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[医药制造业,] [2017-01-14]
Rise in awareness about health and wellness has led to a notable growth in the cosmetology industry. Cosmetic surgery evolved from reconstructive procedures, hence the similarity in techniques in reconstructive and cosmetic procedures. For instance, in various reconstructive procedures, such as suction-assisted lipectomy, liposuction is used to remove fatty tumors and fatty deposits. However, it has a much wider application in the cosmetic technique for the removal of unwanted fat and streamline body shape.
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,金融业,] [2017-01-14]
Many manufacturing companies need product lifecycle management (PLM) software as it deals with various functional levels of an organization such as product designing, design engineering, and manufacturing. The need for managing a product during the manufacturing process has led to the emergence of PLM software and services. The growing product complexity and increase in product portfolio across organizations has led to a demand for a system that can provide solutions to the production process across industries. The implementation of PLM in an organization provides higher revenue, reduces cost, and increases capital efficiency.
[科学研究和技术服务业,医药制造业,] [2017-01-11]
Cell analysis helps identify and map many of the basic biochemical and physical processes of life. Bio-specimen preparation, cell and tissue separation, and characterization products are used to isolate and assess cells. Cell analysis products are used by various industries including biotechnology, pharmaceutical, research, and contract research organizations (CROs). They have a wide range of applications in drug discovery and development, stem cell research, cell biology, and other research practices. These technologies help analyze the internal structure of cells, their characteristics, cellular pathways, and the cellular response to any component such as a drug.
[食品制造业,医药制造业,] [2017-01-11]
Carotenoids are a class of phytonutrients found in the cells of a wide variety of plants, bacteria, and algae, which help plants absorb light energy for the process of photosynthesis. They play an important antioxidant function of deactivating free radicals (single oxygen atoms that can damage cells by reacting with other molecules).
[计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,医药制造业,] [2017-01-11]
A biopsy is a medical procedure through which a part or full tissue is removed from an organ to examine the presence or extent of a disease. Biopsies are mostly performed in in the critical areas of the body such as the liver, lungs, prostate, and kidney using a wide range of devices.
[仪器仪表制造业,专用设备制造业,] [2017-01-11]
There are several types of vibrators with different applications. The adult vibrator market in the US was not only the largest market for adult vibrators in the Americas, but also one of the largest markets for adult vibrators in the world. The market has experienced rapid growth during 2012-2015 and will continue this growth trend through the forecast period. The market will grow at a CAGR of 12.01% in 2015-2020.
[铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业,] [2017-01-10]
The need for safety systems has been an integral aspect since the advent of flights. They ensure the safe escape of pilots from any malfunctioning or damaged aircraft. The conventional escape systems consisted of only a recovery parachute. During the Second World War, the aircraft performances rapidly increased, which necessitated the escape systems for the crew to be equally fast. This led to the development of ejector seats. The traditional ejection seats were powered by a propellant-driven catapult.
[医药制造业,] [2017-01-10]
Biosimilars or follow-on biologics are generic versions of the biopharmaceutical products. These are developed following the patent expiry of an original molecule. Biosimilars have the same biological properties as original drugs and target the same diseases. They have many similarities but are not identical to the reference biopharmaceutical product. Led by Europe and Asia, the global mAb biosimilars market is expected to witness a double-digit growth rate over 2016-2020. Europe dominates the market mainly due to an increase in the manufacture of biosimilars by European vendors as well as in the consumption of biosimilars in this region. On the other hand, the situation in the US is complicated due to the formation of a new legislative body to govern biosimilar products.
[医药制造业,专用设备制造业,] [2017-01-10]
Laser weapons provide tactical options that did not exist decades ago with nuclear high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) weapons. Although many of these weapons are still in their development phase, they will enable new offensive and defensive strategies for a wide range of targets. These non-nuclear weapons are categorized into lethal and non-lethal weapons and have the potential to cause skin damage, eye injuries, and even death.
[农副食品加工业,食品制造业,] [2017-01-10]
Salmon is the common name for fishes belonging to the family of Salmonidae. It is available from both wild and farmed sources. It is estimated that nearly 60% of the world's salmon production is farmed. Salmon farming started in the beginning of 1960s. Atlantic salmon is the most common type of salmon that is farmed. Major part of Atlantic salmon available around the globe are farmed commercially. The salmon farming production cycle lasts about three years. In the first year, production takes place in controlled freshwater environments. In the second year, the farmed salmon is transported to seawater cages. Once the farmed salmon reaches a size suitable for profitable harvesting, it is transported to processing plants to be prepared for sale.