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  • 3141.环境污染物项目On-Refuge调查的子活动:在威拉米特河流域国家野生动物保护区使用农药对水生生物的影响的综合评估

    [水利、环境和公共设施管理业,农、林、牧、渔业,化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2013-11-28]

    The primary habitat management objective for the three refuges of the Willamette Valley NWR Complex is to provide high quality forage for wintering Canada geese. To accomplish this, much of the land within the refuge is managed for grass production involving applications of herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizers. Other agrochemicals such as insecticides are applied to agricultural land outside the refuge. Some agrochemicals used in the area have the potential to enter aquatic habitats of the refuge and could impact species such as amphibians, turtles, or the federally-listed Oregon chub. The objective of this investigation was to sample both biotic and abiotic matrices and use a weight-of-evidence approach to determine if agrochemicals used on or around the refuge pose a risk to aquatic species. This investigation included seven components: 1) evaluation of pesticide use practices; 2) collection of continual water quality measurements; 3) water sampling; 4) in-situ bioassay; 5) analysis of blood plasma from carp and turtles for endocrine-disrupting compound exposure; 6) fish health assessment; and 7) fish tissue analysis for organochlorine pesticides. The components of the study were used as individual lines of evidence to evaluate risk of agrochemicals to aquatic organisms on the refuge. Multiple lines of evidence create more confidence in making decisions suitable for refuge management because the approach considers all the information gathered from the investigation. By framing the assessment with this weight-of-evidence approach, risk to the receptors of concern and organizational levels is more clearly evident and the information can be used in carrying out the Fish and Wildlife Service mission to protect and conserve natural resources.
  • 3142.温哥华湖的多氯联苯、二恶英和氯化农药的来源

    [化学原料和化学制品制造业,水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2013-11-28]

    Sources of PCBs, dioxin, and chlorinated pesticides to Vancouver Lake were investigated during the winter, spring, and fall of 2010 from Burnt Bridge Creek, the Flushing Channel, and two Lake River sites.
  • 3143.威尔士湖岭(佛罗里达州中部的一个独特的水文和生物区)地下水、湖泊中的高硝酸盐、农药和农药降解产物

    [水利、环境和公共设施管理业,化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2013-11-28]

    The landscape, hydrology, and ecology of Lake Wales Ridge, central Florida, are unique in many respects. The Ridge is the highest and most prominent topographic feature in peninsular Florida and contains one of the largest collections of rare and endangered species in the United States (Dobson and others, 1997), one of the highest concentrations of endemic species in North America (Martin, 1998), and more than 200 lakes, most of which are seepage lakes with significant ground-water inflow. Lake Wales Ridge (subsequently referred to as the Ridge) is also one of the most intensely cultivated citrus regions in the world, with citrus groves covering about 25 percent (170 square miles) of the land area. Geologically, the Ridge is underlain by highly permeable marine sands forming relict Miocene-Holocene paleoislands which support some of the oldest ecologic communities in Florida. Ground water and surface water are closely linked in this region where ground-water inflow contributes more than 80 percent of the net water input to some lakes (Sacks and others, 1998). Ground water is the primary drinking-water supply in this region. The unconfined surficial aquifer supplies drinking water for some rural wells, and recharges water to the underlying Upper Floridan aquifer which is the primary municipal water supply.
  • 3144.阿罗约科罗拉多的沿海地带分水岭的农药教育

    [化学原料和化学制品制造业,水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2013-11-28]

    The Arroyo Colorado is an ancient channel of the Rio Grande River that extends eastward for about 90 miles from near the city of Mission, Texas through southern Hidalgo County to the city of Harlingen in Cameron County, eventually discharging into the Laguna Madre near the Cameron- Willacy County line. The tidal segment of the Arroyo Colorado, as classified by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), is between the confluence with Laguna Madre in Cameron/Willacy County to a point 100 meters (110 yards) downstream of Cemetery Road, south of Port Harlingen in Cameron County. This part of the river is also defined as a coastal natural resource area (CNRA) and a coastal wetland in the Coastal Coordination Act. Water quality monitoring over the past decade has confirmed low oxygen levels and escalated ammonia and nitrate concentrations that have contributed to multiple fish kills in the tidal segment. These sub-optimal aquatic conditions resulted in this portion of the Arroyo Colorado being placed on the Texas Water Quality Inventory and 303(d) List for high aquatic life use impairment in 2002. Numerous urban sources, such as point source wastewater discharges, have contributed to this impairment; however, according to the Arroyo Colorado Watershed Protection Plan (ACWPP), nonpoint source agricultural runoff accounts for much of the water quality issues in the tidal segment.
  • 3145.行业季度报告——环保2013年3季度

    [水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2013-11-25]

    上半年,由于环境污染事件频发,政策相继出台引导行业健康发展。三季度以来,在“微刺激”政策促使经济增长回升、《国务院关于加快发展节能环保产业的意见》等利好政策相继出台、生态环境管理纳入政绩考核等利好因素的共同带动下,环保产业总体继续保持快速发展趋势。其中,中央财政进一步加大对环境保护等民生领域的支持力度,同时“环境安全大检查”的稳步推进拉动了政府相应财政支出,月度支出规模从7 月的169.71 亿元稳步上升至9 月的300.39 亿元,9 月支出规模创年内新高。
  • 3146.空气污染潜势-统计结合预报模型的建立及应用

    [水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2013-11-15]

    建立了一个空气污染潜势预报和统计预报相结合的模型,该模型以特征气象因子和大气扩散清除因子为基础,并考虑不同因子的权重,定义空气污染潜势指数APPI.所考虑的因子包括:地面风速、混合层高度、混合层内平均风速、风向日变化、稳定度级数、垂直扩散系数、SO2干沉降速率、NO2于沉降速率、PM10干沉降速率、降水时长、地面天气形势.进一步利用统计方法建立空气污染指数API与APPI之间的关系.利用南京地区2009~2010年气象资料计算APPI,通过3项式拟合得到API与APPI的统计方程.结果表明,拟合得到的API与实际API相关系数为0.67,具有显著的相关性,且等级准确率为76.7%.进一步利用201 1年1~12月中尺度气象模式WRF预报的气象场开展实况预报.研究表明,24h预报、48h预报、回顾预报的逐月等级正确率分别为44.4%~87.5%,46.4%~1 00%和63.0%~80.0%,年均等级正确率为60.6%,62.4%.和73.1%.若定义预报API与实际API相差±20以内为正确,则24h预报、48h预报、回顾预报的正确率分别为58.1%,59.4%和63.8%.在IBM x3500并行集群服务器上计算,48h预报需要机时3h.可见,该模型具有较好的预报性能,相对数值模型计算效率很高.
  • 3147.淮南潘一矿塌陷水域沉积物中磷的赋存和迁移转化特征

    [水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2013-11-15]

    采用改进的Pesnner分级提取方法,选取淮南潘一矿杨庄塌陷水域为研究对象,对其沉积物磷的剖面赋存形态进行分析,并结合磷的形态组成、有机质(OM)、总氮(TN)和铁锰氧化物等分布特征,研究了塌陷水域沉积物中磷的迁移转化特征.结果表明,在淹水农业耕作层上,湖泊沉积相累积明显,自表层而下,各形态磷含量均呈逐渐减少的趋势,总磷(TP)在各层次均值为204.9~343.7mg/kg,其中以无机磷(IP)为主,其含量为163.9~257.2mg/kg,占TP比例达73.3%~81.5%.NaOH P(85.0~100.1 mg/kg,28.6%~41.3%)和HClP (63.6~95.9mg/kg,27.4%~30.9%)所占比例较大.根据相关性结果分析,部分HCl-PP和有机磷(OP)有向NaOH-P转化的趋势.
  • 3148.石家庄地区雾霾天气下云滴和云凝结核的分布特征

    [水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2013-11-15]

    2009年5~10月在石家庄地区对雾霾天气下的近地面到高空的云雾滴和云凝结核(CCN)进行了7架次飞机探测.利用PMS云粒子测量仪器、机载温湿仪和连续气流纵向热梯度云凝结核仪获得的云雾粒子和云凝结核(CCN)探测资料,分析了层积云(Sc)和高积云(Ac)中云粒子浓度、液态含水量、粒子算术平均直径和粒子有效平均直径的垂直分布特征;分析了CCN垂直和水平分布特征以及谱分布.结果表明雾霾天气状况下,云滴数浓度在102个/cm3量级上.高云粒子粒径总体大于低云粒子.云含水量平均值范围为0.03~0.14g/m3;地面到600m高度内,CCN值的平均值为3034cm 3(过饱和度S=0.3%).对CCN的活化谱进行拟合表明石家庄属于典型大陆性核谱,云对CCN有消耗作用,逆温层的存在使得该区CCN浓度累积增加.
  • 3149.干法水泥回转窑共处置滴滴涕废物的示范工程

    [水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2013-11-15]

  • 3150.强降雨下农田径流中溶解态氮磷的输出特征——以崂山水库流域为例

    [水利、环境和公共设施管理业] [2013-11-15]

    在崂山水库流域建立了种植5种代表性作物玉米、大豆、花生、红薯和黄瓜的径流小区,对2009~2010年10次强降雨(大雨或暴雨)产流中溶解态氮磷浓度进行了定位观测,同时记录了降雨基本特征和径流小区各类型作物的种植生长信息.结果显示,5种作物所在径流小区产流中氨氮、硝氮和水溶性磷的事件平均浓度(EMC)均存在较明显的差别,施肥条件和作物类型是造成这种差异的主要原因.玉米、黄瓜所在径流小区产流中溶解态氮磷浓度明显高于其他作物,是由于这两种作物施肥量相对较大,而叶面积指数相对较小.各径流小区的溶解态氮磷流失量与作物叶面积指数存在明显负相关(P<0.05).降雨特征与径流小区溶解态氮磷物质迁移的相关性分析表明,迁移量与次降雨量、小时最大雨强呈现显著正相关(P <0.01).
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