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  • 201.全球婴儿奶瓶市场报告(2019-2026年)

    [橡胶和塑料制品业,其他制造业] [2020-03-28]

    The global baby feeding bottles market is analyzed on the basis of its prospects and future growth rate. The report highlights numerous factors that influence the growth of the global baby feeding bottles market. These include market forecast, drivers, restraints, opportunities, and role of different key players operating in the market. The report is analyzed by materials, which include plastic, stainless steel, silicone, and glass. Moreover, it focuses on distribution channel, which includes hypermarkets/supermarkets, specialty storess, and Online Storess. Furthermore, it includes the revenue generated from the sales of baby feeding bottles across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.

  • 202.全球汽车装饰市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)

    [汽车制造业,木材加工和木、竹、藤、棕、草制品业,其他制造业] [2020-03-28]

    In the current scenario, buyers consider the vehicle’s interior as an important feature while purchasing a car, truck, or an SUV. Upholstery is an integral part of the interior. As vehicle interior is becoming more elaborate, with contrasting surfaces and textures used to bring in the decorative and functional effect, automotive makers are considering new materials for the upholstery, with enhanced environmental performance. Fabric coatings, such as Scotchgard, also observed significant growth, as customers work to preserve the upscale interiors that they purchase. In general, the peripheral industries to the automotive upholstery industry are also experiencing steady growth. As upholstery continues to evolve and capture the attention of automotive buyers, the materials and tools used to maintain that upholstery naturally experience an increasing demand. Woven fabrics are used in dashboards, sun visors, seats and interior walls, and represent the fastest growing fabric type in the automotive upholstery market. Woven fabrics often consist of nylon, polyester, wool, or polypropylene, which have excellent performance characteristics. These materials are resistant to ultraviolet radiation and have reduced flammability, making them ideal for extreme environments sometimes found within vehicle interiors.

  • 203.国防军工行业:市场信心开始恢复,业绩驱动板块成长-2020年3月投资策略

    [其他制造业] [2020-03-20]

    回顾上月的行情,军工板块跑赢上证综指及创业板。2 月11 日至3 月11日收盘,国防军工板块指数涨10.26%,上证综指涨2.30%,创业板指数涨3.60%。如果看年初至今的板块涨幅排名,军工板块涨幅为10.09%,在所有板块中继通信、计算机、电子之后排名第四。我们认为主要原因是市场对于板块在经历军改和军代表制度改革后的业绩预期开始好转,对于军工板块业绩兑现的信心开始恢复。

  • 204.光伏设备行业:光伏进入扩产期,设备商持续高景气-光伏专题报告之光伏设备

    [其他制造业] [2020-03-20]

    光伏平价上网日益临近,隆基、通威、晶科、东方日升等多家光伏厂家在20 年计划扩产总规模达1100 亿;光伏设备商受疫情影响相对较小,且未来市场空间巨大,迎来景气周期。

  • 205.全球婴儿奶嘴市场报告(2019-2026年)

    [橡胶和塑料制品业,其他制造业] [2020-03-17]

    The global baby pacifier market is analyzed on the basis of its prospects and future growth rate. The report highlights numerous factors that influence the growth of the global baby pacifier market. These include market forecast, drivers, restraints, opportunities, and role of different key players operating in the market. The report is analyzed by product type, which include Single-piece baby pacifier and multiple-piece baby pacifiers. Moreover, it focuses on the size, which includes small, medium, and large. Furthermore, it includes revenue generated from the sales of baby pacifier across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.

  • 206.国防军工行业:新国防,世界百年未有之大变局,中国国防军工之新突破-深度报告

    [其他制造业] [2020-03-15]

    2020 年,我们重新定义国防军工:世界百年未有之大变局,新国防将是大国博弈、中国破局主战场。我们认为,中美贸易战后期这一轮行情的主线即是大国博弈下的科技产业的国产化路线,落在硬件领域是半导体,落在软件领域是安可;落在新能源汽车是特斯拉产业链;落在空天竞争是卫星互联网。

  • 207.国防军工行业:订单增加是行业增长的主要动力-2019年军工业绩快报点评

    [其他制造业] [2020-03-15]

    为了突出军工板块的“国防军工”特点,我们根据下面三个维度:1、军品收入占比;2、产业链相关度;3、大股东性质;选择了70 家上市公司作为分析A 股军工板块的样本公司。截止到2020 年3 月9 日,已经有31 家公司公布了业绩快报,占比为44%。由于主机厂历史上公布年报时间比较靠后,目前还没有主机厂公布业绩快报。

  • 208.光伏设备行业:对冲公共卫生事件影响,政策推动内需释放态度明确

    [其他制造业] [2020-03-15]

    较2 月份的第一版主要调整内容包括:明确户用分布式度电补贴为0.08 元/kWh,并将一、二、三类资源区地面电站指导电价上调为0.35 元、0.4 元、0.49 元/kWh,比之前各提高0.02 元/kWh,工商业分布式补贴上限维持0.05 元/kWh 不变。我们认为户用光伏度电补贴较为超预期,与上调指导价一起将释放更多年内光伏竞价项目空间,对冲公共卫生事件影响,政策推动内需释放的态度已经非常明确。

  • 209.高端装备行业:春节叠加疫情,制造业受冲击严重

    [其他制造业] [2020-03-15]

    疫情影响下,PMI 断崖式下跌,工业机器人短期需求或遭冲击,行业长期发展潜力巨大。继2020 年1 月份制造业PMI 已回落至荣枯线50%,2 月份PMI 大幅下跌至35.7%,较前值回落14.3pct,下游制造业对工业机器人的短期需求受到冲击。但是长期来看,疫情有望催生企业自动化需求,目前行业也积极推进国产化与国际化的进程,推进跨界合作寻求新发展。随着国内产业链逐步完善,此轮行业复苏将伴随着国产化率的提升。建议关注具有核心技术、未来有可实现国产代替进口潜力的机器人企业。

  • 210.数据显示:2025年全球硅电池市场规模将达1.77亿美元

    [其他制造业] [2020-03-05]

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