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  • 691.公用事业行业:2021年能源工作指导意见出炉,一季度能源消费总量同比+14.6%

    [公共管理、社会保障和社会组织,卫生和社会工作,采矿业] [2021-05-06]

    燃气行业新闻:《2021 年能源工作指导意见》中指出,2021 年全国天然气产量指引约为 2025 亿立方米。燃气行业数据跟踪:环比上周,国产气价格下降 4.39%,进口气出厂价格上升 0.62%。燃气行业:天然气消费增长具有确定性,管道运营商和城市燃气公司如能保证气源的供给, 可受益于下游需求增长,推荐深圳燃气,建议关注新奥股份。

  • 692.2020-21财年印度煤炭进口同比降近13%

    [采矿业] [2021-05-06]

  • 693.春节后国际钢铁原料市场价格回升

    [采矿业] [2021-05-06]

  • 694.全球金属硅市场报告(2020-2027年)

    [金属制品业,采矿业] [2021-04-29]

    Silicon metal is an industrial source of refined silicon, a non-metallic element. It is gray, hard, and brittle and is also called as industrial silicon or metal silicon. Its chemical composition mainly consists of iron (Fe), aluminum (Al), and calcium (Ca). According to the content of Fe, Al, and Ca in metallic silicon, it can be divided into different grades such as 553, 441, 411, 421, and 3303. It is available in various purity grades and mesh sizes. The global silicon metal market analyzes various grades of silicon metal offered by key players in the market. The market is segmented into product type and application.

  • 695.全球机器人钻孔设备市场报告(2020-2027年)

    [石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业,采矿业,仪器仪表制造业] [2021-04-29]

    Robotic drilling, also known as automated drilling, is an automation system that is specially developed for drilling operations in the oil & gas industry. These machines are used in land and water for oil & gas extraction works. The report on the global robotic drilling machines market presents a detailed analysis of the trends, future estimations, and thorough study of the market depending on application, installation, end-user industry, and region. The applications covered in the study include land and water. The report further provides information on installation of robotic drilling machines, which includes new installations and modernize. Moreover, the report also covers different end-user industries of robotic drilling machines, including oil and gas.

  • 696.全球碳中和数据中心市场和区域分析

    [采矿业,化学纤维制造业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2021-04-29]

    A data center is a building or part of a building containing computers and networking devices that support the business units and the IT infrastructure of a company/organization. With the increase in data generation and accumulation, almost every type of industry and organization relies on data centers for storing and accessing information or data pertaining to their business operations. This information is usually very crucial to their daily operations as well as act as key resources for their strategy development. Hence, data centers are highly valued in today’s businesses especially for its four crucial benefits in data management i.e., 24/7 backend support, risk mitigation, cost reduction, and security. These data centers require a continuous power supply for operations, and due to the high-power requirements, data centers also release carbon emissions. Carbon neutral data center, on the other hand, is a data center that release negligible to zero carbon emissions. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the data centers consume almost 250 TWh of electricity, which was almost 1% of the total electricity consumed globally, in 2019. This power is sourced majorly from non-renewable energy sources significantly mitigating greenhouse emissions and global warming.

  • 697.铁矿石和“快乐水"都在涨 全球通胀时代来了吗

    [金融业,采矿业] [2021-04-27]

  • 698.内蒙古包头稀土高新区投资125.15亿元建设稀土重点项目32个

    [采矿业,制造业] [2021-04-25]

  • 699.煤炭开采行业:待短暂回调后,煤价剑指千元-行业研究简报

    [采矿业] [2021-04-22]

    淡季涨价超预期,政策调控欲“增供稳价”。据期货日报报道,4 月7 日上午,国家发改委经济运行局召集能源局煤炭司,国铁集团货运部,相关央企召开会议,争对近期煤价超预期上涨提出七条措施“增供稳价”,随后煤价调转回落,但我们认为煤价回落更多是在情绪影响下导致前期低成本集港资源出货兑现利润。上述“增供稳价”措施的实际效果有待观察,预计煤价在经过短暂回调后将重拾涨势,剑指千元大关。

  • 700.有色金属行业:复苏是主线,新能源需求旺盛

    [有色金属冶炼和压延加工业,采矿业] [2021-04-22]


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