[其他制造业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2020-02-22]
GaN 射频器件具有高频、高功率、宽带宽、低功耗、小尺寸的特点,
能在5G 时代节省宝贵的PCB 空间,并达到良好的功耗控制。GaNon-
Si 有望挑战BTS 和RF 功率市场中现有的LDMOS 解决方案。到
2024 年GaN 射频市场空间可达20 亿美元,CAGR 达21%,主要由
军用雷达和无线基础设施市场拉动。全球市场主要由以Cree 和住友
创威在GaN RF HEMT 领域有一定实力。
[其他制造业] [2020-02-14]
赢大盘2.59 个百分点,排名第9/29。2)个股方面:大立科技(+55.67%)
领涨,高德红外(+34.79%)等涨幅居前;尚纬股份(-23.24%)、*ST 航
[其他制造业] [2020-02-14]
[其他制造业] [2020-02-14]
2019 年12 月国内工业机器人产量20014
台,同比增长15.3%。自从2019 年10 月结束了连续13 个月由于宏观经济下
(1)制造业投资有望在2020 企稳;(2)下游主要应用需求增高,汽车行业
产销量边际好转,新能源汽车提供了新的增长点,3C 行业受益于5G 渗透率
[化学纤维制造业,其他制造业,化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2020-02-09]
Historically, there have been instances of men and women using hair wigs and extensions for several purposes including trying out different hairstyles, using colored hair to change their appearance, and covering bald patches of the head. Currently, hair loss is a serious health issue. Hectic lifestyles and improper consumption of essential nutrients have adverse effects on the human body. From invisible effects such as general weakness, reduced stamina, sleep problems, and hectic lifestyles can cause several hair problems. Alopecia, receding hairline, and pattern baldness are more common in men while hair thinning is more common among women.
[仪器仪表制造业,其他制造业] [2020-02-09]
Eye injuries in the workplace are very common. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) reports that every day about 2,000 US workers sustain job-related eye injuries that require medical treatment. However, safety experts and eye doctors believe the right eye protection can reduce the severity, or even prevent 90%, of these eye injuries. Countries with advanced safety, like the United States, Canada, and much of the European Union, have a respected and sophisticated system of regulations and execution that is designed to add pressure on companies to provide safe workplaces. Developing countries do this only as required, but they have started to create legislation for safe workplaces, better worker housing, environmental protection, etc.
[其他制造业,文化、体育和娱乐业] [2020-02-06]
The report on global golf equipment market focuses on different types of golf products available in the market. It also analyzes sports associations' regulations & policies to provide information on the current market trends in different geographies and suggests the future growth opportunities. In addition, the report covers the overall value of different types of golf equipment, namely, golf clubs, balls, shoes, headwear, and others.
[其他制造业,有色金属冶炼和压延加工业] [2020-01-13]
11 月工业生产强势反弹,工业增加值大幅回升 1.5 个百分点至 6.2%。政策方面,《产业结构调整指导目录(2019 年本)》适度提高限制和淘汰标准。产量方面,铝合金产量 86.6 万吨,较上月大增 5.2 万吨;多晶硅月产量 3.23 万吨,同比增幅 53.8%;动力电池产量共计 9.0GWh,同比上升 10.5%。价格方面,特钢价格回升,化工新材料、多晶硅价格显著下跌。进出口方面,高新技术产品材料技术进口金额 1为 4.25 亿美元,同比 2.2%,转正为负。发行市场方面,8家在 A 股首发,融资总额 47.54 亿元。多晶硅价格持续下跌创历史新低;极薄取向硅钢产业化亟待提速。多晶硅价格短期将延续弱势;关键生产装备晶圆自动翻转倒片机实现国产,有望促进晶圆国产化。
[其他制造业] [2020-01-09]
[其他制造业] [2020-01-06]