[专用设备制造业] [2020-10-23]
纺织服装设备(包括纺机和缝纫机等)的需求自2018 年以来持续下行,而2020 年的新冠疫情也进一步压抑了行业需求。但从近期的行业月度降幅缩窄和行业的周期特点来看,我们认为行业需求有望迎来拐点。我们推出本篇深度,核心在于讨论本轮行业需求的空间。我们从大小客户的设备需求特点出发,认为设备的整体需求规模有望达到甚至超过2018 年的需求量。
[专用设备制造业] [2020-10-20]
[专用设备制造业] [2020-10-16]
今年4月2日,国家发展改革委印发光伏项目电价政策:自6月1日起,I-III类资源区新增集 中式光伏电站指导价分别为0.35、0.4、0.49元/kWh(含税),工商业分布式补贴0.05元 /kWh,户用分布式补贴0.08/kWh元。今年竞价项目加权平均度电补贴约0.033元/kWh,同 比去年0.065元/kWh大幅下降,目前我国光伏发电接近平价,部分地区已低于传统电价。
[公共管理、社会保障和社会组织,医药制造业,专用设备制造业] [2020-10-14]
[医药制造业,专用设备制造业] [2020-10-14]
[信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,专用设备制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2020-10-12]
[专用设备制造业] [2020-10-10]
上周(9月21日-9月25日)上证综指下跌3.56%、申万家用电器指数下 跌2.42%,家用电器指数跑赢上证综指1.13pct。家用电器行业子板块 普跌,涨跌幅前3名分别为:空调-1.19%、家电零部件-3.92%、其他视 听器材-4.16%。
[专用设备制造业] [2020-10-10]
全球市值 Top4 家电企业中,A 股白电龙头较日本大金空调估值折价显著。海 信家电和格力电器的净现金价值十分突出。
[电气机械和器材制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,专用设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2020-10-05]
The robotic process automation (RPA) market is expected to grow, owing to increasing focus and adoption of a digital workforce, and rising functional benefits of RPA solutions for business process automation across various end-user industries. The adoption rate of RPA in enterprises that face challenges and inefficiencies with the legacy systems is on the rise. The benefits offered by the SPA not only increase the organization's productivity but also enables them to focus on their core business activities. For instance, according to Unit 4, office workers spend 69 days a year on administrative tasks that are repetitive; this costs companies USD 5 trillion a year. According to a study by RPA vendor UiPath, over 90% of organizations are already using technology to automate business processes, and 88% believe that automation will accelerate human achievement and is effective when it complements humans. Customer relationship management, sales and delivery process, human resource process, and invoice management are some of the major areas of applications of the market studied, targeted by vendors for their products.
[仪器仪表制造业,专用设备制造业,电气机械和器材制造业] [2020-10-04]
The market studied is being driven by factors, such as an increase in the R&D funding, along with the increasing healthcare expenditure, and technological advancements, in the laser capture microdissection (LCM). According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the total R&D expenditure in the United Kingdom is increasing rapidly. During 2016, it was around GBP 33.2 billion, which increased in 2017 and reached around GBP 34.8 billion. Similarly, in the United States, the investment done on medical R&D was USD 39.5 billion, in 2017. This indicated that high investment was done on healthcare in the major countries. As the government and other organizations are investing more into research and development activities related to healthcare, the demand for laser capture microdissection is also expected to propel. Trends are showing a return to growth, with only minor caution, across most areas of R&D spending. The increase in R&D investment in Asia, particularly India, and the consecutive annual growth in R&D spending in the country, indicate a period of stability, security, and healthy competition across the industrial sectors.