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  • 36081.有色金属行业:已进入供给收缩周期

    [金融业,有色金属冶炼和压延加工业] [2015-12-02]

    美加息周期下金价走势复盘及未来展望:我们认为加息确实会对金价造成不利的影响,但利空影响有限,原因如下:第一,加息之前部分加息利空因素已然出尽,因此加息后对金价的不利影响有限;第二,美联储加息后,实际利率的上升因受制于通胀程度的影响,有一定的延后现象。从近年来历次美联储加息后金价的表现分析,确实存在这种情况。展望未来, 我们认为考虑到美经济在一季度通常表现不及预期(正如今年一季度糟糕的经济数据并未真实反映美经济状况),因此美联储在明年一季度至二季度间开启或再次采取加息的措施概率极小,一旦12 月未能如约开启加息,下一个加息时点极大可能在2016 年中期以后,因此届时若未能加息金价将在较长时期内得到喘息的机会。
  • 36082.MLF操作,折算率调整,信用分化持续

    [金融业] [2015-12-02]

    利率债方面,本周银行间国债及国开债收益率较上周均有下行。虽然央行本周公开市场操作利率维持2.25%不变,银行七日质押及shibor 均有上行,但国债期货走高使债市对IPO 重启带来资金压力的预期情绪得到一定释放,现券市场做多带动利率债收益率下行。
  • 36083.非银行金融(保险)行业2016年投资策略——利率下行,利差加速收窄

    [金融业] [2015-12-02]

    利率下行正在威胁保险行业利差空间。从美国、台湾地区历史数据来看,保险公司投资收益率与基准利率长期趋势一致。如果中国进入长周期的低利率环境,利差益将面临下行压力。假设再投资比例为15%,新增的现金流占投资资产比重为10%,存量固收资产收益率5.0%,新增资产收益率假设保持4.0%,则大概需要10 年时间存量固收资产收益率从5.0%下降至4.0%。
  • 36084.保险汇编-第739期

    [金融业] [2015-12-02]

  • 36085.保险行业:保险法修改草案送审,持续推进市场化革新

    [卫生和社会工作,金融业] [2015-12-02]

  • 36086.传媒与互联网行业:未来已来,VR_Here-虚拟现实行业深度研究

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,金融业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2015-12-02]

    虚拟现实(Virtual Reality)。虚拟现实简称VR,指的是利用计算机技术模拟产生三维的虚拟世界,让使用者及时、没有限制地感知虚拟空间内的事物,利用视觉、听觉、触觉等对人体进行全方位欺骗,达到让使用者“身临其境”的效果,形成良好的沉浸感。
  • 36087.全球系统集成市场报告(2015-2019年)

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,金融业] [2015-11-30]

    The impact of IT can be witnessed across industries around the world. With advances in technology, companies are deploying emerging and new technologies to enhance their business processes. However, organizations are challenged to align the cost of their business operations while simultaneously adopting different technology solutions.
  • 36088.全球社会化商业应用市场报告(2015-2019年)

    [金融业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2015-11-30]

    The massive growth of the Internet has made it the most important channel for doing business. The global Internet footprint has grown rapidly from 2.4 billion in 2013 to more than 3.5 billion in 2015. Most developed regions have Internet penetration of more than 80%, while the developing regions are also gradually picking up the pace. Broadband penetration will continue to increase in developing regions such as APAC as telecom infrastructure is expanding to the rural areas of China, India, the Philippines, and other emerging countries. It has been cited that the trend of people spending more time on the Internet than on other media, such as television, will continue to rise in the coming years Thus, the increased penetration of the Internet has led to the increased investments in social business, which is becoming a business.
  • 36089.全球衍生产品市场报告(2015-2019年)

    [金融业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2015-11-30]

    The willingness of a market participant to engage in risk-averse situations against the uncertainties that arise out of the fluctuations in asset prices has increased the demand for the derivatives market on a global scale. The revenue that is generated from the global derivatives market has reached such a point that it is more than the global value of GDP. Financial markets have a high degree of volatility. Derivative products help in transferring the price risk fully or partially by locking the asset prices. As derivatives are considered to be risk management tools, there is not much influence in the fluctuations of the underlying asset prices. This in turn does not affect the profitability and cash flow situation of risk-averse investors.
  • 36090.全球财富管理市场报告(2015-2019年)

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,金融业] [2015-11-30]

    The wealth management industry requires constant upgradation of business models so that there can be effective organizational transformation, which would then boost the growth and market segments over the forecast period. Wealth managers must understand the customer needs and behavior and understand their investment pattern, which would help them to sharpen their value proposition and offer customized solutions to the clients. Wealth managers across the globe are trying to create a new funds platform by putting more importance on the cost efficiency, thereby leading to economies of scale. This will also increase the scope of wealth managers and asset managers to become global players in the market, helping different clients to channelize their investments. Marketing strategies such as talent development is a competitive advantage for the wealth management industry.
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