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[农、林、牧、渔业] [2024-09-30]
The global cultured wheat market is a part of the global packaged foods and meats market. The global packaged foods and meats market was valued at $5,988.64 billion in 2021 and reached $7,124.2 billion in 2023. The global packaged foods and meats market witnessed an incremental growth of $1,135.6 billion and registered a CAGR of 9.1% from 2021 to 2023.
[化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-09-30]
A serum is a type of beauty product that is characterized by its ability to be absorbed rapidly and penetrate the deep layers of the skin. Serums provide a non-greasy finish to the surface they are applied on, such as skin and hair. A serum comprises an intensive formula along with a very high concentration of active substances.
[化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-09-30]
Cosmetic oils are used in hair and skincare products in the form of hair oils, facial oils, and elixir oils. Cosmetic oils are also one of the major ingredients in lip balms, lipsticks, serums, and moisturizers. Some of the predominantly used cosmetic oils are such as almond oil, olive oil, soybean oil, avocado oil, coconut oil and essential oils.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2024-09-30]
MPMS helps improve and automate every major administrative process in healthcare facilities, such as hospitals, clinics, and ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs). These solutions are developed for ease of use and feature convenient accessibility, thereby leveraging high-speed transaction processing capabilities.
[金融业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2024-09-30]
Marketing automation software aids in automating marketing operations such as budget planning, spend management, workflow management, collaboration management, and marketing asset management. It helps organizations make knowledgeable choices and put in force new strategies for advertising and marketing activities, spending, resources, and assets.
[铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2024-09-30]
Marine powerboat batteries are specialized batteries designed for use in boats and other watercraft. These batteries serve various functions on powerboats, including starting the engine, providing power to onboard electronics and accessories, and supporting auxiliary systems.
[铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2024-09-30]
Outboard engines consist of internal combustion engines and gasoline-powered spark-ignition engines. They are used in marine propulsion for all types of recreational light boats and commercial boats.
[铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2024-09-30]
Marine loading arms are used to transfer loads from LNG tankers to ports and distribution channels and viceversa. The LNG trade volume is anticipated to have considerable growth during the forecast period, which in turn will fuel the demand for LNG tankers. Increasing marine LNG transportation will augment the need for ports and marine loading arms for the efficient and fast transfer of LNG. The global marine loading arms market includes various application segments such as crude oil and refined products such as LNG, LPG, inert gases, and chemicals.
[科学研究和技术服务业] [2024-09-30]
Marine or blue biotechnology is a combination of aquatic and marine organisms with technology to provide new sources of energy, develop new drugs, remediate the environment, extract new active ingredients, and increase seafood production and its safety.
[采矿业] [2024-09-30]
Magnesite, an important ore for magnesium, composed of magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) mineral. It is used to produce magnesia and magnesium. Appearance-wise, magnesite is a white, yellowish, greyish-white, or brown crystalline in a solid or powder form.