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  • 13081.2016年全球电梯和自动扶梯展望

    [通用设备制造业] [2013-07-12]

    An elevator is a lowering or hosting mechanism which has been designed to carry passenger or freight between the floors of the building. The device inculcates a car and platform which typically moves in the vertical direction.The elevator has been classified into two types such as electric traction and hydraulic elevators.Global elevators and escalators industry has showcased favorable trend in the last five years. However, the growth trajectory of the elevator and escalators industry has been restrained in 2009 on account of the down trend in the demand of elevators and escalators in the global market. The decrease in the requirement of elevators and escalators is affected by the decline in the construction industry in the world.
  • 13082.2016年全球医疗保健IT产业展望

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,卫生和社会工作] [2013-07-12]

    Healthcare IT is defined as the use of Information and Communications Technology(ICT) to deliver enhanced healthcare. ICT has revolutionized the healthcare sector by providing advanced healthcare facilities at more convenience and reduced time and cost. Use of IT in healthcare has made the digitization of patient health information possible which can be monitored, stored, shared and secured, resulting in better understanding of patient medical conditions and reduced medical errors. Healthcare IT has made distance delivery of healthcare possible via telemedicine.
  • 13083.2016年全球婴儿食品和奶粉产业预测

    [食品制造业] [2013-07-12]

    From 2006-2011,the global baby food and formula industry grew at a CAGR 4.17% and expected to register 5.30% CAGR between 2011-2016. Women has a big role in rapidly growing baby food market worldwide because with her changing role from being a mother to a professional, she is always on the lookout for food items which takes less time to prepare and are high on nutritional content. Rapidly expanding emerging economies such as that of India and China are witnessing increasing demand in the baby food market especially since 2003, the industry has been registering phenomenal growth.
  • 13084.2016年全球动物保健市场展望

    [医药制造业,农、林、牧、渔业,卫生和社会工作] [2013-07-12]

    The global animal healthcare industry is one of the potential industries in the world which comprises of segments such as pharmaceuticals, vaccines, medical feeds and farm and companion animals. The pharmaceuticals segment is the major contributor to the global animal health care industry followed by the vaccine and the medical feed segment.
  • 13085.2015年美国服装和鞋业展望

    [纺织服装、服饰业] [2013-07-12]

    The US apparel and footwear market is a mature and saturated industry with the presence of several large scale and small scale manufacturers, retailers and wholesalers who compete globally as well as in the domestic market. The activities of the market has a direct bearing on the consumer attitude and behavior,which is clearly evident from the activities in the recent past when the sales of the market slumped as a result of restricted consumer spending on the apparel and footwear.This was primarily due to the financial crisis in the economy in 2008 which resulted into job cuts on account of which the household budget allocation on consumer products such as apparels and footwear were reduced.
  • 13086.2016年全球IPTV产业展望

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-07-12]

    IPTV also known as Internet Protocol Television is one of the most innovative platforms which emphasize the television viewing experience over the internet. The system is similar to cable TV but is offered to viewers over the broadband network, instead of cable. In other words, IPTV offers digital TV experience through the IP suite.
  • 13087.2016年全球农作物保护产业展望

    [农、林、牧、渔业] [2013-07-12]

    The crop protection industry worldwide has experienced gamut of activities in the past six years.The industry was valued at USD45,189.0 in 2011 with an offering of wide product line of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and bio-pesticides, micro-nutrients and adjuvant. The trajectory of the growth in global industry has been based on frequent changes in the weather conditions, instability in the prices of agricultural commodities, skepticism amongst the farmers in the emerging nations about the usage of agrochemicals followed by lack of availability of liquidity to invest in agricultrual inputs. However, in the recent past, the government initiative to support agricultural production in order to meet the rising demand for agricultural food products in nations such as India, China and several other Southeast Asian agricultural food products in nations such as India, China and several other Southeast Asian countries has encouraged the usage of agrochemicals in these parts of the region.
  • 13088.2015年美国健康保险产业展望

    [金融业] [2013-07-12]

    The main objective of health insurance is to defend persons against the risk of financial adversity when in need of an expensive medical care. Theoretically, most people are ready to pay higher for a health insurance than their expected costs, but practically, people with lower income or higher expected healthcare expenses find it hard to afford the right premium plans, thus becoming susceptible to financial crisis during medical treatments. Since health insurance coverage is mainly beneficial for individuals who incur higher expense on health care, several health insurance premium plans are positioned to attract enrollees with above average healthcare costs.The US health insurance market is dominated by private players such as UnitedHealth Group and Wellpoint. The Majority of private(non-government) health insurance coverage in the US is employment-based. Employment based insurance plans portray the highest number of health insurance enrollees in the US.
  • 13089.中海油跨国并购的柔性攻略

    [石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业] [2013-07-12]

  • 13090.2016年全球活性原料药和高效API行业展望

    [医药制造业] [2013-07-12]

    The active pharmaceutical ingredients also known as commodity bulk drugs are the substances that are used in the manufacturing of a drug or any other medicinal product, that when used in the production of a drug becomes an active ingredient of the drug.The active substance is used for the therapeutic effect in the drug and the efficacy of a drug is determined by the concentration and composition of the API. The APIs are used in various stages of pharmaceutical development such as sample testing, general analytical testing and development of methods. The ingredients are used as good manufacturing practice(GMP) in clinical trials and as source materials in manufactured marketed drugs.
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