[化学原料和化学制品制造业,石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业] [2015-09-01]
The neutron radiography (NRAD) reactor is a 250 kW TRIGA (Training, Research, Isotopes, General Atomics) Mark IIa,b tank-type research reactor located in the basement, below the main hot cell, of the Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF) at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). It is equipped with two beam tubes with separate radiography stations for the performance of neutron radiography irradiation on small test components.c The NRAD reactor is currently under the direction of the Battelle Energy Alliance (BEA) and is operated and maintained by the INL and Hot Cell Services Division. It is primarily used for neutron radiography analysis of both irradiated and unirradiated fuels and materials. Typical applications for examining the internal features of fuel elements and assemblies include fuel pellet separations, fuel central-void formation, pellet cracking, evidence of fuel melting, and material integrity under normal and extreme conditions. Examination of the behavior of large test loops and assemblies can also be performed. Due to the intense gamma activity of most irradiated specimens, the HFEF uses an indirect radiography, where a beam of neutrons passes through a specimen, strikes a gamma-insensitive metal foil (typically indium or dysprosium, for epithermal or thermal neutron spectra, respectively), and activates the foil. The foil can then be placed against a sheet of x-ray photographic film. X-rays from the metal foil then render an image on the film, which is then developed. While this method takes longer than the conventional direct method, the results eliminate gamma interference and are more detailed. Neutron tomography capabilities are being developed, where radiographs are obtained from different rotational angles and digitized to reconstruct cross-sections of a specimen. Direct radiography, such as Polaroid or track-etch radiography, and in-tank irradiations and/or experiments with small in-core samples can also be performed in the NRAD reactor.
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业] [2015-09-01]
LGFCS is developing an integrated planar (IP) SOFC technology for mega-watt scale power generation including the potential for use in highly efficient, economically competitive central generation power plant facilities fuel by coal synthesis gas. This Department of Energy Solid-State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA) program is aimed at achieving further cell and stack technical advancements and assessing the readiness of the LGFCS SOFC stack technology to be scaled to larger-scale demonstrations in subsequent phases. LGFCS is currently in Phase 2 of the program with the Phase 1 test carrying over for completion during Phase 2.
[石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业,化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2015-09-01]
In an effort to understand and quantify the carbon and sulfur contents of a curium oxide production process performed in the hot cells at Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Radiochemical Engineering Development Center, a non-radioactive surrogate was used in a similar oxide formation process. Neodymium (Nd), which was chosen as a substitute for curium, was loaded onto a Dowex 50W-X8 resin by use of ion exchange column techniques and then treated under a variety of processing conditions. The surrogate product was analyzed for carbon and sulfur impurities, using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry for sulfur assessment, a LECO combustion furnace/analyzer for carbon quantification, and X-ray diffraction for compound identification. The results indicate that the carbon and sulfur contents in the Nd oxide were similar to current estimations for curium oxide using the reference hot cell process. It was also seen that the major surrogate product of the hot cell process contained sulfur in a Nd oxysulfate (Nd2O2SO4) compound. Parametric analysis of the resin decomposition process revealed that increasing the temperature to 1400 degrees C yielded considerably better removal of carbon and sulfur.
关键词:钕;树脂;碳; Curicum氧化;分解;热电池
[化学原料和化学制品制造业,石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业] [2015-09-01]
The United States Department of Energy (DOE) Fissile Materials Disposition Program (FMDP) is pursuing disposal of surplus weapons-usable plutonium by reactor irradiation as the fissile constituent of MOX fuel. Lead test assemblies (LTAs) have been irradiated for approximately 36 months in Duke Energy's Catawba-1 nuclear power plant (NPP). Per the mixed oxide (MOX) fuel topical report, approved by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), destructive post-irradiation examinations (PIEs) are to be performed on second cycle rods (irradiated to an average burnup of approximately 45 GWd/MTHM). The Radiochemical Analysis Group (RAG) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is currently performing the detailed destructive post-irradiation examinations (PIE) on four of the mixed uranium and plutonium oxide fuel rods. The analytical process involves dissolution of designated fuel segments in a shielded hot cell for high precision quantification of select fission products and actinide isotopes employing isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) among other analyses. The hot cell dissolution protocol to include the collection and subsequent alkaline fusion digestion of the fuels acid resistant metallic particulates will be presented. Although the IDMS measurements of the fission products and actinide isotopes will not be completed by the time of the 51st INMM meeting, the setup and testing of the HPLC chromatographic separations in preparation for these measurements will be discussed.
[石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业] [2015-08-29]
Multiphase flows commonly occur in the production and transportation of oil, natural gas and water. In this type of flow, the phases can flow in different spatial configurations disposed inside the pipe, so called multiphase flow patterns. The identification of flow patterns and the determination of the pressure drop along the pipe lines for different volumetric flows are important parameters for management and control of production. In this sense, this work proposes to numerically investigate the non-isothermal multiphase flow of a stream of ultraviscous heavy oils containing water and natural gas in submerged risers (catenary) via numerical simulation (ANSYS CFX 11.0). Results of the pressure, volumetric fractions and temperature distributions are presented and analyzed. Numerical results show that the heat transfer was more pronounced when using the largest volume fraction of gas phases.
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业] [2014-11-14]
This report documents and compares the results of detailed analyses of the physical and chemical properties of ten advanced alternative and renewable diesel fuels and four commercial ultra low sulfur diesels (ULSDs). A key objective of this study conducted by the AVFL-19 Working Group of the Coordinating Research Council (CRC) Advanced Vehicle/Fuel/Lubricants Committee was to identify the similarities and differences of these emerging advanced alternative and renewable fuels compared to conventional petroleum derived ULSDs. The four advanced alternative fuels consisted of samples derived from gas-to-liquids (GTL), shale oils, and oil sands. The six renewable fuels were derived from biomass sources including plant, animal, and algal lipids and cellulosic materials. For all of these renewable fuels, none of the oxygen atoms inherent in the starting feedstock were detected, suggesting that they have been hydroprocessed. The four ULSDs were produced at different refineries in the US.
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业] [2014-11-07]
A publication of recent energy statistics, this publication includes total energy production, consumption, and trade; energy prices; overviews of petroleum, natural gas, coal, electricity, nuclear energy, renewable energy, and international petroleum.
[水利、环境和公共设施管理业,石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业] [2014-08-31]
For half a century, CdZnTelCdTe has been investigated for producing radiation detectors. Albeit some success, detector performance and production yield issues remain. Most importantly, the basic science about the factors limiting the detector property and production yield is not understood. The goal of this program is to experimentally and theoretically understand these limiting factors. In addition, techniques will be developed to remove these factors. In this program, 160 CZT crystals have been grown to achieve the program goal. It is discovered that Cd vacancies and Te antisites (Te at Cd sites) are the two major defects that limit the performance of the CZT/CdTe detectors. The introduction of Zn in to the crystals is one way to reduce the density of Te antisites. A process to reduce Cd vacancies has been developed for the growth of CTZ crystals. Zn has been introduced into the crystals to reduce the densities of the Te antisites. Using these approaches, CTZ with Zn contents of 0, 4, 10, 15, and 20have been produced and detectors have been fabricated. The best detectors are produced in CZT grown with 10Zn and 1.5excess Te. The resolution of 57Co 122keV peak is less than 5at room temperature.
[石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业] [2014-07-27]
During heterogeneous nucleation within a metastable mushy-zone, several geometries for nucleation site development must be considered. Traditional spherical dual cap and crevice models are compared to a truncated dual cap to determine the activation energy and critical cluster growth kinetics in ternary Fe-Cr-Ni steel alloys. Results of activation energy results indicate that nucleation is more probable at grain boundaries within the solid than at the solid-liquid interface.
[石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业,化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2014-07-26]
In 1997, the first two United States Department of Energy (US DOE) high level waste tanks (Tanks 17-F and 20-F: Type IV, single shell tanks) were taken out of service (permanently closed) at the Savannah River Site (SRS). In 2012, the DOE plans to remove from service two additional Savannah River Site (SRS) Type IV high-level waste tanks, Tanks 18-F and 19-F. These tanks were constructed in the late 1950s and received low-heat waste and do not contain cooling coils. Operational closure of Tanks 18-F and 19-F is intended to be consistent with the applicable requirements of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and will be performed in accordance with South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC). The closure will physically stabilize two 4.92E+04 cubic meter (1.3 E+06 gallon) carbon steel tanks and isolate and stabilize any residual contaminants left in the tanks. The closure will also fill, physically stabilize and isolate ancillary equipment abandoned in the tanks. A Performance Assessment (PA) has been developed to assess the long-term fate and transport of residual contamination in the environment resulting from the operational closure of the F-Area Tank Farm (FTF) waste tanks.