[汽车制造业] [2023-06-06]
本周行情回顾:本周CS 新能车板块下跌3.14%,沪深300 指数下跌 2.37%,跑输沪深300 指数1.23 个百分点。其中涨幅居前的个股包括: 均胜电子(+7.43%)、宇通客车(+4.04%)、三花智控(+2.57%)、 龙蟠科技(2.52%)和三花智控(+2.47%);跌幅居前的个股包括:融 捷股份(-8.50%)、恩捷股份(-8.37%)、赣锋锂业(-8.15%)、天齐 锂业(-7.01%)和盛新锂能(-6.42%)。
[汽车制造业] [2023-06-06]
特斯拉上海新三期产能规划200 万台。特斯拉上海新三期扩 建计划原定于2023 年年中开始,建成后特斯拉工厂年产能将由当 前的100 万台扩产至200 万台。2023 年5 月,特斯拉提交的环评 材料显示,可能的扩建将上海工厂年动力系统产能提升至175 万 套,以配合特斯拉新平台车型的上市规划。上海新三期项目预期相 应提升,建成后上海工厂设计年产能有望翻倍至200 万台。
[汽车制造业] [2023-06-06]
在政策刺激和产销修复的背景下,行业整体 2022年稳中有进。分板块来看,政策刺激下 2022 年乘用车销量增速上行,乘用车板块营收增长加速。伴随着原材料的缓解,零部件板块2022H2 盈利能力修复。商用车板块2022 年见底。2023Q1 短期内汽车产销承压,受益于消费升级均价 提升、海外市场增量,行业收入整体实现较好增长。其中,商用车销量复苏板块领跑,零部件 板块持续改善,乘用车板块短期承压。2023 年随经济复苏推动消费需求释放,我们认为在目前 无支持政策情况下,全年销量增速有望达2%以上。
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,汽车制造业] [2023-06-01]
This data equals output data for the following ISIC Rev. 4 code: 1200 Manufacture of Tobacco Products This class includes: Manufacture of tobacco products and products of tobacco substitutes: cigarettes, cigarette tobacco, cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff Manufacture of "homogenized" or "reconstituted" tobacco Stemming and redrying of tobacco
[汽车制造业] [2023-06-01]
[仪器仪表制造业,汽车制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2023-05-31]
The ground vehicle processor demand is surging around the globe on account of the factors such as the increasing procurement of various ground vehicles for military and law enforcement purposes The rising manufacturing of multiple ground vehicles such as tanks, AFVs, protected patrol mobile artillery rocket launcher, unmanned ground vehicles, etc for military and defense strengthening and preparedness for unwanted geopolitical risks and attacks The modernization of vehicles through integration of artificial intelligence, and advanced communication mapping technologies, etc has also influenced the global ground vehicle processor market
[汽车制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2023-05-30]
The global automotive roof racks market is driven by factors such as increasing tourism and off-road trails and limited availability of boot space in the vehicles. However, the fluctuating raw material prices are expected to restrain market growth. The proliferating electric vehicle demand is expected to create growth opportunities for the market players.
[汽车制造业] [2023-05-30]
In FY2019, the Indian automotive industry registered new record high volumes in output and domestic sales. However, the economic deceleration in FY2020 and the negative effects of COVID-19 pandemic had a deep negative effect on the output and domestic sale volumes of the industry. In FY2022, the Indian economy rebounded and the Indian motor vehicle sector showed the first signs of recovery. On the one hand, motor vehicle exports reported a new record high in FY2022, along with higher output and domestic sales in passenger and commercial vehicles. On the other hand, output and domestic sales of two-wheelers continued with the declining trend. In a context marked by a relatively weak recovery of the Indian motor vehicle industry, the government decided to keep the migration pace towards cleaner vehicles, in spite of the potential rise in motor vehicle prices.
[铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业,专用设备制造业,汽车制造业] [2023-05-29]
The tow tractors market witnessed stable growth in recent years with the rapid use of modern material handling equipment. Expanding industrial activities in APAC and MEA allows manufacturers profitable business opportunities over the forecast period. Furthermore, technologically advanced techniques have profoundly influenced the equipment's capabilities, which are expected to drive the tow tractor market growth during the forecast period.
[汽车制造业] [2023-05-27]
5 月周订单跟踪:5 月第2 周(5.8-5.14)9 家车企新增订单8.0-9.0 万辆,新 增订单较M4W2 同比+9%至+14%,2 家车企新增订单的同比增速高于整体水 平,其中部分头部自主品牌、造车新势力增长较好。 5 月前2 周订单跟踪:5 月前2 周(5.1-5.14)9 家车企新增订单20-21 万 辆,新增订单较4 月同期+41%至+46%,3 家车企新增订单的同比增速高于整 体水平。 5 月订单预测:预计9 家车企5 月新增订单有望在41.0-42.0 万辆之间,环比 4 月+13%至+18%。