[化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-05-30]
全球制冷剂的发展趋势为降低其臭氧空洞和温室效应,各协约国相继签署了《蒙特利尔协议书》、《基加利修正案》履行条例。政策驱动下,全球制冷剂逐步从第一代发展为第四代。发达国家已经完成了对二代制冷剂的削减,正持续削减三代制冷剂。我国属发展中国家,正持续削减二代制冷剂,并于 2024 年正式冻结三代制冷剂生产配额,未来全球发展趋势将是向低 GWP值的四代制冷剂发展,本篇文章主要针对四代制冷剂(包括氢氟烯烃(HFOs)、以及碳氢类等)行业情况进行梳理和展望。
[化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-05-30]
尼龙行业概况:尼龙是所有聚酰胺材料的总称,经过多年的发展,尼龙系列的品种不断增多。不同尼龙品在性能上各有差异,其应用领域也有所区别。由于尼龙材料具有丰富的品种和优异的综合性能,其应用范围遍布服装领域、日用品制造、汽车运输领域、电子电气等领域。目前各尼龙产品中,占主导地位的是 PA6 和 PA66,其他的尼龙产品被称为特种尼龙。
[化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-05-30]
5 月 17 日,全国切实做好保交房工作视频会议在北京召开,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理何立峰在会议上强调,继续坚持因城施策,打好商品住房烂尾风险处置攻坚战,扎实推进保交房、消化存量商品房等重点工作。同日,央行推出四项政策措施:1)设立 3000 亿元保障性住房再贷款,支持地方国资收购已建成未出售商品房;2)降低全国层面个人住房贷款最低首付比例;3)取消全国层面个人住房贷款利率政策下限;4)下调各期限品种住房公积金贷款利率 0.25 个百分点。
[化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-05-30]
氨基酸是构建蛋白质的基础物质,23 年全球需求超千万吨。我们认为,中长期:①粮食安全背景下,氨基酸替代豆粕需求有望持续增长;②合成生物技术助力小品种氨基酸成本下降和需求扩张;③未来转基因玉米推广或助力氨基酸成本下降,推升氨基酸替代豆粕性价比。短中期:①赖/苏/蛋氨酸等大品种竞争格局优化,支撑产品盈利中枢;②伴随下游养殖领域存栏持续去化,未来猪价有望回升带动存栏恢复,助力氨基酸需求;③当前豆价低位或 抑制植利润,叠加天气等扰动,未来豆粕价格存回升预期助力氨基酸提价;④赖/苏氨酸出口占比高,海外需求亦有支撑。推荐梅花生物/华恒生物。
[化学纤维制造业,化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-05-30]
Adhesive is a substance particularly used to bond two surfaces together. Adhesives have strong shear and tensile strength, making them viable bonding materials for high-pressure situations. There are two general types of adhesives i.e. structural and non-structural. Sealants are paste-like substances that block the flow of fluids through a surface, gap or joint by filling all the spaces between two separate substrates. Sealants usually consists of elastomer, which gives them a paste-like consistency. Examples of sealants can be acrylic systems, silicones, and urethane. Adhesives and sealants are applicable for bonding a wide range of materials, including plastics, metals, ceramics, and composites. Adhesives and sealants are highly preferred in packaging, construction, and automotive industry.
[化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-05-30]
Dimethyl ether is sourced from different resources such as natural gas, coal, and bio-based products. The expanding research for dimethyl ether as an alternative fuel option will likely create lucrative opportunities for the market during the forecast period. After the easing of lockdowns, the LPG fuel blending industry picked up, and the demand has risen globally. Global countries such as China, India, South Africa, Brazil, and Germany are aggressively shifting to use dimethyl ether as an alternate fuel, as these countries are highly dependent on imports to fulfill their local LPG demand. The growing demand for the LPG blending application is expected to propel the market's growth. However, the heightened costs of changing the current infrastructure to use dimethyl ether may restrain market growth. Thus, the demand for alternative fuel options such as dimethyl ether-based products in LPG blending industries is offering immense growth potential to the dimethyl ether market over the forecast period.
[化学原料和化学制品制造业,化学纤维制造业] [2024-05-29]
Adhesive is a substance particularly used to bond two surfaces together. Adhesives have strong shear and tensile strength, making them viable bonding materials for high-pressure situations. There are two general types of adhesives i.e. structural and non-structural. Sealants are paste-like substances that block the flow of fluids through a surface, gap or joint by filling all the spaces between two separate substrates. Sealants usually consists of elastomer, which gives them a paste-like consistency. Examples of sealants can be acrylic systems, silicones, and urethane. Adhesives and sealants are applicable for bonding a wide range of materials, including plastics, metals, ceramics, and composites. Adhesives and sealants are highly preferred in packaging, construction, and automotive industry.
[建筑业,有色金属冶炼和压延加工业,批发和零售业,化学原料和化学制品制造业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业,黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业,石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业] [2024-05-27]
[化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-05-27]
辉柏赫德国子公司因过度负债申请破产,国产高性能有机颜料龙头将受益。2024 年 4 月 22 日,辉柏赫官网发布消息表示其德国子公司(Heubach GmbH)向德国布伦瑞克的主管破产法院提交了对其资产启动常规破产程序的申请。根据公司官网消息,由于过去两年金融市场的快速变化,公司面临着过度负债的问题,同时遭受了与所有股东和贷款方进行财务重组尝试的失败。因此,我们认为辉柏赫德国子公司的过度负债为其申请破产的主要原因之一。辉柏赫生产的高性能有机颜料品种主要包括苯并咪唑酮、喹吖啶酮等。辉柏赫宣布申请破产,相关高性能有机颜料供给或将缩减,国内高性能有机颜料龙头有望持续受益。
[化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-05-27]
Dimethyl ether is sourced from different resources such as natural gas, coal, and bio-based products. The expanding research for dimethyl ether as an alternative fuel option will likely create lucrative opportunities for the market during the forecast period. After the easing of lockdowns, the LPG fuel blending industry picked up, and the demand has risen globally. Global countries such as China, India, South Africa, Brazil, and Germany are aggressively shifting to use dimethyl ether as an alternate fuel, as these countries are highly dependent on imports to fulfill their local LPG demand. The growing demand for the LPG blending application is expected to propel the market's growth. However, the heightened costs of changing the current infrastructure to use dimethyl ether may restrain market growth. Thus, the demand for alternative fuel options such as dimethyl ether-based products in LPG blending industries is offering immense growth potential to the dimethyl ether market over the forecast period.