[采矿业] [2018-11-13]
[采矿业] [2018-11-12]
9 月以来,煤炭产量仍受环保约束,但整体产量释放平稳,9 月当月全国原煤产量完成30601 万吨,同比增长5.2%,环比增长3.17%。受气温骤降、冬储提前影响,下游电力企业补库需求增强,煤炭市场交易较为活跃,9 月当月全国原煤销量为28500万吨,同比增长1.06%,环比增长2.28%。综合供需两侧,动力煤价格呈现淡季不淡的情况。
[石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业,采矿业] [2018-11-12]
The oil and gas sector plays an important role in Indonesia’s economy, generating 5.1% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) and earning nearly a tenth of export revenues in 2017. The sector was responsible for 5% of the overall central government budget revenue in 2017, while state subsidies accounted for 4.9% of total central government expenditures. Indonesia is the secondbiggest oil producer in the Asia Pacific region and the third-largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporting country in the world.
[石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业,采矿业] [2018-11-06]
Late 2017, we removed the Limbe refinery capacity expansion previously included in our forecast. There are no recent updates on refining expansion works and it remains unclear whether any expansion works have started at all. Nothing indicates an expansion will go through. In addition, given the difficult financial position of SONARA, we believe an expansion is unlikely to go through for the time being.
[采矿业,石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业] [2018-11-06]
As present, Cambodia has no petroleum law. While new legislation is currently being drafted, the sector is currently governed by the 1991 Petroleum Regulations. In addition to the regulations, the draft model PSC is also used and was adopted by the General Department of Petroleum to provide comprehensive guidelines for the petroleum sector. The government has suggested it is working on a new comprehensive 'Petroleum Law', increasing uncertainty for investors, which has in turn stalled exploration and development efforts. The draft petroleum law, which was due for release by the end of 2015, has been postponed until several technical issues are clarified. The law will regulate the extraction of oil from onshore and offshore fields. In particular, the government has explained that it needs more time to study how revenue from the industry can be managed, alongside the proposed establishment of a national petroleum company.
[采矿业] [2018-11-04]
由于担心在记者被杀事件后美国对其制裁,沙特能源大臣法利赫周一表示,沙特不打算对西方国家实施1973 年那样的石油禁运,并将石油与政治分开。法利赫表示,沙特原油产量很快就会从目前的1,070 万桶/日增至1,100 万桶/日,并称其有增产至1,200 万桶/日的能力。法利赫表示,除了美国全面制裁伊朗外,如果还有其他国家的产量下滑,沙特就将需要动用所有的备用产能。
[采矿业] [2018-11-04]
生产方面, 1~9 月份,原煤产量25.9 亿吨,同比增长5.1%; 进口煤方面,1-9 月全国进口煤炭2.29 亿吨,同比增长11.8%,其中9 月份进口同比下降7.2%。预计四季度进口或同比将下降35.54%;运输方面,1-9 月铁路发运煤炭17.7 亿吨,同比增长9.8%;库存方面,受气候、运力提升等影响,8 月以来沿海6 大发电集团库存一直维持高位,从产地和电网煤炭库存来看,整体较为平稳。
[采矿业] [2018-11-01]
[采矿业] [2018-11-01]
[采矿业] [2018-10-31]