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  • 35661.2015年中国众筹市场发展报告

    [金融业] [2016-08-13]

    众筹,翻译自国外 Crowdfunding 一词,即大众筹资或群众筹资,是由发起人、跟投人、 平台构成,具有低门槛、多样性、依靠大众力量、注重创意的特征,是指一种向群众募资,以支持发起的个人或组织的行为。众筹对资本市场发展和经济增长都具有一定的现实意义。一是有利于缓解小微融资难的问题,鼓励创新创业;二是有利于丰富投融资渠道,刺激金融创新;三是有利于引导民间金融走向规范化,拓展和完善多层次资本市场;四是有利于分散融资风险,增强金融体系的弹性和稳定性;五是有利于创造就业机会,促进技术创新和经济增长。
  • 35662.2015年中国股权投资市场发展

    [金融业] [2016-08-13]

    2015年全年实际GDP增速预计为6.9%,宏观经济迚入中高速增长阶段,;中国经济“ 新常态”元年,消费升级、金融创新驱动、经济结构优化、体制转型、人口结构变化等成为未来一段时间的市场热点;习近平总书记强调,在适度扩大总需求的同时,着力加强供给侧结构性改革,着力提高供给体系质量和效率,增强经济持续增长动力。
  • 35663.2015年新三板发展与投资研究报

    [金融业] [2016-08-13]

  • 35664.2014年CEO洞察全球议程:角逐于数字化世界-2014

    [金融业] [2016-08-13]

  • 35665.林伯强:混合所有制改革和发展是一个过程

    [金融业] [2016-08-12]

    在“ 能源革命” 战略提出两周年之际,中国电力报记者就相关话题采访了厦门大能源经济协同创新中心主任林伯强。林伯强表示,在能源领域需要积极地进行配套改革,让民营资本能够更加顺畅、平等地加入竞争。
  • 35666.全球数字营销支出市场报告(2016-2020年)

    [金融业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2016-08-11]

    Digital marketing is the most active and the fastest growing marketing technique. The growth can be attributed to global digitalization trend. Every minute, an estimated 650,000 search queries are raised on Google, more than 700 videos are hosted on YouTube, over 700,000 status updates and 500,000 comments are posted on Facebook, over 65,000 tweets are made worldwide, and approximately 180 million emails are sent. These figures emphasize the significance of digital media as a marketing tool.
  • 35667.互联网金融行业:关注互联网保险投资机会-周报

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,金融业] [2016-08-10]

    本周重点提示:【互联网保险】的一大重要角色在于挖掘场景化、碎片化的保险需求,而我们近期也观察到一些互联网保险平台在除了万能险之外的寿险和健康险的保费规模也在持续抬升。另外,蚂蚁金服在保险领域又有新布局,认购国泰产险新增资本,再次参与控股保险公司。国泰产险的资本金将从 8 亿元增至 16.33 亿元,新增资本金由蚂蚁金服全额认购,蚂蚁金服将获得保险公司 51%的股份,成为其控股股东。我们认为国泰产险作为蚂蚁金服发起的“互联网推进器”的计划重要参与者,将“在渠道、技术、数据、征信乃至资本层面,与金融机构加大合作”。在“众安保险”和“信美人寿相互保险社”之后,蚂蚁金服在保险领域的实际性布局也提醒我们对于投资机会的关注。A 股互联网保险标的关注旗下互联网保险经纪平台新一站持续放量的焦点科技(002315.SZ),以及四家互联网保险持牌经营之一易安保险的股东银之杰(300085.SZ)。
  • 35668.全球算法交易市场报告(2016-2020年)

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,金融业] [2016-08-09]

    Modern financial markets use advanced mathematical models to arrive at (and execute) transaction decisions. Such automated technologies are referred to as highspeed algorithmic trading. These methods determine the optimal time for an order to be placed so as to generate the least impact on stock prices. Large institutional investors use algorithmic trading technologies to buy and sell large blocks of shares in small tranches every day. These technologies allow users to use the best possible pricing without any significant impact on purchasing costs.
  • 35669.全球移动电话保险市场报告(2016-2020年)

    [金融业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2016-08-09]

    The mobile phone insurance refers to the insurance or coverage taken by the cell phone users looking to insure their cell phones from different kinds of damages or losses. The coverage is provided to the insured in case of losses and damages against riot, strike, malicious damage, terrorist activities, fire, theft, accident, and fortuitous circumstances. Mobile phone insurance helps evade expensive replacement costs in case of mobile phone breakdown. In most cases, liquid damage due to water is a common problem. Due to this, the customer without an insurance coverage has to pay full price for a replacement, which is a loss for the customer. The replacement cost is generally higher in the case of contract phones. Cell phones that are purchased on a contract basis are subsidized across the term of the contract.
  • 35670.全球风险投资市场报告(2016-2020年)

    [金融业] [2016-08-09]

    Venture capital is a source of financing for new businesses that have limited operating history and are unable to raise capital through debt issuance. It is a form of private equity involving financing provided to small and early stages of firms with high growth potential or those already showing high growth rate. In return, venture capitalists receive an ownership stake in the invested company. Most start-ups are usually from hi-tech industries such as IT and biotechnology. The major lead venture investment is done in the initial seed funding round. Mostly, the venture capital comes from investment banks, wealthy investors, and other financial institutions that pool such investments.
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