[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织,综合,租赁和商务服务业,科学研究和技术服务业] [2021-12-03]
[科学研究和技术服务业,文教、工美、体育和娱乐用品制造业,综合,公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2021-12-02]
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2017-07-29]
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2015-08-22]
The communities of Hartford, Connecticut, and Syracuse, New York, implemented year-long campaigns to test whether NHTSAs high-visibility enforcement (HVE) model could be applied to reduce two specific forms of distracted driving driving while talking on a hand-held cell phone or texting. The HVE model applies strong laws, vigorous targeted law enforcement, extensive media that emphasizes the enforcement, and evaluation. Both sites conducted 4 waves of enforcement between April 2010 and April 2011. NHTSA developed and bought TV and radio spots featuring the tag line Phone in One Hand, Ticket in the Other. Both sites generated ample earned media. Police wrote 100 to 200 citations per 10,000 population for each wave in each site. Driver surveys showed an increase in awareness that cell phone laws were being enforced and recognition of the new slogan. Observed hand-held driver cell phone use dropped from 6.6% to 2.9% in Hartford, and from 3.7% to 2.5% in Syracuse. Connecticuts control area also showed a decrease in use (from 6.6% to 5.6%) but not to the same extent as Hartford. New Yorks control area had similar decreases (5% to 3%), perhaps a result of separate enforcement campaigns running simultaneously in the control site. The results show that high-visibility enforcement campaigns can reduce the number of people who use hand-held cell phones while driving.
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2015-08-17]
The purpose of this multi-site study is to conduct a randomized controlled trial of the Caring Letters intervention to determine if the intervention is effective in preventing suicide and suicidal behaviors among Service Members and Veterans. The caring letters concept was originally developed and evaluated by Jerome Motto and colleagues in the 1970 s (1). In Motto s trial, civilian psychiatric inpatients were sent caring letters following discharge (initially monthly, decreasing to quarterly) for five years. Compared to a control group (usual care) with no further contact, the Caring Letters group had a significantly lower suicide rate for the first two years of the trial. These caring letters are one of the only suicide prevention interventions to reduce suicide mortality in a randomized controlled trial (2). Despite the initial promising results of the original Caring Letters RCT, there have been no published replications of the original intervention or tests of the intervention among military personnel or veterans. This study will fill an important gap in the evidence base for the Caring Letter intervention and is timely given the steady increase of military suicide in recent years.
[交通运输、仓储和邮政业,公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2015-08-11]
In recent years, bikeshare systems have spread throughout the United States. Despite the increase in systems and users, little is known about how bikeshare member demographics and travel patterns compare with those of traditional bicyclists. To bridge the gap, this study investigated bikeshare system user travel behavior and developed a profile of user demographics through the comparison of short-term (1 day) users and annual members of Capital Bikeshare (CaBi) in Washington, D.C., with profiles of area bicyclists. Data originated from a Washington, D.C., regional household travel survey of 2007-2008, an intercept survey of short-term CaBi users, and an online survey of annual CaBi members. The analysis compared gender, race and ethnicity, age, and student status, as well as socioeconomic status across the surveys. The comparison included trip purpose, helmet use, and travel modes for trips that were replaced by bikesharing. Profiles of CaBi and area cyclists differed with respect to many demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Compared with area cyclists, CaBi short-term users and annual members were more likely to be female and younger, to have lower household incomes, and to own fewer cars and fewer bicycles and were more likely to cycle for utilitarian purposes. CaBi trips mainly replaced trips made by public transport and by walking. CaBi short-term users and members shared similar characteristics, but short-term users were more likely to ride for recreational purposes and were less likely to wear a helmet. The study results indicated that bikesharing can encourage new segments of society to cycle and can help increase the bicycling mode share overall.
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织,交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2015-08-11]
Rear-end crashes on freeways contribute significantly to nonrecurring congestion. Reducing these events would significantly improve freeway capacity, particularly during peak hours. Although promising coun-termeasures, such as variable speed limits, changeable message signs, and vehicle-based improvements, are under consideration, currently there is a shortage of demonstrably proven countermeasures targeted at freeway rear-end crashes. Liability rules, in which the direct cost associated with a crash is divided between the drivers, their insurance companies, or both, are a primary mechanism for influencing the occurrence of freeway rear-end crashes. An exploratory effort uses concepts from evolutionary game theory to predict the effects of liability rules on rear-end crashes. In a typical two-vehicle car-following scenario, driving behavior can be associated with a utility that each driver expects to achieve depending on his or her and the opponent's actions. Such interactions between leader and follower are modeled as the outcome of an evolutionary process in which drivers with different driving behaviors are randomly and repeatedly matched against each other to play a two-player game. The outcome of these games determines the fraction of drivers pursuing a particular driving strategy for the next phase of the game. The stable long-run distribution of driving strategies is then used to predict the proportion of drivers who are more likely to be involved in a rear-end accident. It turns out that when direct crash costs are allocated evenly to the involved drivers, a population in which all drivers act to avoid crashes is not evolutionarily stable.
[卫生和社会工作,公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2015-08-05]
In the absence of validated national benchmarks, or norms, this document stresses the need for each community paramedicine program to define its system-specific health status benchmarks and performance indicators and to use a variety of community health and public health interventions to improve the community's health status. The document also addresses reducing the burden of illness, chronic disease, and injury as a community-wide public health problem, not strictly as a patient care issue. Opportunities to review community paramedicine programs are beneficial because they allow for the assessment of the status of EMS activities and move systems forward in developing inclusive and comprehensive systems of care. Many EMS programs conduct their own internal or external reviews, and it is hoped that this document will serve as another tool used by these programs to assess the current status of community paramedicine programs and to provide guidance on future system enhancements. The assessment tool also provides a common framework by which data can be collected from multiple community paramedicine programs and aggregated to develop a snapshot of common successes and challenges. While the tool should be useful across both urban and rural programs it is specifically designed to address rural settings where community health/public health resources are often very limited. By encouraging emerging rural community paramedicine programs to use this evaluation framework as a planning tool, it should be possible to create stronger partnerships and linkages with scarce rural resources.
[医药制造业,公共管理、社会保障和社会组织] [2015-08-05]
The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 mandated the Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies Competitive Bidding Program (the Competitive Bidding Program). The Competitive Bidding Program sets lower payment rates than conventional Medicare payment rates for selected durable medical equipment and supplies (DME items) while ensuring beneficiary access to quality items and services. In previous audits, we identified an estimated $16.5 million that the Illinois and Ohio Medicaid programs could have saved on diabetic test strips if they had obtained pricing similar to the pricing that Medicare obtained through the Competitive Bidding Program or by establishing a manufacturer rebate program. Test strips are just 1 of 339 DME items covered by the Competitive Bidding Program. Because we identified potential savings for test strips in Illinois and Ohio, we conducted this review of 42 selected DME items, including test strips in Minnesota. Our objective was to determine whether the Minnesota Medicaid program could achieve cost savings for the 42 selected DME items by obtaining pricing similar to the pricing that Medicare obtained through the Competitive Bidding Program.
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织,交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2015-08-05]
A 37-year-old diesel mechanic employed by a railroad transportation company died when his loaded utility truck collided with the rear of a semi-trailer on a four-lane interstate highway. The mechanic was driving at highway speed during daylight hours when he failed to stop in time and struck the semi, which was moving slowly in traffic that had backed up due to a car fire two miles downstream. There was severe damage to the mechanic's truck, with underside of the cab and intrusion up to the right rear tires of the trailer ahead. The force of the collision caused a chain reaction, pushing the struck tractor-trailer forward into a second tractor-trailer that had stopped in backed up traffic. Fire and rescue responders arrived from the nearby town located four miles away. The mechanic, who was wearing a safety belt, suffered blunt force trauma as a result of the collision and was pronounced deceased at the scene. He was extricated by mechanical means from the truck cab and was found holding a cell phone. Law enforcement officers' examination of the phone activity revealed the mechanic had exchanged several voice/text messages prior to the crash and was initiating a voice/text message application at the time of the collision. The driver's failure to notice the tractor trailer ahead and stop in time was attributed to texting. Drivers of the other two vehicles were not severely injured.