[专用设备制造业,汽车制造业] [2020-06-06]
At present, cars are all about luxury, comfort, and best driving experiences. Seats are the integral part of driving experience, and in order to improve comfort and luxury, all the automobile manufacturers are trying to provide best seating experience by offering more passenger friendly seats in cars. One of the latest trends in the automotive seats market in China or any part of the world is ventilated seats, especially in the budget segment vehicles. These seats are meant to offer comfort and healthy experience to the occupant. Ventilated seats contain small seat ventilation fans, which direct air through the seat onto the occupant. The production trend of cars till 2018 has contributed to a direct increase in the demand for seat assembly. Owing to the rising air pollution and extreme climatic conditions in the country, the preference and usage pattern of air conditioning have been prevalent in serving the occupants. Moreover, the increasing average drive time spent in vehicles has led to a rise in the demand for ventilated seats in luxury automobiles. In 2019, the country noticed a decline of 3% in the SUV sales, when compared to that of 2018, registering 10.35 million units. However, the country remains as a top market in the SUV segment at a global level. In the recent launches of new SUV models, the front seats have been equipped with ventilated seats. For instance, in 2018, GAC Trumpchi launched next-generation Trumpchi GS5 compact SUV, equipped with ventilation systems for front seats. Similarly, SWM launched the G01 compact SUV, equipped with high-quality leather seats that feature ventilation designs (the main seat is equipped with a heating system). The trend of ventilated seats and the increasing demand in the SUV segment may drive the market studied in the future.
[专用设备制造业] [2020-05-31]
小尺寸方面,手机面板价格4月下跌4.3%-10.5%,主要源于4月海外疫情持续发酵,全球经济与消费 遭受重创,手机需求下滑,多个手机品牌出现面板减单、新项目推迟等情况,而供给端中日韩产能逐 渐恢复,造成一定时间供需错配,出现阶段性供给过剩;
[专用设备制造业] [2020-05-31]
过去的一个月(2020.04.22~5.22),扫地机行业龙头科沃斯和石头科技 迎来了久违的行情,股价分别上涨 28%、16%左右,同期沪深 300 指数持平。
[电气机械和器材制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,专用设备制造业] [2020-05-31]
[专用设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业,电气机械和器材制造业] [2020-05-30]
In el ectronics manufacturing, IC (integrated circuit) packa ging is the final s tage of semiconductor device fabrication, in which, the tiny block of semiconducting material is encased in a supporting case that prevents physical damage and corrosion. The increasing efforts to make the electronic packaging highly resourceful has led to amplified usage in a myriad of applications. The reduction in package size is inversely proportional to the power dissipation. Therefore, the players in the market are striving to develop semiconductors that can retain power with reduced size. For instance, NXP semiconductors achieved 55% reduction in package size for its transistors range by retaining the same power performance,both devices take up an area space of 2 mm by 2 mm. These trends drive the growth of the miniaturized semiconductor and IC packaging markets. This has also resulted in the development of three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D IC) technology, which is increasingly adopted across various space-constrained applications, including portable consumer electronic devices, sensors, MEMS, and industrial products, as it increases the overall performance of the products regarding speed, durability, low power consumption, lightweight, and memory.
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,专用设备制造业,电气机械和器材制造业] [2020-05-30]
The report discusses different types of industrial refrigeration systems and components used for various applications. Industrial refrigeration systems are used for massive freezing and refrigeration plants that are usually involved in food & beverage processing, cold storage, and others. They are also used in the manufacturing industry. The report covers industrial systems offerings, which include industrial refrigerators and components. By component, the market is categorized into compressors, condensers, evaporators, controls, and others. Depending on refrigerant type, the market is divided into ammonia, carbon dioxide, hydrofluorocarbon (HFC), and others. On the basis of application, the market is categorized into fresh fruits & vegetables; dairy & ice cream; meat, poultry, & fish; beverages; chemicals; pharmaceuticals; and others. By region, the market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
[专用设备制造业] [2020-05-23]
2019 年底国家标准化委员会公布空调行业新版能效标准等级,新标将于 2020 年 7 月 1 日正式实施。新标统一了变频及定频空调能效标准,将能效标准评定分为 1-5 级,并将 市场准入门槛大幅提升。当前市场绝大部分定频空调及部分 3 级能效变频空调或将不达 新标的市场准入门槛,面临淘汰,涉及产品约占当前市场销量的 4 成左右。
[专用设备制造业] [2020-05-23]
近期空调终端需求全面好转,主要是五一全国大范围高温天气,推动空调终端 动销进一步恢复,04.27-05.10 空调线上线下零售量同比分别增长 168%、34%。 需求好转的同时,空调价格战有所松动,线下表现尤为明显。4 月空调行业线 下均价同比仅下跌 10.6%,跌幅环比明显收窄,而 5 月第一周、第二周行业线 下均价同比分别下跌 9.4%、2.5%,进一步确认了线下价格趋势;线上竞争依旧 较为激烈,行业线上均价下滑幅度保持在 20%左右,环比变化幅度不大;具体 到品牌来看,奥克斯等小品牌纷纷发布涨价函,奥维监测数据也显示小品牌线 下均价跌幅收窄,而龙头线下价格跌幅明显收窄,线上特价机价格有所上调。
[专用设备制造业] [2020-05-23]
一季度疫情对销售的影响主要集中在亚洲等地,其他海外区域影响尚未体 现。分区域看,海外各公司一季度营收负增长地区主要在中国、日本等亚洲 地区,其中 Whirlpool 的负增长区域主要分布在 EMEA 和亚洲,Dakin Industries 的空调业务在中东、日本、中国营收均为负增长;分行业板块看, 大家电和小家电受影响程度差别不大,但因为海外疫情的爆发在3月后两 周,所以疫情带来的冲击尚未完全体现:从一季度总营收看,除 Arcelik 和 De’Longhai 外均为负增长,其中 Arcelik 同比增长 12.54%,De’Longhai 同 比营收增长 4.5%。
[专用设备制造业] [2020-05-23]
本周沪深 300 指数-1.28%,创业板指数-0.04%,中小板指数-0.93%,家电板 块+1.19%。从细分板块看白电、黑电、小家电涨跌幅分别为+1.04%、+4.54%、 +0%。个股中,本周涨幅前五名是飞乐音响、奋达科技、兆驰股份、TCL 集 团、立霸股份;本周跌幅前五名是雪莱特、荣泰健康、勤上股份、和晶科技、 *ST 中科。