3 到 5 年内游学市场将发展成千亿规模。
[租赁和商务服务业] [2017-06-24]
目前深圳租车行业正在迎来一个发展契机,众多企业也推出了花样繁多的促“租”方案,拉动消费者感受租车的高性价比。2016 年深圳市汽车租赁市场规模达到 17.54 亿元,同比增长 19.64%。深圳市多家企业开始在全国范围内发展布局,越来越多的商务人士和个人在享受着汽车租赁带来的便利。“十三五”期间,随着电子商务等科技手段的不断投入,深圳汽车租赁行业将步入一个快速发展阶段。预计 2022 年深圳市汽车租赁市场规模将达到 54.82 亿元。
[租赁和商务服务业,住宿和餐饮业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业,文化、体育和娱乐业] [2017-06-23]
上周中信餐饮旅游指数下跌 0.86%,分别跑赢上证综指、沪深 300 指数 0.25个百分点和 0.74 个百分点。中证体育指数上涨 1.31%,分别跑赢上证综指、沪深 300 指数 2.43 个百分点和 2.92 个百分点。旅游类标的涨幅前三是西安饮食(6.98%)、长白山(6.75%)以及九华旅游(6.02%);体育类标的涨幅前三是三夫户外(10.11%)、平潭发展(9.09%)以及双象股份(6.61%)。