[仪器仪表制造业,电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,专用设备制造业] [2020-07-06]
The proliferation of handheld devices has led to developments in the field of the gas detector, which has considerably widened the scope of application across multiple end-user segments. The government regulations across the world are increasingly becoming stringent in both emission control as well as labor safety, which is driving the demand for gas detectors. Industrial production process not only involves the use of various gases but also shares a considerable share of the overall environmental emissions. The government regulates leakage of such gases, and this is where the demand for gas detectors is increasing. For instance, the EU incorporated Directive 2010/75/EU an instrumental regulation in controlling pollutant emissions into the atmosphere by industrial installations. The governments across the world and political bodies are increasingly setting targets to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. For example, the EU has set itself a goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Also, countries, such as China, the United States, India, and Russia, are increasingly adopting stringent regulations to tackle emission rates. Moreover, the government regulations for workplace and labor safety are increasingly becoming stringent, and adherence to such rules is vital in business continuity for organizations. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that 4% of the gross world product is expended on worker accidents, and the percentage increases even further if we take into account the work-related health problems.
[仪器仪表制造业,专用设备制造业] [2020-07-05]
Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is a powerful technology that adds a new dimension to optical imaging. HSI has been used for more than a decade now. However, until 2015, it was still relatively unknown compared to other imaging technologies, such as infrared, multispectral, and LiDAR. However, the adoption of hyperspectral imaging has started to change slowly and is gaining traction in the agriculture, chemical analysis, and defense sectors, in addition to metal and meteorology sector for which it was initially designed. One major application of HSI is in food surface inspection (reflectance imaging is used on various products to check for bruises and other damages) to maintain the quality and safety of food products. Hyperspectral imaging can analyze the chemical composition of food products for ripeness, grading, contamination, and disease conditions. Thus, by implementing hyperspectral imaging, users can benefit from a significant financial return by means of an increased throughput and yield of the processing centers. It is also widely used in military surveillance to monitor potential targets for avoiding major calamities.
[仪器仪表制造业,医药制造业,专用设备制造业] [2020-07-05]
Coronavirus belongs to a family that includes viruses causing common cold to middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS), and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARs), as per the World Health Organization (WHO). The novel coronavirus is a newly discovered strain and is also known as COVID-19 and has led to a rapid rate of respiratory infections and deaths globally. The disease primarily spreads through droplets of saliva or nasal discharge of an infected person, when such a person coughs or sneezes. The common symptoms of the disease are fever, cough, difficulty in breathing, fatigue, loss of smell, tenderness, and muscle pain, among others. The spread of the disease can be avoided through washing hands with soap and water at regular intervals, avoiding contact with those infected, and using a medical facemask. The following figure illustrates the crucial information regarding novel coronavirus spread, symptoms, susceptibility, and preventive measures against the disease.
[电气机械和器材制造业,专用设备制造业] [2020-06-27]
百特粒度仪推出BTPM-AWS2 智能恒温恒湿称重系统。5 月8 日,百特粒度仪讯,据悉,丹东百特仪器有限公司研制的一种称量滤膜、滤筒、滤嘴的“四合一”自动称重系统BTPM-AWS2,单次可处理47mm 滤膜200 个,90mm 滤膜100 个,滤嘴或滤筒分别为60 个。
[通用设备制造业,专用设备制造业] [2020-06-27]
中铁装备自主研制国内最大直径硬岩掘进机下线。5 月9 日,第一工程机械网讯,5 月8 日上午,由中国中铁工程装备集团自主研制的国内最大直径(9.83 米)敞开式硬岩掘进机--“云岭号”(中铁888 号)在中铁装备德阳基地顺利下线,该设备将用于云南省滇中引水工程。
[专用设备制造业] [2020-06-27]
中国西电:国产化动车组及高铁车载用真空灭弧室顺利通过国家级试验验证;上海交通大学船建学院两项成果获2019 上海市科学技术奖;东莞一企业拿大奖,解高端装备世界级难题;国之重器FL-62 风洞首次承接型号试验。
[专用设备制造业] [2020-06-26]
从日本隔震发展史可知大震突发启示是隔震发展的重要驱动,建筑法的不断修订完善为产业发展提供了明确指引作用,而经济实力是其产业得以顺利推动的 先决因素。日本隔震发展首先建立在经济水平相对较高同时产业结构升级的基础之上,1981新抗震设计法实施后,隔震由于抗震性能强得到初步应用,1995 阪神大震后快速扩张,2011东日本大震加速了日本隔震“最后一公里” 进程,产业发展进度正与日本经济发展、产业进程相符合。
[专用设备制造业] [2020-06-25]
[专用设备制造业] [2020-06-25]
[计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,通用设备制造业,专用设备制造业] [2020-06-24]