[医药制造业,卫生和社会工作] [2013-12-21]
CAP reviews are one element of the OIGs efforts to ensure that our Nations veterans receive high quality VA health care services. The objective of the CAP review is to conduct recurring evaluations of selected health care facility operations, focusing on patient care administration and QM. The review covered facility operations for FY 2011 and FY 2012 through August 16, 2012, and was done in accordance with OIG standard operating procedures for CAP reviews. We also asked the facility to provide us with their current status on the recommendations we made in our previous CAP report (Combined Assessment Program Review of the VA Southern Oregon Rehabilitation Center and Clinics, White City, Oregon, Report No. 11-00032-213, July 7, 2011). Additionally, we surveyed employees regarding patient safety and quality of care at the facility. An electronic survey was made available to all facility employees, and 138 responded. We shared survey results with facility managers. In this report, we make recommendations for improvement. Recommendations pertain to issues that are significant enough to be monitored by the OIG until corrective actions are implemented.
[医药制造业] [2013-12-21]
Monoclonal antibody (mAb) MN423 recognizes Alzheimer’s disease specific conformation of tauprotein assembled into paired helical filaments (PHF). Since the three-dimensional structure of PHF is currently unavailable, the structure of MN423 binding site could provide important information about PHF conformation.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-21]
This guide helps you to get started with a typical installation for Microsoft? Exchange Server? v2013 CU1 using a series of script packages and defines the requirements of this automation in IBM? PureApplication? System.
关键词:PureApplication;IBM模式实验室;微软Exchange服务器v2013 CU1
[铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-12-21]
Environmental conditions, cyclic loading, and aging contribute to structural wear and degradation, and thus potentially catastrophic events. The challenge of health monitoring technology is to determine incipient changes accurately and efficiently.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-21]
With touch-based interfaces becoming commonplace on personal computing devices ranging from phones and slates to notebook and desktop PCs, a number of common tasks that were once performed using mouse or keyboard input now need to be performed using fingers on the touch surface. Finger-drawn gestures offer a viable alternative to desktop and keyboard shortcuts as shortcuts for common tasks such as launching of applications and navigation of large media collections. In order to be truly effective, the interface for definition, management and invocation of gestures should be highly intuitive, and optimized for the device. In particular, the process of invoking gestures should be seamless and natural. Further, the recognition of gestures needs to be robust for the specific user. In this paper, we describe GeCCo (Gesture Command and Control), a system for personalized finger gesture shortcuts for touch-enabled desktops and trackpad-enabled notebook PCs. One of the key issues addressed in the design of GeCCo is that of mode switching in the context of notebook PCs. We describe a user study to decide between different interactions for mode switching. The interactions are designed such that mode switch and gesture can be simultaneously indicated. Since new gestures may be defined by the user at any time, statistical pattern classification techniques which require large numbers of training samples for each gesture are not useful. Instead we use nearest-neighbor classification with Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) distance, and a writer adaptation scheme for improving accuracy to desired levels. We conclude the paper with experimental results and some thoughts on next steps.
[计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-12-21]
Differential Global Positioning Systems (DGPS) are susceptible to outages due to blocked or missing satellite signals and/or blocked or missing DGPS correction messages. Outages arise primarily due to environmental reasons: passing under bridges, passing under overhead highway signs, adjacent foliage, etc. Generally, these outages are spatially deterministic, and can be accurately predicted. These outages distract drivers using DGPS-based driver assistive systems, and limit the system robustness. Inertial measurements have been proposed as an augmentation for DGPS. Tests have shown that error rates for even emerging technologies are still too high; a vehicle can maintain lane position for less than three to four seconds. Ring laser gyros can do the job, but $100K per axis is still too expensive for road-going vehicles. To provide robust vehicle positioning in the face of DGPS outages, the IV Lab has developed a technique by which a non-contact, 2D true ground velocity sensor is used to guide the vehicle. Although far from fully developed, the system can maintain vehicle position within a lane for GPS outages of up to 20 seconds. New dual frequency, carrier phase DGPS systems generally require less than 20 seconds to acquire a 'fix' solution after a GPS outage, so the performance of this system should be adequate for augmentation. Proposed herein is basic research which may lead to the development of an inexpensive, 2D, non-contact velocity sensor optimized for vehicle guidance during periods of DGPS outages.
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2013-12-21]
The overall objective of this project was to quantify the energy, environmental, and economic performance of industrial facilities that would coproduce electricity and transportation fuels or chemicals from a mixture of coal and biomass via co-gasification in a single qressurized, oxgen-blown, entrained-flow gasifier, with capture and storage of CO(sub2)(CSS).
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-21]
This article introduces a new way of using the IBM? WebSphere? DataPower appliance, namely running it as a virtual appliance in IBM PureApplication? System. This virtual appliance supports the same set of functionality you get with the physical appliance, just in a different form factor. Moreover, its support for PureApplication System lets you include DataPower appliances in virtual system patterns, allowing you to automate its install, configuration, and integration with other parts of your infrastructure.
关键词:IBM PureApplication;WebSphere DataPower ;虚拟系统模式
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-21]
Learn how to migrate your Windows 2008 R2 64-bit instances safely from IBM SmartCloud Enterprise to IBM SoftLayer.
关键词:SoftLayer;Racemi云路服务;Windows 2008 R2服务器
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-12-21]
This guide helps you to get started with a typical installation for Microsoft? SQL Server? v2008 R2 SP2 using a script package and defines the requirements of this automation in IBM? PureApplication? System.
关键词:PureApplication;IBM模式实验室;Microsoft SQL Server v2008 R2 SP2