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报告分类:境内分析报告 所属行业:造纸和纸制品业

  • 41.箱板纸统计月刊2017年06月15日

    [造纸和纸制品业] [2017-06-19]

    引人关注的北美箱板纸新增产能投放如期而至,Kruger 集团新投产的一条年产 40 万短吨规模的低定量再生箱板纸生产线于 5 月 7 日左右正式投入试生产,该条生产线大部分产量销往美国市场。

  • 42.书写印刷纸月报2017年06月15日

    [造纸和纸制品业] [2017-06-19]

    5月份,美国文化纸市场供需继续比预期还要疲软。受此重压,美国文化纸中的部分文化纸价格再度下行,形成了近 8 个月以来的第三次下探。其中,未涂布化学浆纸的部分品种再度下跌 5-10 美元/短吨,跌幅最大的是 50 磅平板纸,下跌了 10 美元/吨,至 830-850 美元/短吨的水平。

  • 43.废纸统计月报2017年06月15日

    [造纸和纸制品业] [2017-06-18]

    国内纸厂动态方面:17 年 5 月,国内环保稽查 力度逐渐加大,规模较小的(10 万吨/年以下)的工 厂陆续停产整顿,遍及全国各省份,其中有相当比例 的工厂不能取得环保认可,面临关闭。同时,具有一 定规模的大中型纸企生产销售良好,前期库存压力基 本释放,且新增订单不断。包装成品纸价格在本月中 旬略有上涨,上调幅度在 50-100 元/吨。各工厂对废 纸原料需求也在同步增加,本月数次小幅提高收购价 格。

  • 44.全球平底袋市场报告(2016-2020年)

    [橡胶和塑料制品业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业,造纸和纸制品业] [2017-03-30]

    Packaging has become an integral part in the supply chain of any industry. There is a growing demand for packaging in sectors such as food and beverages, agriculture, healthcare, and construction. This has led to the introduction of innovative packaging materials and designs by vendors. Over the past two decades, the packaging industry has been experiencing a huge transformation in terms of innovation and design. From the use of simple packaging materials like glass, metal, and paper, the industry has come a long way to the use of different plastic polymers such as PE, PET, EVOH, LDPE, and HDPE. In addition, there have been a lot of changes in the types of packaging like the introduction of bag-in-boxes, pouches, and paper bags.

  • 45.新闻纸统计月刊2017年03月15日

    [造纸和纸制品业] [2017-03-19]

    据浆纸产品理事会发布的数据:2017 年 1 月份,北美新闻纸厂有效开工率 87%。本月,北美新闻纸总出运量约为 26 万吨,较上月减少 0.9 万吨,同比大幅下降了 10.9%。需求方面,1 月份北美本土市场对新闻纸的需求量约为 21.9 万吨,同比下降12.6%;加拿大市场需求量 4.1 万吨,同比下降 0.5%。

  • 46.书写印刷纸月报2017年03月15日

    [造纸和纸制品业] [2017-03-19]


  • 47.木浆统计月刊2017年03月15日

    [造纸和纸制品业] [2017-03-19]

    令人惊奇的中国纸浆市场的需求继续保持旺盛,由此给全球浆市所形成的驱动力,继续推动着北美和欧洲纸浆市场的公告价格和现货价格上涨。外加近来美国南部南方松浆厂、加拿大 NBSK 浆厂和巴西等地浆厂加大停机行动所带来的纸浆供应量明显减少,也将北美和欧洲纸浆市场供应紧俏程度也上推到一年来的新高度。在此局势下,2 月份主流漂针浆生产商宣布提涨 20 美元/吨,漂阔浆生产商提涨30美元/吨的行动已经实现。截至2月底,北美 NBSK 公告价格上涨至 1030 美元/吨,上涨 20 美元/吨,BEKP的公告价格上涨至 880 美元/吨的水平,上涨约 30-40 美元/吨;欧洲市场的 BEKP 公告价格上涨至 690美元/吨,环比上也涨 30 美元/吨。

  • 48.全球合成纸市场报告(2016-2020年)

    [造纸和纸制品业] [2017-03-16]

    The packaging and labeling and printing industries are the two major end-user industries of synthetic paper. The growth of these sectors is attributed to the rapid rate of urbanization in the developing countries and the rising affluence of the middle-class population. These reasons have led to a rise in the opportunities for consumerism, such as a high demand for lifestyle services and consumer goods. The biaxially-oriented polypropylene (BOPP) segment was the largest material segment for synthetic paper due to its unique properties, such as easy printability, superior strength, versatility, and cost effectiveness. The segment is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6% from 2015 to 2020.Labeling is the fastest growing application of the synthetic paper market. This fastpaced growth is attributed to the increased consumption of packaged foods and beverages, which is characterized by stringent labeling regulations.Asia-Pacific (APAC) was the largest synthetic paper market, and the growth can be attributed to the rise in demand from end-use industries including chemicals, cosmetics, and food and beverage. These industries have experienced an increase in consumption as a result of the increase in purchasing power and growth in disposable income of the working middle-class population.

  • 49.纸制品行业:短期存忧,长期无虑-当前时点如何看待造纸行业之箱板瓦楞篇

    [造纸和纸制品业] [2017-03-12]


  • 50.轻工造纸行业:紧“扣消费趋势,“乐享品质家居-2017年3月月报

    [造纸和纸制品业] [2017-03-12]

    2 月轻工造纸板块表现抢眼,上涨 5.39%,跑赢沪深 300 指数 2.77 个百分点,在申万一级行业中轻工指数排名第五;子板块中造纸继续领涨(6.85%),家具板块渐入佳境(5.83%)。我们认为,轻工行业景气度有望持续:造纸 3-4 月是行业涨价的重要窗口,建议密切跟踪涨价真实落地情况;家具板块继续看好规模化定制和渗透率亟待提升的新品类两大主线;包装上游涨价压力有所缓解,企业盈利能力有望好转,看好客户拓展、并购整合能力强,内生外延成长性好的龙头企业;主题板块看好互联网和电话售彩,3 月底三部委督查结果将上报财政部,建议密切关注。

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