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  • 12991.全球客户服务与计费市场报告(2012-2016年)

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,金融业] [2013-09-22]

    A CCB system offers all types of support services that are provided by an organization to its customers before, during, and after a purchase of the product or service. This includes real-time resolving of customer requests and issues through various customer self-service channels. It acts as a bridge between customers and service providers helping them to understand each other better and manage their mutual relationship. It helps enterprises to achieve customer satisfaction, which helps build a better relationship with the customers. Moreover, it involves real-time reporting of customer-related valuable information to decision makers.The Global CCB Systems market is growing steadily. The majority of the emand for the implementation of CCB systems comes from the Americas, which held the major share in the market in 2012. The APAC and the EMEA regions are experiencing promising growth, and they are expected to gain more market share in the near future. The Global CCB Systems market is expected to reach US$5.71 billion by 2016, growing at a CAGR of 7.41 percent during the period 2012-2016.
  • 12992.全球液体过滤市场报告(2012-2016年)

    [专用设备制造业] [2013-09-17]

    Liquid filtration equipment and consumables such as bag filters, belt filters, and granular media filters helps to filter the various types of pollutants present in liquids. Many process industries use liquid filtration devices for water purification, water separation, dewatering sludge, and removing the water content from biofuels. Liquid filtration equipment and consumables are used for purification and other desalination applications in municipalities as well as the Mining and Chemical industries.Liquid filtration equipment and consumables such as bag filters, belt filters, and granular media filters helps to filter the various types of pollutants present in liquids. Many process industries use liquid filtration devices for water purification, water separation, dewatering sludge, and removing the water content from biofuels. Liquid filtration equipment and consumables are used for purification and other desalination applications in municipalities as well as the Mining and Chemical industries.The Global Liquid Macro Filtration market is expected to growing at a steady rate during the period 2012-2016. A major part of the demand for liquid filtration devices is generated by the Global Process industry. The market was dominated by the APAC region in 2012, followed by the Americas, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. The overall market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.73 percent during the forecast period.
  • 12993.多种因素驱动炼油投资炼油商将面临毛利压力——亚太地区炼油工业及油品贸易现状与未来

    [石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业] [2013-09-16]

  • 12994.2013年全球锌消费增长放缓

    [有色金属冶炼和压延加工业] [2013-09-11]

  • 12995.国外如何征收房产税

    [房地产业] [2013-09-09]

  • 12996.2013年8月上半月国际钢市运行情况

    [黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业] [2013-09-05]

  • 12997.求解密松困局——走进缅甸探访伊江水电项目真相

    [电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2013-09-03]

  • 12998.2013年8月下半月国际钢市运行情况

    [黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业] [2013-09-02]

  • 12999.全球微型智能电网市场报告(2012-2016年)

    [电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2013-08-31]

    The Global Microgrid market is expected to witness significant growth during the period 2012-2016. The majority of the market growth stemmed from the Americas in 2012, followed by the EMEA and the APAC regions. The US was the major revenue contributor in the Americas in 2012. In the EMEA region, Europe witnessed the highest adoption of microgrids due to the increased support from the government and educational institutions. The overall market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 25.7 percent during the forecast period.
  • 13000.全球液晶玻璃市场报告(2012-2016年)

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-08-31]

    LCD glass or LCD glass substrate is a special type of glass that is an important component used in the manufacture of TFT LCDs. TFT LCDs form the display area for products such as LCD TVs, desktop PCs, and mobile computing devices. An LCD panel is made up of a number of layers containing different components such as a polarizer, a color filter, and an LCD glass substrate. The LCD glass substrates used in display devices are very thin (0.3-0.7 mm). Furthermore, the advantage of LCDs in comparison with other display technologies lies with the relative ease of displaying the content that can be customized depending on the application.The Global LCD Glass market is expected to witness moderate growth during the period 2012-2016. The majority of the growth was derived from the APAC region in 2012, followed by the Americas and the EMEA region. The LCD TV Manufacturers, Monitor Manufacturers, and Notebook PC manufacturers are the major end-user segments in this market. However, the Mobile Handset and Tablet PC Manufacturers are also expected to make significant contributions to this market in the next few years. The overall market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.6 percent during the forecast period.
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