[交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2022-11-13]
10 月30 日,国家发改委同意中国国家铁路集团有限公司发行中国铁路建设债券3000 亿元,所筹资金中1002.6 亿元用于铁路建设项目,250 亿元用于装备购置,1747.4 亿元用于债务结构调整(其中500亿元用于控股企业纾困)。2022 年前三季度,全国铁路固定资产投资完成4750 亿元,进度较去年同期提高1.8 个百分点,投产新线2381 公里,其中高铁1198 公里。2022 年内新开工项目累计建设新线总里程达5387 公里,投资总规模达11981 亿元。
[汽车制造业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2015-09-02]
PEVs can represent a significant power resource for the grid. An IVCI with bi-direction V2G capabilities would allow PEVs to provide grid support services and thus generate a source of revenue for PEV owners. The fleet of EV Project vehicles represents a power resource between 30 MW and 90 MW, depending on the power rating of the grid connection (5-15 kW). Aggregation of vehicle capacity would allow PEVs to participate in wholesale reserve capacity markets. One of the key insights from EV Project data is the fact that vehicles are connected to an EVSE much longer than is necessary to deliver a full charge. During these hours when the vehicles are not charging, they can be participating in wholesale power markets providing the high-value services of regulation and spinning reserves. The annual gross revenue potential for providing these services using the fleet of EV Project vehicles is several hundred thousands of dollars to several million dollars annually depending on the power rating of the grid interface, the number of hours providing grid services, and the market being served. On a per vehicle basis, providing grid services can generate several thousands of dollars over the life of the vehicle.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2015-09-01]
Mechanics of a functionally graded cylinder subject to static or dynamic axial loading is considered, including a potential application as energy absorber. The mass density and stiffness are power functions of the radial coordinate as may be the case with variable-density open-cell or closed-cell foams. Exact solutions are obtained in the static problem and in the case where the applied load is a periodic function of time. The absorption of energy is analyzed in the static problem that is reduced to an easily implementable nondimensional formulation. It is demonstrated that by using foams with a variable in the radial direction mass density it is possible to achieve higher energy absorption while at the same time saving weight.
[交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2015-09-01]
The communities of Hartford, Connecticut, and Syracuse, New York, implemented year-long campaigns to test whether NHTSAs high-visibility enforcement (HVE) model could be applied to reduce two specific forms of distracted driving driving while talking on a hand-held cell phone or texting. The HVE model applies strong laws, vigorous targeted law enforcement, extensive media that emphasizes the enforcement, and evaluation. Both sites conducted 4 waves of enforcement between April 2010 and April 2011. NHTSA developed and bought TV and radio spots featuring the tag line Phone in One Hand, Ticket in the Other. Both sites generated ample earned media. Police wrote 100 to 200 citations per 10,000 population for each wave in each site. Driver surveys showed an increase in awareness that cell phone laws were being enforced and recognition of the new slogan. Observed hand-held driver cell phone use dropped from 6.6% to 2.9% in Hartford, and from 3.7% to 2.5% in Syracuse. Connecticuts control area also showed a decrease in use (from 6.6% to 5.6%) but not to the same extent as Hartford. New Yorks control area had similar decreases (5% to 3%), perhaps a result of separate enforcement campaigns running simultaneously in the control site. The results show that high-visibility enforcement campaigns can reduce the number of people who use hand-held cell phones while driving.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2015-08-29]
Urban mobility is not only one of the pillars of modern economic systems, but also a key issue in the quest for equality of opportunity, once it can improve access to other services. Currently, however, there are a number of negative issues related to traffic, especially in mega-cities, such as economical issues (cost of opportunity caused by delays), environmental (externalities related to emissions of pollutants), and social (traffic accidents). Solutions to these issues are more and more closely tied to information and communication technology. Indeed, a search in the technical literature (using the keyword "urban traffic" to filter out articles on data network traffic) retrieved the following number of articles (as of December 3, 2013): 9,443 (ACM Digital Library), 26,054 (Scopus), and 1,730,000 (Google Scholar). Moreover, articles listed in the ACM query relate to conferences as diverse as MobiCom, CHI, PADS, and AAMAS. This means that there is a big and diverse community of computer scientists and computer engineers who tackle research that is connected to the development of intelligent traffic and transportation systems. It is also possible to see that this community is growing, and that research projects are getting more and more interdisciplinary. To foster the cooperation among the involved communities, this book aims at giving a broad introduction into the basic but relevant concepts related to transportation systems, targeting researchers and practitioners from computer science and information technology. In addition, the second part of the book gives a panorama of some of the most exciting and newest technologies, originating in computer science and computer engineering, that are now being employed in projects related to car-to-car communication, interconnected vehicles, car navigation, platoon-ing, crowd sensing and sensor networks, among others. This material will also be of interest to engineers and researchers from the traffic and transportation community.
[交通运输、仓储和邮政业,水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2015-08-29]
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has stated that the warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observed increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice and rising global average sea level. In the coming decades, it is expected that these changes will result in regional climate impacts, including, but not limited to, permafrost thawing, increased tropical cyclone intensity, shifting tropical storm tracks, and an increase in the frequency of heat waves and heavy precipitation. As a result of these findings, concern is growing both in the United States and abroad (47) that these changes will have serious adverse impacts on transportation and civil infrastructure systems unless agencies take proactive steps to mitigate these issues.
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2015-08-29]
Creating transportation infrastructure, which can clean up itself and contaminated air surrounding it, can be a groundbreaking approach in addressing environmental challenges of our time. This project has explored a possibility of depositing coatings on the existing materials to address a feasibility of this approach. More specifically, we have quantified the rates of removal of pollutants from the air by a new generation of coatings, which can be applied on any architectural elements and transportation infrastructure. We have also used indicators synthesized in our lab to demonstrate the self-cleaning properties of these now commercially available coatings. In addition, we have worked with the company pioneering this technology in the US and Europe to scope the new application of this technology. The survey of the existing and future commercial projects has indicated that this technology is already leading to very exciting applications in transportation sector, where concrete, asphalt, steel, glass and masonry surfaces will become green and sustainable interfaces mitigating the environmental and health impacts of transportation. The results obtained in this project have a significant relevance to the USDOT goals, such as development of livable communities by providing an access to environmentally sustainable travel options. Moreover, it has also relevance to another DOT goal focused on environmental sustainability, where self-cleaning properties of the coatings have a potential to improve both energy and water conservation.
[交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2015-08-28]
Freight movement is essential to the function of metropolitan areas, yet generates many externalities, including congestion, air pollution, noise, and greenhouse gas emissions. Metropolitan areas around the world are seeking ways to manage urban freight and its impacts. This paper presents the results from a comprehensive international survey of urban freight management strategies. The objective was to examine the effectiveness of alternative strategies and assess their transferability for U.S. implementation. Three categories were used to describe urban freight strategies: last-mile or first-mile deliveries and pickups, environmental mitigation, and trade node strategies. Many possibilities were found for the improved management of urban freight and its impacts; these possibilities included labeling and certification programs, incentive-based programs for voluntary emissions reduction, local land use and parking policies, and more stringent national fuel efficiency and emissions standards for heavy-duty trucks. More research is needed on intramet-ropolitan freight movements and on the effectiveness of existing policies and strategies.
[交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2015-08-27]
Since limitations have been encountered in the achievement of the traditional targets tracking algorithms, a novel tracking method based on local block-graphs targets matching is proposed. Car flow tracking is applied to prove the effectiveness of the method. First, the images containing the targets are captured by the video frames to get the targets block-graphs. Second, the block-graphs can be used to achieve targets matching, and the detection process can be achieved by targets matching to get the optimal targets set. Finally, the targets set can be used to achieve the minimum deviation forecasting of all frames, and the targets tracking can be achieved. A junction video is selected as the experimental data, and a large number of experiments have been done. The results show that the proposed method not only has a great effect to track cars, but also has a better detection rate and tracking accuracy. The car flow statistics can be completed effectively.
[交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2015-08-27]
An interdisciplinary team of six faculty members and six students at the University of Detroit Mercy (UDM) conducted a comprehensive study of the factors enabling or inhibiting development of effective regional transit. Focusing on Metro Detroit and four peer regionsAtlanta, Cleveland, Denver, and St. Louisinvestigators examined six key variables in transit success: 1) leadership and politics, 2) governance and law, 3) finance, 4) transit-oriented development (TOD), 5) equity and access, and 6) media and public opinion. These elements were studied in the context of Detroit transit history with respect to lessons learned, recent developments in Metro Detroit, and comparisons and recommendations. The team employed a nontraditional research methodology driven not by numbers but by the narrative of firsthand experience. They conducted in-depth interviews with more than 60 leaders in transit advocacy, development, and operation from five regions across the country, seeking the type of insight acquired almost exclusively through personal experience. The interviewees included: Current or previous CEOs of four regional transit authorities (RTAs) and more than 25 key staff members of RTAs Six RTA board members, including three board presidents Five MPO leaders of transit development in their regions A wide variety of stakeholders/advocates, including leading figures in business, education, labor, campaign consulting, and media Government leaders, including legislators, mayors and mayors staff The team then undertook the task of curating, organizing and assembling this accumulation of wisdom into cogent analyses that form the foundation of this report. This document provides and overview and summaries of key findings in all six areas of focus. Six separate reports explore each area in greater depth.