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[交通运输、仓储和邮政业,] [2016-10-26]
[计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,文化、体育和娱乐业,] [2016-10-26]
The need to improve the quality of education to global standards is contributing to the increase in adoption of smart classrooms in India. Many schools and universities across India are investing in smart classroom hardware and software solutions. Private institutions are increasingly adopting these technologies; the level of investment by public educational institutions in smart education is comparatively lower.
[非金属矿物制品业,] [2016-10-26]
A vial is a small vessel made of glass or plastic, mainly used for storing a medicinal solution, drug, or powder. It is the most prevalent healthcare packaging solution. Since packaging of medicines is a complex process because of their molecular and chemical structures, they need to be packed in protective and durable materials to prevent contamination. The evolution of new diseases and increased health awareness have brought a transformation in the vial packaging market. Companies are making use of high-tech glasses and green plastics to keep medicines safe and are prioritizing environmentally-friendly products.
[计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,] [2016-10-26]
A parallel robot has at least two arms. The end of arm tools in a parallel robot is connected to the overhead base through several chains of interconnected links. The joints are not actuated, and these passive joints (spherical, universal and planar joints) have several degrees of freedom. The two types of parallel robots are hexapods, which are commonly used in motion simulators, also known as motion platforms, and the delta robots that are used for quick pick and place operations.
[电气机械和器材制造业,] [2016-10-26]
OLED panels are made of organic (carbon-based) materials that emit light when electricity is supplied through them. OLEDs are more efficient, simpler to make, and much thinner than LCD displays, as they do not require a backlight and filters. OLEDs provide good picture quality with brilliant colors, a fast response rate, and a wide viewing angle compared to other display technologies. OLEDs are also used for lighting. OLED lighting panels are thin, efficient, and flat surface structures.
[文教、工美、体育和娱乐用品制造业,] [2016-10-26]
Snow sports are gaining popularity owing to increasing participation in outdoor activities. Around 80 countries across the globe provide skiing facilities, and 70 of these countries have open air skiing facilities while the rest have indoor skiing facilities. Across the world, there are approximately 2,000 ski resorts that attract domestic and foreign tourists. A worldwide increase in per capita disposable income of end-users has influenced their spending habits, leading to increased participation in outdoor recreational activities like skiing. This increases the sales of snow goggles as it is one of the vital equipment for skiing, mountaineering, and snowboarding.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,金融业,] [2016-10-26]
The global supply chain and distribution management systems are undergoing structural reforms to reduce complexities. The international trade patterns are changing due to globalization, compelling organizations to revamp their distribution systems. Procurement is a major component of global distribution networks to manage inventories efficiently. In the past, organizations implemented legacy systems and manual processes in a bid to manage the procurement process.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,批发和零售业,] [2016-10-26]
Inventory is a central asset for a company and represents the investment that is involved from the manufacturing to the sale of the product. Mishandling of inventory can lead to significant financial problems and result in either inventory glut or inventory shortage. An inventory control system is the set of guidelines and controls that monitors levels of inventory and regulates what levels should be maintained, when stock should be restocked, and what should be the economic order quantity.
[仪器仪表制造业,电气机械和器材制造业,] [2016-10-26]
Instrument transformers find application in AC systems where they are used to measure electrical quantities such as current, power, voltage, power factor, frequency, and energy. These devices are often used with protective relays incorporated into the network in the interests of protecting the electrical system.
[通用设备制造业,] [2016-10-26]
Efficiency and power of an engine or motor dictate the overall functioning of the machine. The engine output is determined by the amount of air and fuel entering the internal combustion engine under high pressure. A turbocharger is an example of a forced induction system as it supplies high pressurized exhaust gas to the engine, making more air available for combustion. This augments the functioning capacity of the engine up to four times and turbochargers usually contribute to nearly 75% of the engine’s power.