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  • 751.异质结设备行业:HJT产业化“助推器“,提效降本潜力可期-深度研究报告

    [专用设备制造业] [2020-11-01]

    PERC/PERC+的量产效率已经突破23%,或可进一步向23.5%靠近,但效率挖潜正逐步接近极限,降本需求料将驱动电池片向高效率技术迭代。HJT 作为平台型技术,提效潜力巨大,有望成为下一代主流技术,而设备则是解决当前HJT“效率提升”和“成本下降”两大产业化难题的核心关键之一。

  • 752.家用电器行业:9月冰洗出口分别同比+57%/+15%-9月产业在线冰洗数据点评

    [专用设备制造业] [2020-10-30]

    产业在线数据,2020 年 9 月冰洗出口均有出色表现,且内销需求恢复,带 动总销量小幅增长,其中冰箱总销量 YOY+27.9%(前值+22.0%)、洗衣机 总销量 YOY+7.6%(前值-2.7%)。中国为全球家电主要出口国,冰洗全球 出口份额均较高,目前海外疫情影响再次凸显,海外家电制造产业链面临复 工难挑战,出口订单或继续加速向中国市场集中,9 月冰箱、洗衣机出口分 别同比+57.1%(前值+44.4%)、+15.0%(前值-3.5%),Q4 出口有望继续 保持较好态势。而国内需求恢复常态,冰洗 Q4 内销或维持小幅增长。

  • 753.全球商业割草机市场-综合研究战略分析(2020-2025年)

    [电气机械和器材制造业,仪器仪表制造业,专用设备制造业] [2020-10-29]

    Lawn mowers have supported people in their landscaping duties over the last few generations. The lawn mower is a category of garden equipment that includes watermanagement equipment, trimmers & hedges, and hand tools. The global demand for various garden equipment, machinery, products, and tools, including accessories, was estimated at about $270 billion in 2019 and is expected to hit a value of $575 billion by 2026. Created in 1830 by Edwin Budding of England, the lawn mower was patented for the first time in the US in 1868. After World War II, lawn mowers gained prominence as families migrated to the suburbs and found themselves caring for larger yards. Cecil Pond developed the first ride-on lawn mower in 1956, and today, the latest trend is robotic lawn mowers. The lawn mower has developed over the years from a large, hard-to-maneuver tool into a complex family of equipment with various characteristics and different degrees of speed and cutting accuracy. The technology has changed the design of homes, parks, and fields worldwide. Manicured lawns were no longer confined to the aristocrats' estates-with the easy and inexpensive cutting devices; most middle-class homeowners were able to keep safe and desirable lawns to enhance their properties. In the 1870s, lawn mowers had become so easy to use and priced fairly, that they became more popular in American landscapes.

  • 754.全球协作机器人市场分析与预测(2020-2025年)

    [计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,专用设备制造业] [2020-10-29]

    The collaborative robots or cobots are the ones that work with human collaboration in a shared workplace, which is quite opposite to the industrial robots that work in a controlled environment and perform a set of predefined instructions with negligible human intervention. Based on human collaboration with the robot, there are four levels of collaboration between human-industrial robots. These include coexistence, sequential, cooperation, and responsive collaboration.

  • 755.地铁盾构法施工常见风险及安全管理对策

    [交通运输、仓储和邮政业,专用设备制造业] [2020-10-28]

  • 756.混凝土湿喷机的发展新趋势

    [专用设备制造业] [2020-10-28]

  • 757.台铃新能源电动车产业园落户重庆达产后预计总产值110亿元

    [专用设备制造业] [2020-10-27]

  • 758.家用电器行业:9月空调出货整体平稳,零售端温和复苏

    [专用设备制造业] [2020-10-26]

    9 月空调出货整体平稳,内销基本持平,出口延续双位数增长。内销出货 666 万台(同比-0.2%),出口 354 万台(同比+16.5%)。单三季度来看,内销出货 +4.5%,外销出货+16.9%。国内疫情影响告一段落后,行业内销整体步入较为 平稳的态势。而海外疫情不确定性与物流费用的提升使得海外企业备货节奏提 前,推动出口增长的延续。分公司来看,格力 Q3 内销出货+2.6%,出口-2.3%; 美的 Q3 内外销依然实现了超越行业的强势增长,内销出货+18.4%,出口 +31.0%。全年累计来看,格力内销份额略有丢失,同比-0.6pct 至 34.0%;美的 内销份额同比大幅提升 6.3pct 至 32.5%。行业的内销集中度进一步提升。

  • 759.全球3D和4D军用雷达市场分析和预测(2020-2025年)

    [仪器仪表制造业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,专用设备制造业] [2020-10-26]

    The industry overview section of this report examines the different segments, such as technological trends, product map analysis, major ongoing radar programs, supply chain analysis, Porter’s five force analysis, patent analysis, and impact of COVID-19 analysis. This provides an in-depth analysis of the 3D & 4D radars concept, along with its ongoing trends. The key segments discussed in this chapter are as follows This chapter discusses the components of the 3D & 4D military radars. Most of the components are manufactured by original equipment manufacturers (OEM). Radars have various applications, but the core components are the same. The following figure depicts the seven major components used in radars.

  • 760.中国-高端装备行业 - “三新经济下我国制造业产业集群区域品牌培育路径研究

    [专用设备制造业] [2020-10-25]

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