[金属制品、机械和设备修理业] [2019-09-28]
国内汽车保有量保持快速增长,停车位的需求量也随之扩大,预计2018 年全国停车位需求将近3 亿个,到2019 年停车位需求或将达3.3 亿个。2015 年国家发改委数据显示,我国大城市小汽车与停车位的平均比例约为1:0.8,中小城市约为1:0.5,远低于发达国家的1:1.3,停车位的供给缺口巨大,停车难成为了城市交通发展的严重问题。
[金属制品、机械和设备修理业] [2019-09-20]
19Q2 需求端明显放缓:2019H1 机械行业营收同比+9.73%,归母净利润同比+14.51%;单季度看,2019Q1/Q2 行业营收同比+17.23%/5.03%,归母净利润同比+37.43%/3.67%,19Q2 出现明显放缓主要系宏观经济需求以及中美贸易摩擦的影响,PMI 2019 年来大都在枯荣线以下,中国对美进/出口金额前8 月同比下滑27.50%/8.90%。
[金属制品、机械和设备修理业] [2019-09-06]
2019 年8 月1 日至8 月31 日申万机械设备指数下跌4.63%,沪深300指数下跌0.93%,上证综指下跌1.58%,创业板上涨1.67%。同期机械设备指数涨幅位居22 行业第10 位。子行业中,涨幅居前的为3C 自动化、楼宇设备和专用设备等板块,分别上涨8.47%、2.97%和0.81%。
[金属制品、机械和设备修理业] [2019-09-06]
[金属制品、机械和设备修理业] [2019-09-06]
2019年1-8月,机械行业整体上涨14.4%,跑输大盘1.4pct。细分行业中,工程机械、仪器仪表、冶金矿采化工设备、机械基础件、农用机械等表现相对强势,涨幅分别达43.9%、26.4%、24.6%、24.1%、21.2%。工程机械表现尤为亮眼,1-8月涨幅在Wind 67个主题行业中排名第6位。1-8月,在机械行业348家上市公司(含科创板)中有259家公司股价实现上涨,其中36只个股涨幅超过50%。
[金属制品、机械和设备修理业] [2019-08-23]
制造业整体需求走弱。从本周央行公布的7 月份社融数据来看,人民币贷款、社融增量均有所回落。从细分数据来看,对实体经济发放的人民币贷款增加8086 亿元,同比少增4775 亿元;其中短期贷款共计减少1500亿元,体现生产经营活动的走弱。可以看到,整体制造业7 月需求走弱。
[金属制品、机械和设备修理业] [2019-08-23]
[专用设备制造业,金属制品、机械和设备修理业,电气机械和器材制造业] [2019-08-22]
2019 年 6 月,受国内经济增速放缓的影响,大部分 工程机械设备产量、销量下降或增速明显放缓;全国共销售八大工 程机械产品 7.72 万台,同比减少 4.97%;但工程机械设备出口形势 较好,挖掘机、装载机等主导产品出口增长较快;工程机械行业规 模以上企业营业收入及利润总额均实现增长,亏损额同比减少 0.5 亿元;国内首台煤矿大断面快速掘锚成套装备投入试运行;三一重 工与葛洲坝三公司将开展战略合作。
[金属制品业,有色金属冶炼和压延加工业,金属制品、机械和设备修理业] [2019-07-24]
There are several on-going projects in private sector companies, in the end-user segment, such as oil and gas, mining, and construction. As a result, the metal fabrication industry in Canada is not expected to witness a sudden surge, and remain stable over the next few years. The industry is highly fragmented due the presence of a large number of small- and medium-sized companies. Metal fabrication is expected to have a large scope in end-user segments, such as oil and gas, mining, construction, aerospace, power generation, and ship building. The reshoring of various manufacturing activities in Canada had a positive impact on the steel fabrication industry in the country. Automotive companies and other manufacturing companies that require fabricated steel products have been outsourcing majority of their businesses to low-cost countries, like China. Government initiatives and increasing labor cost in low-cost countries, in comparison to Canada, have attracted the manufacturers to shift production to Canada. Majority of the metal fabrication companies in Canada have been adhering to the traditional manufacturing practices, and the adoption of advanced technologies in the industry has been very low.
[金属制品、机械和设备修理业] [2019-07-19]