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  • 4991.应用ApacheJMeter测试云基础

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-18]

    JMeter is a powerful testing tool that you can use to test applications that run in the cloud. Butmanaging and maintaining JMeter scripts can be challenging if you don't know how to useJMeter effectively. This article presents techniques that can help you implement well-designed,automated JMeter tasks in your cloud-based application testing.
  • 4992.对伯克利的传感器及执行器中心的剖析(BSAC)

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-12-18]

    The Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center at the University of California Berkeley has, for more than twenty‐five years, had a major impact on the research foundations and consequent commercialization of MEMS and NEMS. This has been achieved through creative combinations of resources, incentives, and shared goals involving Academia, Industry, and Government. The strongly multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary operational model of BSAC (a National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Center) is described.
  • 4993.使用InfoSphereBigInsights查询社交媒体和结构化数据——Jaql介绍

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-18]

    If you're looking to get off to a quick start with big data projects involving IBM? InfoSphere? BigInsights?, learning the basics of how to query, manipulate, and analyze your data is important. This article takes you through simple query examples that show how you can read, write, filter, and refine social media and structured data. You'll even see how business analysts can visualize query results using a

    spreadsheet-style tool.

    关键词:InfoSphere BigInsights;社交媒体;结构化数据;Jaql
  • 4994.植入式的小型葡萄糖燃料电池

    [电气机械和器材制造业] [2013-12-18]

    The growth of power-constrained bio-medical and sensor applications has kindled increasing interest in energy-harvesting methods. Direct glucose fuel has emerged as a candidate of choice due to reliability and safety advantages. In this thesis, a 1mm2 miniaturized direct fuel cell is presented. The fuel cell provides a peak power density of 0.34uW/cm2 with an open voltage potential of 300mV. An analytical framework for the fuel cell as well as an example application in body touch interfaces will also be presented.
  • 4995.太阳能教育-太阳能解决方案:读者,第三章

    [电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2013-12-18]

    A collection of magazine articles which focus on the subject of solar energy is presented in this booklet. This is the third of a four part series of the Solar Energy Reader books. The articles provide brief discussions on the variousapplications of solar energy including: heat, photovoltaics; wind, hydro, and biomass. A glossary of terms is included. (BCS)
  • 4996.在IBMPureFlex系统创建KVM备份

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-18]

    IBM PureFlex System with integrated network and storage virtualization and an openhypervisor provide an open and cost-effective solution to customers. This article shows how tocreate a backup of KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) virtual machines in a PureFlex Systemenvironment.
  • 4997.具有凸的不确定性的MDPPCTL多项式时间的验证

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-18]

    We address the problem of verifying Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic (PCTL) properties of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) whose state transition probabilities are only known to lie within uncertainty sets. We rst introduce the model of Convex-MDPs (CMDPs), i.e., MDPs with convex uncertainty sets. CMDPs generalize Interval-MDPs (IMDPs) by allowing also more expressive (convex) descriptions of uncertainty. Using results on strong duality for convex programs, we then present a PCTL veri cation algorithm for CMDPs, and prove that it runs in time polynomial in the size of a CMDP for a rich subclass of convex uncertainty models. This result allows us to lower the previously known algorithmic complexity upper bound for IMDPs from co-NP to PTIME. Using the proposed approach, we verify a consensus protocol and a dynamic con guration protocol for IPv4 addresses.
  • 4998.Shark:使用粗粒度的分布式内存进行数据的快速分析

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-18]

    Shark is a research data analysis system built on a novel coarse-grained distributed shared-memory abstraction. Shark marries query processing with deep data analysis, providing a uni ed system for easy data manipulation using SQL and pushing sophisticated analysis closer to data. It scales to thousands of nodes in a fault-tolerant manner. Shark can answer queries 40X faster than Apache Hive and run machine learning programs 25X faster than MapReduce programs in Apache Hadoop on large datasets. This is a complete overview of the development of Shark, including design decisions, performance details, and comparison with existing data warehousing solutions. It demonstrates some of Shark's distinguishing features including its in-memory columnar caching and its uni ed machine learning interface.
  • 4999.使用异步远程方法调用数据库操作

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-18]

    Today’s highly scalable Internet applications are largely bound by speed-of-light communication delays between geographically disparate data centers. This latency is particularly problematic when writing to distributed database systems because waiting for messages to travel halfway around the world is often unacceptable, and maintaining any notion of consistency is exceedingly difficult when using modern asynchronous architectures. We present a novel architecture, based on asynchronous remote method invocation, that achieves interesting consistency guarantees, even when performing write operations asynchronously. An analysis of our implementation demonstrates that this solution can provide an intuitive interface to developers, and doesn’t require any specialized knowledge of databases, SQL (Standard Query Language), or transactions.
  • 5000.在混合计量方案上进行周期性的虚拟计量校准的结果

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-18]

    Risk and cost must be balanced in the design of semiconductor processing metrology. More speci cally, one needs to balance the cost of operating the metrology tool, and the loss in terms of processing cost and yield due to the limited sampling and the time lapse between the occurrence and the correction of a process fault. In virtual metrology (VM), the real-time data produced by the processing tool (e.g. plasma etching data during isolation trench formation) is used to predict an outcome of the wafer (e.g. critical dimension of the trench) utilizing an empirical model.
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