[金属制品业] [2022-08-04]
[金属制品业,有色金属冶炼和压延加工业,黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业] [2022-07-31]
Nichrome alloys are used for architectural purposes such as lead for water pipes, roofing, and windows. Stainless steel is expensive and is used as the primarily metal ,where potential for corrosion is high. An extensive use of stainless steel was for the construction of the Chrysler Building. Nichrome is used in gears, drive shafts, special vehicles for low temperature, or high wear uses. It is also used in special engineering uses. Nichcrome alloys are mainly used for electric resistance heating. They are highly electric-resistant, have good strength and ductility at operating temperatures, etc. These properties make them suitable for use in electronic appliances. Nichrome alloys are corrosion-resistant. The anti-corrosive degree of this steel is determined by the surface condition of the metal as well as by the composition, temperature, and concentration of the corrosive agent. The corrosion-resistant steel is mostly used in aircraft construction which has 18% chromium and 8% nickel content.
[黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业,金属制品业] [2022-07-25]
Establishments described in this report are primarily participating in the weathering steel market. Weathering steel, often referred to by the genericised trademark COR-TEN steel and sometimes written without the hyphen as corten steel, is a group of steel alloys which were developed to eliminate the need for painting, and form a stable rust-like appearance after several years' exposure to weather.
[金属制品业] [2022-07-20]
锂价在 2022 年下半年上涨预期较强,但受产业链库存累积等因素影响,我们预计锂价后市涨幅或有限。我们判断锂价拐点或在 2023 年到来,价格或高位回落,2024 年随着供应过剩压力增大,锂价将显著下行。锂板块行情进入后期,原料自给率高或持续提升的企业仍为首选。推荐赣锋锂业和盐湖股份,建议关注天齐锂业、中矿资源、永兴材料。
[金属制品业] [2022-07-14]
5 月以来黄金珠宝终端零售逐步修复:1)5 月零售额同降15.5%、已较4 月的-26.7%明显收窄,预计重点公司下半年修复幅度大于行业。2)5 月线上珠宝消费环比修复、6 月同比实现较快增长。复盘20 年,疫后需求现回补、6 月线上数据初步验证。本轮疫情望加速行业洗牌、龙头集中度持续提升,Q2 疫情影响业绩预计仍承压、看好Q3 基本面及估值修复行情、建议关注周大福、周大生、潮宏基。
[金融业,金属制品业] [2022-07-13]
[金属制品业] [2022-07-07]
2022 年5 月印度培育钻石进口/出口额同比+45.95%/+137.34%,行业高景气度持续验证。
[金属制品业] [2022-07-06]
[金属制品业] [2022-06-30]
[金属制品业] [2022-06-30]