[专用设备制造业] [2013-09-30]
Abdominal aortic aneurysm, or AAA, is an abnormal enlargement or dilation (ballooning) of the abdominal aorta. It occurs most commonly in the infrarenal and aortoiliac arteries. In this condition, the diameter of the abdominal aorta exceeds more than 20 mm. Aging, cigarette smoking, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and genetic predisposition are some of the common causes for AAA. Since the wall of the aneurysm is weaker than a normal aortic wall, rupturing of AAA is a major complication associated with this condition. This can result in severe internal hemorrhaging in the abdominal cavity, which is often fatal, and can lead to the death of the patient in minutes. Surgery is recommended if the aneurysm noticed is larger than 5.5 cm in diameter. Endovascular AAA repair devices are used in minimally invasive procedures to repair abdominal aorta aneurysms. In this procedure, an incision is made in the groin and an aortic aneurysm stent graft is inserted through the femoral artery into the aorta in a collapsed position and placed at site of the aneurysm. The stent graft is then expanded and the aneurysm shrinks down into the graft, and thereby, provides support to the aortic wall.The Global Endovascular AAA Repair Devices market is growing at a steady rate. The Americas is the major contributor to this market, followed by the EMEA and APAC regions. The US, which has the world's highest per capita healthcare expenditure, dominated the Global market in 2012. The market is expected to witness an improvement in its growth rate and post a CAGR of 10.67 percent during the period 2012-2016.
[橡胶和塑料制品业,汽车制造业] [2013-09-30]
Tires, which constitute one of the most crucial components of automobiles, are manufactured using several type of raw materials. The Global Tire market caters to various vehicle segments such as the Two-wheeler, Passenger Car, Truck and Bus, Light Commercial Vehicle, and Tractor segments. The demand for tires largely depends on the demand for automobiles and vice versa. Therefore, an increase in demand for vehicles by default translates into an increase in demand for tires. Technological advancements constitute another factor that drives the Global Tire market to grow.The Global Tire market is currently growing at a steady pace. The production of tires has recently gained momentum, and the demand for tires is expected to increase during the period 2012-2016. In terms of geography, the APAC region is currently the largest market for tires, followed by the EMEA region and then the Americas. The overall market, which is highly fragmented owing to the presence of numerous vendors, is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.32 percent during the forecast period.
[计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-09-30]
Mobile phone cases and structural parts are essential components of mobile phones. Mobile phone manufacturers attach high significance to casing, as it helps achieve product differentiation and serves as a unique selling point. In this regard, mobile phone manufacturers invest a considerable amount in the design of mobile phone cases and structural parts. The growing significance of mobile handset designs is a key factor contributing to the growth of the Global Mobile Phone Casing and Structural Parts market. Further, consumers over the years have been looking at personalizing their mobile phones with the help of different phone cases. This is also another major factor contributing to the growth of the Global Mobile Phone Casing and Structural Parts market.
[金属制品业] [2013-09-30]
Metal casting is a manufacturing process in which molten or liquid metal is poured into a mold made of sand, metal or ceramic, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, to form geometrically complex parts. All major metals can be made into castings and the most common ones are iron, aluminum, magnesium, zinc, steel and copper-based alloys. Metal castings find application in cars, trucks, planes, trains, mining and construction equipment, oil wells, pipes, toys, space shuttles, wind turbines, nuclear plants, and more.The Global Metal Casting market is expected to grow steadily during the period 2012-2016. The market was dominated by the APAC region in 2012, followed by the Americas and the EMEA region. The Global Metal Casting market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.89 percent during the forecast period.
[计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2013-09-29]
This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the Global Fiber Laser market for the period 2012-2016. To calculate the market size, the report considers revenue generated from the sales of fiber lasers. The report also includes various end-users of the Global Fiber Laser market. It presents the vendor landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the top four vendors in the Global Fiber Laser market. In addition, the report discusses the major drivers that influence the growth of the Global Fiber Laser market. It also outlines the challenges that are faced by the vendors and the market at large, as well as the key trends that are emerging in the market.
[建筑业] [2013-09-27]
This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the Global Flat Glass market for the period 2012-2016. To calculate the market size, the report takes into account the revenue generated from sales of fabricated flat glass only. End-users are taken into consideration based on the demand for flat glass produced in million metric tons. The geographical segmentation is considered in relation to both the revenue (from fabricated glass) in US$ billion and the production of flat glass in million metric tons.The report also presents the vendor landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the top four major market vendors. In addition, it includes the major drivers that influence the growth of the market and the challenges faced by vendors and the market at large. The report also outlines the key trends emerging in the market which will contribute to its growth during the forecast period.
[医药制造业] [2013-09-27]
The growth of the Global Epinephrine Auto-injector market is driven by several factors. One of the major drivers in this market is the increase in the prevalence of people suffering from allergies. The increase in the number of people that are allergic to food, food additives, dust, and insect venom has led to growth in the usage of epinephrine drugs. People in developed countries are not exposed to allergens because of their modern lifestyles. As a result, their immune systems are not able to immunize themselves from the allergen attacks. Another major driver in the market is the increased use of epinephrine drugs for the treatment of cardiac arrest caused as a result of anaphylactic shock. Epinephrine drugs prevent the cardiac arrest by quickly stimulating the heart, increasing the blood pressure, relaxing the involuntary muscles, and constricting small blood vessels. Thus, epinephrine drugs are increasingly used as an emergency treatment for cardiac arrest..
[汽车制造业] [2013-09-27]
[电气机械和器材制造业,铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业] [2013-09-27]
Aircraft electrical systems are used to generate, control, and distribute the electrical power throughout the aircraft. The electronic flight instrument integrated in the new generation aircraft completely rely on the electrical power system. Some of the major functions of an aircraft electrical system include controlling and operating essential aircraft systems, operating passenger services systems (such as cabin lighting and operation of in-flight entertainment systems), as well as controlling aircraft flight instrument systems. The products that come under the aircraft electrical systems are auxiliary power units, aircraft batteries, engine-driven generators, motors, power conversion, and distribution systems. Devices used to provide energy to large aircraft other than for the propulsion are known as auxiliary power units. To run the electrical systems of the aircraft, auxiliary power units generally produce 115V at 400 Hz of power. Auxiliary power units provide power through single-phase systems or three-phase systems. Aircraft batteries are the final source of backup power, but the power usage is limited due to the short life of the battery. Engine-driven generators produce power which is used to supply power to the aircraft.
[电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业] [2013-09-27]
This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the Global Grid-scale Energy Storage market for the period 2012–2016. It also presents the vendor landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the top four vendors in the Global Grid-scale Energy Storage market. In addition, the report discusses the major drivers that influence the growth of the Global Grid-scale Energy Storage market. It also outlines the challenges faced by vendors and the market at large, as well as the key trends emerging in the market.