[其他制造业] [2020-11-28]
[其他制造业] [2020-11-28]
11月1日-11日,天猫双11总成交额4982亿元,按同周期、同口径比较,较去年同期增长了1032亿,增速26%。11 月1 日至11 月11 日, 京东11.11全球热爱季累计下单金额突破2715亿元, 增速超32%,创近年来最高增速。11月1日至11日23点59分,苏宁双十一线上订单量增长75%。双11期间,国美整体GMV提升166%。
[其他制造业] [2020-11-28]
[其他制造业] [2020-11-27]
2020 年初至 11 月 16 日期间,轻工行业整体收益率 27.74%,大幅跑赢沪深 300 指数的 19.71%。各细分板块收益率在与 Wind 一级行业的比较中均位于中上游。 其中:文具、造纸、家居表现亮眼,收益率分别为 56.95%、34.90%和 36.47%; 包装和生活用纸收益率分别为 23.17%、19.97%,较年内高点有所回撤。
[其他制造业] [2020-11-18]
[化学纤维制造业,其他制造业] [2020-11-18]
Currently, the world is witnessing growing demand for low temperature co-fired ceramics, which is mainly due to the rising demand from the automotive sensors operating at harsh conditions. Also, there have been technological advancements in the electronics and computational industry. The miniaturization of electronics, followed by the demand for high computational speed, has produced harsh operating conditions for the electronic components. These conditions have consequently given rise to concerns such as heating, leading to the compromise in the performance of the gadgets. Therefore, researchers/industry professionals have had to reconsider the technological upgradations in tandem with good performance and paved way for the development of multilayer circuits or LTCC tapes. The primary factors leading to the demand for this technological innovation is increasing use of electronics in the automotive sensors, military and defense, aviation, and micro electro-mechanical sensors (MEMS), among others.
[其他制造业] [2020-11-16]
2020Q3 投资总市值较2020 Q2 增加,重仓持股市值占比同比提升。我们选取股票型开放式基金重仓持股情况进行分析:2020年三季度末股票型开放式基金股票投资总市值14095 亿,较2020Q2 季度末增加1948.30 亿,较去年同期增加5298.78 亿,其中前十大重仓股持股总市值6820亿,占股票投资总市值比重48.4%,占比较2020 年二季度末提升3.0pct,较去年同期提升5.3pct。
[其他制造业] [2020-11-16]
[食品制造业,其他制造业] [2020-10-27]
[其他制造业] [2020-10-26]
9 月家具零售额同比下滑 0.6%,降幅环比 8 月份收窄 3.6 个百分点, 整体呈现回暖态势,主要系全国建材家居市场迎来“金九银十” 置业装修 传统旺季,建材家居市场活力显著提升。