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  • 4911.使用InfoSphereStreams本机函数在分布式部署中进行实时数据格式转换

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-20]

    InfoSphere Streams provides the capabilities for handling/reporting data or events as they happen in real time. But sometimes when running a distributed application on multiple platforms where data flows between machines having different processor architectures, the task can be challenging. Due to variations in processor architectures, the data representation may differ, requiring the application developer to convert the representation before applying the required logic. This is true especially if the data is in binary format. By performing data format conversion at real time, soon after data is read from source, more consistent and meaningful results can be obtained.
    关键词:InfoSphere Streams本机函数;实时数据;函数重载;数据格式转换
  • 4912.大SQL技术介绍

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-20]

    If you specialize in relational database management technology, you've probably heard a lot about "big data" and the open source Apache Hadoop project. Perhaps you've also heard about IBM's new Big SQL technology, which enables InfoSphere? BigInsights? users to query Hadoop data using industry-standard SQL. Curious? This article introduces you to Big SQL, answering many of the common questions that relational DBMS users have about this IBM technology.
  • 4913.分析大型数据集的蜂巢技术

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-20]

    Every 24 hours, the big data industry gathers and logs terabytes of data. There is a growing need to make sense of this ballooning amount of data. From C-level executives down to engineers, the challenge is to base forecasts and make decisions derived from this information. This article shows you how to analyze these big datasets using Apache Hive, a data warehouse built for data-intensive distributed applications.
  • 4914.集成IBM工作灯与IBM形成现场的WebAPI服务

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-20]

    This article is the second in a two-part series. Part 1 discussed how to create a web APIresource (JKHLE Airway's Baggage Status) in IBM?WebSphere?Cast Iron?Web APIServices using an API assembly. Part 2 shows how to build an IBM Worklight?solution thatintegrates with the resource deployed in the Cast Iron Web API.
    关键词:数据流;打包;配置;web API
  • 4915.使用具有缓存和重显功能的信息聚流

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-20]

    InfoSphere Streams is a powerful middleware product that provides a platform fordevelopment of streaming applications and their execution in a fast and distributed manner.In a stream processing system, there is often a need to externalize the application-relatedstate information and share it with other distributed application components. It is possible todo distributed data sharing within the context of an InfoSphere Streams application. This isachieved through the use of the Distributed Process Store (dps) toolkit that provides a key-value store abstraction. The shared state can be stored in memcached or Redis — two popularopen source distributed state management systems.
  • 4916.使用Facebook集成IBM的Web球形成的Web服务的API

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-20]

    This article shows API developers how to integrate IBM?WebSphere?Cast Iron?Live WebAPI Services with Facebook, so you can easily and rapidly create, socialize, and managecompelling Web APIs for Facebook. In this article, learn how to define an API, customizeDeveloper pages for it, register an application, and test your API.
  • 4917.建立一个蜂巢式的数据库

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-20]

    The data warehouse has been an ongoing battle among organizations for years. How do you build it? What data can you integrate? Should you use Kimball or Inmon, corporate information factory (CIF), or data marts? The list could go on for days -- decades, even. With big data, the questions become far more complicated, such as is a data warehouse enough? The answer lies in the enterprise. People claim that Hive is the data warehouse of Hadoop. Although true on one level, it's also something of a false claim. Sometimes, however, you have to use the tools available to you, and for that, Hive can be a data warehouse.
  • 4918.信息聚流的文本分析

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-20]

    This article describes the capabilities of the InfoSphere? Streams Text Analytics Toolkit andprovides examples on how to use it.
  • 4919.使用信息体大洞察和IBM加速器进行机器数据分析后的系统日志分析

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-20]

    When understood, logs are a goldmine for debugging, performance analysis, root-causeanalysis, and system health assessment. In this real business case, see how InfoSphere?BigInsights and the IBM Accelerator for Machine Data Analytics are used to analyze systemlogs to help determine root causes of performance issues, and to define an action plan to solveproblems and keep the project on track.
  • 4920.大数据与IBMInfoSphereGuardium安全和审计

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-20]

    In this article, you will learn how InfoSphere? Guardium? provides database activity monitoring and auditing capabilities that enable you to seamlessly integrate Hadoop data protection into your existing enterprise data security strategy. You will learn how to configure the system and to use InfoSphere Guardium security policies and reports tailored specifically for Hadoop environments, including IBM InfoSphere BigInsights, Cloudera, Hortonworks Data Platform, and Greenplum Hadoop.. You will also learn about a quick start monitoring implementation available only with IBM InfoSphere BigInsights. This article has been updated to reflect changes in InfoSphere Guardium support for Hadoop as delivered in V9.0 GPU 50, including support for Hortonworks Data Platform and Greenplum Hadoop, and enhancements to the integrated Guardium support in InfoSphere BigInsights 2.1.
    关键词:大数据;信息安全;IBM InfoSphere Guardium;安全;审计
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