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  • 13091.美国婴儿食品和奶粉市场报告

    [食品制造业] [2013-07-12]

    Milk formulas are a substitute to human milk and are used as a complete or partial food for infants(kids not more than 12 months of age). There are three forms of formula milk that are marketed in the US: powdered, liquid concentrate and ready to feed. The powdered form of formula milk is the oldest available substitute since late 1800.
  • 13092.2016年美国营养和膳食补充剂市场预测(2012年版)

    [食品制造业] [2013-07-12]

    Nutrition and Dietary supplements market represent a vast market offering immense opportunities for vitamins, minerals, herbs, meal supplements, sports nutrition products, natural food supplements and other similar products offered by manufacturers and traders. The industry supply chain starts from raw material providers who either produce raw material or collect from other sources and then sell it to supplement manufacturers. These manufacturers process the raw material and produce supplements in different forms such as pill, capsule, tablet, powder or liquid. In the next steps the third party distributors' work as a mediator between retailers and manufacturers to market the supplements to the final consumers.
  • 13093.2016年法国婴儿食品和奶粉市场预测

    [食品制造业] [2013-07-12]

    In France, formula milk for infants and toddlers represents 47.76% of the total baby food market. In terms of consumption, France is the largest consumer of baby food in the European region.
  • 13094.2016年美国制药产业展望

    [医药制造业] [2013-07-12]

    The US pharmaceutical industry is the world's largest pharmaceutical industry with market size of USD 318.5 billion in 2010. The pharmaceutical industry mainly consists of drugs and biologics which aid in preventing, diagnosing, improving, treating and curing diseases. Chemically derived drugs are manufactured as pills, tablets, vials, ointments, powders, capsules, suspensions and solutions, while biologics are offered in the form of therapeutic proteins, vaccines, tissues, blood and blood components, anti-sera and others.
  • 13095.2015年全球ATM产业展望

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-07-12]

    ATM industry is a blend of various corporations which offer different services in coordination in order to achieve the notion of 24 hour banking. With the growing demand of consumers,the banks are forced to develop and expand ATM fittings in order to provide facilities to them and make them stay associated with the bank. Over the years ATM's have gained confidence of the consumers because of the secure transactions and easy availability. Nowadays,ATM is used not only for withdrawing money but also for advanced features such as bills processing,e-ticketing, bringing up to date of passbooks and many others. More companies are incorporating new features in ATM cards in order to achieve greater efficiency, increase usability and offerings.
  • 13096.2016年美国更换轮胎产业展望

    [农、林、牧、渔业] [2013-07-12]

    The replacement tire industry in the world has experienced a gamut of activities in the recent years. The trajectory of growth of this industry has been consistent over the years other than a slowdown in the sales of tires on account of the global financial crisis in 2009. The tire industry is one of the industries which is most affected by the recession in 2009 with the decline in the consumer spending, reduction in household wealth, rising fuel prices which result in low vehicle sales. The global replacement tire market has experienced a phenomenal growth from 842.5 million units in 2006 to 1,068.3 million units in 2011. The increase in the replacement tire sales is due to rising demand of the replacement trie in the global market.
  • 13097.页岩气产业助推美国经济作用分析及启示

    [石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业] [2013-07-12]

  • 13098.2016年全球汇款行业现状与展望

    [金融业] [2013-07-12]

    The global money transfer/remittance industry is huge and operates on dirrerent types of business models to transfer funds. Prior to recession, industry was showing a continuous growth due to rising immigrations and technological developments. Money transfer can be international or domestic and in both the cases services vary accordingly,using different channels such as formal, informal and regulated. The structure of international money transfer comprises of a sender,receiver,mediator in two countries and mode of payment.
  • 13099.2016年全球教育产业预测

    [教育] [2013-07-12]

    The education industry consists of schools, colleges, universities and various private institutions. Broadly, this sector can be classified into three categories:K-12, higher education and vocational education. K-12 is any education offered between kindergarten and grade 12 by either public, private or religious schools. Higher education constitutes of any private or public college or university. This can also include medical school, law school and business school. Finally, vocational deucation is any trade-based education based on an apprenticeship. The education industry also incorporates after-school tutoring, charter schools, alternative education, educational suppliers, administrators and teachers. 
  • 13100.国际主要石油公司发展战略浅析

    [石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业] [2013-07-12]

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